George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Patrick Henry, 23 November 1778

To Patrick Henry

Head Quarters Fredericksbg [N.Y.] 23d Novr 1778

Dear Sir

I have been hond with yours of the 23d October inclosing an extract of an Act of the State of Virginia for recruiting the Continental Army:1 The Bounties and other encouragements offered by this Act are so liberal that I think if Men can not be induced to inlist on such terms, it will be in vain to think of offering any thing higher—I have transmitted a Copy to each of the Officers commanding the three Virginia Brigades,2 but have not yet heard whether it has had any influence upon the Men.

I have upwards of twenty thousand dollars in my hands belonging to the state, the Balance of Money which was deposited last Spring to pay such as would reinlist upon a Bounty of twenty dollars. I shall apply that money, as far as it will go, to the payment of the Bounties offered by the late Act, should I be called upon by the Officers. should that be expended I will call upon Mr Morse, Agent to the state,3 as you direct, and I shall be very happy should the success of recruiting be such as to oblige me to draw upon your Delegates in Congress for a further Sum. I am &c.

Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1This letter has not been found.

2See GW to Daniel Morgan, 12 Nov.; no other letters from GW forwarding a copy of the Virginia recruiting act have been found.

3GW is referring to John Moss.

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