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Results 78751-78800 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Inclosed I send the Proceedings of a Brigade General Court Martial for your approbation. General...
I was this Morning favoured with your Excellency’s letter of the 1st. The fleet at the hook was...
I have your favr of the 31st Ulto inclosing Major Talbots Account of the capture of the schooner...
78754General Orders, 4 November 1778 (Washington Papers)
A General Court-Martial of the Line whereof Lieutt Coll Williams is appointed President to sit...
Last July I was Ordered By Brigr Genl Stark to the Command at this place; Ever since I have done...
By Order of Generall Woodford I have been in philadelphia and gott made up and procured for the...
Inclos’d Your Excellency will Receive an Account from Timothy Downing who Seems to be a very...
I had the honor of your Excellencys favor of the 29th Instant Nothing new in the Enemys movements...
78759General Orders, 5 November 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Pay-Masters of Regiments and Corps are to apply to the Pay-Master General immediately for the...
You will receive this by the Hands of my Son in Company with Capt. Frye Bayley who was one of the...
The Bearer Capt. Frye Bayley, with his Two Lieuts. who were Ordered by the Honorable Major Genl...
Congress having determined to remove the Troops of the Convention from the neighbourhood of...
I last evening recd the inclosed letter and depositions from Congress, from which it appears that...
I shall be exceedingly obliged to you for information, either from your own knowledge or that of...
I have the honor to transmit your Excellency an Extract of a letter from Major General Lord...
Inclosed I transmit you an Extract from a Letter just received from Lord Stirling, advising that...
last Night Leeutt Smith and Two other Officers returned from Long Iland by whom I have received...
Painter was not consider’d by us as a feild Officer—We However Submitt to your Excellencys...
I have yours of yesterdays date, with its several inclosures to acknowlege; and those of the 2d...
I have just recd advice from Lord Stirling that a fleet of 108 sail left the Hook on the morning...
I have recd advices from Minisink which indicate an apprehension of another visit from the...
Should you in consequence of your application to the Board of War and Committee of Arrangement be...
78773General Orders, 6 November 1778 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . GW’s expenses for this day included 16s. “To cash paid Servant for...
I am honored with the Receipt of your Letters of Yesterday with their Inclosures. I will make it...
I am led to beleive by a letter from Major Genl Phillips, that he may not, in consequence of the...
I have your favor of the 30th ulto by Captain Master, who waits in this Neighbourhood until he...
I have the honor of returning your Excellency’s last letter to Count d’Estaing: I should have...
On Wednesday Evening I received your Excellency’s favors of the 30th ulto & 1st Inst. with their...
Since my last Letter under the 1st Instant I have had the honor of presenting to Congress Your...
I was favoured with your letter of the 29th Ulto by Captn Masters. The several packets which he...
I have the honour to send you my Passports by Mr Gerard. I did wish to do it my self; but the...
Your Excellencys favour of Yesterdays date Came to hand with Sundre letters late last night. the...
A small Touch of the Rheumatism in my right Hand and Shoulder prevents my writing to your...
78784General Orders, 7 November 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a Brigade General Court Martial held at Camp near Hartford by order of Brigadier General Poor...
I thank your Excellency for the Letter you caused to be Sent to me Some time ago. As it came from...
About two Weeks hence the Commissioners will be ready (as they have informed me) to send off the...
I had the Honor to receive Your Excellency’s Letter of the 1st Instant, with the intelligence...
I have been honored with yours of the 29th Ulto inclosing a Resolve of the Honorable Congress of...
I was lately presented with a Petition from a considerable Number of the well-affected in the...
I recd your letter of the 3d instant, inclosing the court martial proceedings in the case of...
You will immediately proceed to Harford, and take the command of Poors—Pattersons and Learneds...
As the New York Brigade is Reduced to two Regiments, Only; & that, the Officers & Privates of the...
I have your favr of yesterday. I had not the least conception that Colo. Gist’s Comm[issio]n was...
The inclosd letter is from the Gentleman that I place so much Confidence in. Your Excellency will...
I have to acknowledge your favors of the 31st Ulto the 1st 3d & 4th Inst. with their several...
I this Day have seen a Person from New-York who has had an Opportunity of being in a Variety of...
I am honored by yours of the 28th. I had, previous to the receipt of it, determined upon such a...
78798General Orders, 8 November 1778 (Washington Papers)
The order of the 2nd instant directing a delivery of the serviceable old Coats Jackets and...
You are hereby appointed to superintend the removal of the convention troops from the State of...
I am informed by Gen. Scott that some boatsmen belonging to your brigade who were imployed by Lt...