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Results 78721-78770 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Pardon my dear Sir, my late acknowledgment of the receipt of your favor covering Mr. Robertson’s...
In Consequence of William Godfrey, Henry Whiting, John Livingston, Richard Lee, and John Cook,...
I have no apology for the liberty I am about taking, except that it may enable you to render...
Private Dear Sir [Philadelphia] Decr 31st 1792 I do not recollect perfectly what your sentiments...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter in answer to my communication by Mr le...
Joseph Hurst , an old offender, was taken up Last night by Capn. McAdam who Commands a Troop of...
Education, which you brought into View in one of your Letters ; is a Subject So vast, and the...
I had the Honor of receiving the Presidents favr. of the 12th. acknowledging recpt. of the...
I am much obliged to you for your kind attention in sending M r Crowninshield s letter — Mann...
It gives me much pleasure to inform you that I have this moment received a letter from M r Wagner...
I had the pleasure of receiving your esteemed favor of the 19th. inst: by the mail of to day....
+ they must have been sensible , that alth’o the right of deposit was of little value to the U.S....
The State of Virginia which was foremost in her contest for Liberty appear to be the last to...
An apology may perhaps be thought necessary for one who, being a stranger to you probably even in...
A young gentleman of S t Mary’s county , in the state of Maryland , M r William Edelin , being...
Your Servant arrived at my house this morning and handed Me your letter of the 25 th August .— I...
Nous prenons la liberté de nous référer à la Copie cy dessus de nôtre lettre du 25 may 1793. a la...
I have the Honor to enclose herewith Some Resolutions adopted by the French Inhabitants of this...
Agreeable to your request I will attend with M r Dawson at Shadwell tomorrow morning at ten...
The only Apology I have to offer for presuming to trouble your Excellency with the inclosd, is my...
I wrote you some time in December last, from Richmond, but am informed by Mrs. Randolph that the...
Mr Jefferson will please say, whether he wishes the plates of Nicholson’s Encyclopedia to be...
I had the honor to address you in February last , in behalf of a number of Gentlemen, on the...
I enclose for your signature the Proclamation for the sales at Vincennes, the lands being now...
The Bearer Mr. Polk is a Portrait Painter & a kinsman of Mr. Peale of Philada. He visits...
As I know that you feel considerable interest on every subject relating to the University of...
Nous croirions Vous Manquer, Mr. Claviere et moi, et trahir la cause de L’humanité, si, formant...
This letter, My dear Sir, Will Be delivered By M. de la Tagnerette a Gentleman Well Acquainted...
I am pleased that I can announce to you what I esteem an important improvement of the machinery...
We are about to commence the brick work of the Stables, the situation for thre eastern range...
I have the honour to enclose a letter from the Commissioner of the revenue informing me of the...
Having lived trough the American Revolution my political opinions were formed during that period...
I take the liberty of putting the inclosed into your hands that in case Col: Lee should have left...
It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of Your favor of the ult. w ich from some...
I wrote you on the morning 10 th Ins t that and on the same Evening about 3 oClock: there was...
I have to day seen Mr Craven respecting his Cleareing the land opposite my house he says he dont...
Your favor of the (no date) has been duly rec d & the 12 Boxes Tin ord d , shall go by first...
Your letter of the 13 th and postscript of the 16 th inst: were received this morning.— M r...
I take the liberty of introducing to your acquaintance William Cooch Esq. a very reputable &...
amidst the extensive multitude who have publickly declared their Joy, in your being elected to...
Your favor of the 26. of May did not reach me till lately, owing as I presume to its having been...
I have received from our old Acquaintance D’Ivernois the inclosed volume for you in the course of...
This letter is borne by Serjeant Sydnor whom I must request you will aid in his suit to the...
Late dispatches from General Greene and various Letters from Officers in Carolinia entreats the...
I received from the hands of M r John Smith the letter of recommendation You wrote me in his...
Thomas Jefferson Esq r To Bradford & Inskeep dr For 10 Lewis & Clarkes trave l s bds @ 6.00—...
Ayant Compris par Ce qué Vous m’avez fait l’honneur de me dire Ce matin, qué Vous ne Consideriez...
My line of law reading has for twenty Years past been confined to civil cases arising in the...
Mrs Smith presents her Compliments to Mr Jefferson and is very sorry to trouble him again upon...
I take the liberty to present to you Mr. C Chew of New York, who informs me that he has some...