George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Charles Carter of Ludlow, 23 February 1795

From Charles Carter of Ludlow

Fredbg [Va.] Febry 23d 1795

My Dr Sr

My Son W. R. Carter, has commenced his business, as a Coach maker, at the shop of Mr Jo. Fernehough for which, he gave him, the sum of 1400£ 1000£ of which he paid at Xmas 94.1 the expence of carrying on such a number of Carriages, as are now on hand, and the imposability of selling slaves, for ready money, has greatly embarrassed him, in the Article of mounting, & Trimming. he has to be finishd in three months 2 Elegant Chariots 3 Cochees 4 market or stage Waggons and a number of chairs. he has applied to general Money holders here but Speculation, & exorbitant premiums absord all the Cash, as some are so imprudent to come up to their usurious terms. now if my Dr Frind coud assist him untill October when the money shoud be most punctually replaced and to secure payment such part of his property given as shall be required; his houses & Lotts were valued, at 1400; and he owes four of that; add to this his Slaves, amounting to 35 prime Negroes of which, 6, are Workme⟨n⟩ if it shoud be in your power youl please to impower him after giving the propper surety to Majr Geo. Lewis or Mr Chs Carter Son of Ned2 to draw on some person for 1000 Dollars. I have no person to whom I coud apply with hope of relieving his immediate want as yourself but be assured if not I shall impute it to the true cause. I am with sincerity yr Affe. friend & Most Obt

Chs Carter

This trifling sum will establish him in his business.


1John Ferneyhough (d. 1815), a Fredericksburg coachmaker who was a city councilman in 1792 and 1793, had been a witness to Mary Ball Washington’s will.

2Charles Carter (1765–1829) was the son of Edward Carter (1733–1792) of Blenheim, a planter who represented Albemarle County in the Virginia House of Burgesses, 1766–68, and the Virginia House of Delegates, 1783–85 and 1787–88.

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