Henry Guegan to Thomas Jefferson, 9 September 1820
From Henry Guegan
Baltimore, 9 Septembre, 1820.
Je n’ai reçu qu’aujourd’hui l’honneur de vos missives datées 27 Aout et 3 Septembre en vous répondant de suite, je m’empresse de reparer un retard causé par mon absence de Baltimore.
Conformément aux dispositions de votre honorée du 27, je vous adresserai:
Stephani Thesaurus linguae Groecae 5 vol. fol. vel. Bound.
je ne pensais pas qu’un de mes catalogues Grecs et Latins vous parviendrait sans que l’erreur typographique de 28 D. au lieu de 38 ne fut relevée le prix de cet ouvrage étant de 300 francs à Paris je ne puis sans trop grande perte le placer à moins de—$38 c’est-à dire presqu’au deux tiers de sa valeur. je vous l’expedierai persuadé que le mérite de ce livre fera qu’il vous conviendra encore à ce prix.
Vous recevrez également,
Vossius Etymologicon Linguæ Latinæ fo Bound | 4 |
Longinus in Greek, with the English translation, printed in Baltimore. 1810. price | 1 50 |
je n’ai plus à ma disposition Persoon synopsis plantarum et Xenophon Edition de Leipsic complète en 5 vol. in—18, sans notes, ni version latine, mais je ne tarderai pas à recevoir de nouveau ces deux ouvrages.
Je prendrai la liberté de joindre à l’envoi un catalogue des livres Grecs et latins les plus rares (avec prix) imprimés en Allemagne et en france et qui se trouvent à la librairie de paris avec laquelle je Suis en relation directe; j’y joindrai aussi, une liste complette des classiques qui forment ma collection actuelle.
quant au paiement, il se fera à votre plaisir après la reception et la vérification des livres, qui non seulement devront vous arriver en Bon état, mais encore être conformes à ceux Stipulés dans votre demande.
Voici les titres exacts demandés par votre lettre du 1er Septembre pour vous fixer sur les Editions Patres Græci, Patres Latini.
Patrum sanctorum Grœcorum Opera polemica; A. Justini, (S.) Clementis Alexandrini (S.) Origenis; ad Edition. Parisiensis. recusa, grœce et latine; ed. Oberthür. Wirceburg. 1777— —1794. 21 vol. in 8o 45 D./
Patrum (ss.) Latinorum Opera omnia; ed. Oberthür. Wirceburg. 1780. 13 vol. in 8o 28 D./
Cette collection renferme:
Q. Septimii florentis Tertulliani opera omnia | 2 vol. |
S. Cœcilii Cypriani Opera omnia (acced. varia variorum opera) M. minucii felicis Octavius | 2.— |
Arnobii Afri adversus Gentes libri VII; et Julii firmicii materni de Errore profanarum Religionum libellus. | 1.— |
Lucii Cæcilii firmiani Lactantii Opera omnia | 2.— |
S. Hilarii Opera omnia | 4.— |
S. Optati Afri de Schismate Donatistarum1 libri VII et alia huc pertinentia vetera monumenta. | 2.— |
13. |
Les deux ouvrages Mentionnés ci-dessus sont Brochés une reliure Soignée couterait ici 50 cents par Volume
N’ayant pas encore assez l’habitude d’Ecrire en Anglais, J’ose compter, Monsieur, Sur votre indulgence pour me pardonner d’avoir employé la langue de mon Pays, avec la certitude qu’elle vous est familière.
J’ai l’honneur d’Etre avec le plus profond respect,
Henry Guegan
Editors’ Translation
Baltimore, 9 September, 1820.
I have only today had the honor of receiving your letters dated 27 August and 3 September. I hasten to make up for the delay caused by my absence from Baltimore by replying to you at once.
In accordance with the provisions of your honored letter of the 27th, I will send you:
Stephani Thesaurus Linguae Graecae 5 vol. fol. vel. Bound.
I did not think that one of my Greek and Latin catalogues would reach you before the typographical error of $28, instead of $38, was corrected. As this book costs 300 francs in Paris, I cannot, without suffering too great a loss, sell it for less than $38, which is hardly two-thirds of its value. Convinced that this book’s merit will make it agreeable to you even at this price, I will send it to you.
You will also receive,
Vossius Etymologicon Linguæ Latinæ fo Bound | 4 |
Longinus in Greek, with the English translation, printed in Baltimore. 1810. price | 1.50 |
I no longer have at my disposal Persoon Synopsis Plantarum or Xenophon, either the complete 5-volume Leipzig edition in 18mo, without notes, or the Latin version, but before long I will receive these two works again.
I will take the liberty of adding to the package a catalogue of the rarest Greek and Latin books (including prices) printed in Germany and France that are to be found in the Paris bookstore with which I am in direct contact. I will also enclose a complete list of the classical works making up my current collection.
Regarding payment, you may do so at your pleasure after receiving and looking over the books, which should reach you not only in good condition, but also matching the ones stipulated in your order.
Here are the exact titles of the editions of the Patres Græci and Patres Latini requested in your letter of 1 September.
Patrum Sanctorum Græcorum Opera Polemica; A. Justini, (S.) Clementis Alexandrini (S.) Origenis; ad Edition. Parisiensis. Recusa, Græce et Latine; ed. Oberthür. Wirceburg. 1777— —1794. 21 vol. in 8o 45 D./
Patrum (ss.) Latinorum Opera Omnia; ed. Oberthür. Wirceburg. 1780. 13 vol. in 8o 28 D./
This collection includes:
Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Opera Omnia | 2 vol. |
S. Cæcilii Cypriani Opera Omnia (acced. varia variorum opera) M. minucii Felicis Octavius | 2.— |
Arnobii Afri Adversus Gentes Libri VII; and Julii Firmicii Materni de Errore Profanarum Religionum Libellus. | 1.— |
Lucii Cæcilii Firmiani Lactantii Opera Omnia | 2.— |
S. Hilarii Opera Omnia | 4. |
S. Optati Afri de Schismate Donatistarum libri VII et alia huc pertinentia vetera monumenta. | 2.— |
13. |
The two works mentioned above are stitched in paper. A good binding here would cost fifty cents per volume
Not yet having acquired the habit of writing in English, I dare to rely on your indulgence, Sir, to forgive me for having used the language of my country, with the certainty of your familiarity with it.
I have the honor to be with the most profound respect,
Henry Guegan
RC (MHi); addressed: “His Excellency Th,, Jefferson Monticello”; franked; inconsistently postmarked Baltimore, 8 Sept.; endorsed by TJ as received 24 Sept. 1820 and so recorded in SJL. Translation by Dr. Genevieve Moene.
TJ’s letter to Guegan of 3 septembre was actually dated 1 Sept. 1820.
vel.: vellum. For the patres græci and patres latini, see TJ to Guegan, 1 Sept. 1820, and note. acced. varia variorum opera: “with works by various individuals.” et alia huc pertinentia vetera monumenta: “and other old and related written memorials.”
1. Manuscript: “Donastitorum.”
Index Entries
- Adversus nationes (Arnobius the Elder) search
- Arnobius the Elder; Adversus nationes search
- books; classical search
- books; on botany search
- books; on criticism (literary) search
- botany; books on search
- Christianity; works on search
- Clement of Alexandria, Saint search
- criticism (literary); books on search
- Cyprian, Saint search
- De errore profanarum religionum (J. Firmicus Maternus) search
- Dionysius Longinus On the Sublime (“Longinus”; trans. W. Smith) search
- Estienne, Henri (Stepani; Stephani); editsΘησαυρὸς τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς Γλώσσης. Thesaurus Graecae Linguae search
- Felix, Marcus Minucius; Octavius search
- Firmicus Maternus, Julius; De errore profanarum religionum search
- French language; letters in, from; H. Guegan search
- Gerardi Joannis Vossii Etymologicon Linguæ Latinæ (G. J. Vos) search
- Greek language; thesauri search
- Greek language; works in search
- Guegan, Henry (Louis Henri Guégan); and books for TJ search
- Guegan, Henry (Louis Henri Guégan); letter from search
- Hilary of Poitiers, Saint search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; catalogues from booksellers search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
- Justin, Saint search
- Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus (early Christian author) search
- Latin language; and etymology search
- Latin language; works in search
- Oberthür, Franz; editsOpera Omnia Sanctorum Patrum Græcorum search
- Oberthür, Franz; editsOpera Omnia Sanctorum Patrum Latinorum search
- Octavius (M. M. Felix) search
- Opera Omnia Sanctorum Patrum Græcorum (ed. F. Oberthür) search
- Opera Omnia Sanctorum Patrum Latinorum (ed. F. Oberthür) search
- Optatus, Saint search
- Origen; writings of search
- Persoon, Christiaan Hendrik; Synopsis Plantarum, seu Enchiridium Botanicum search
- Smith, William (1711–87); translatesDionysius Longinus On the Sublime (“Longinus”) search
- Synopsis Plantarum, seu Enchiridium Botanicum (C. H. Persoon) search
- Tertullianus, Quintus Septimus Florens; writings of search
- Vos, Gerrit Jansz; Gerardi Joannis Vossii Etymologicon Linguæ Latinæ search
- Xenophon; works of search
- Θησαυρὸς τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς Γλώσσης. Thesaurus Graecae Linguae (ed. H. Estienne) search
- “Longinus” (Greek critic); Dionysius Longinus On the Sublime (trans. W. Smith) search