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Results 78721-78770 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Understanding that Mr William Winder of the State of Maryland has been mentioned as a character...
I nominate the following persons to fill the offices respectively annexed to their names. Joseph...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to transmit to the President of the United States a...
I take the Liberty of communicating to your Lordship informally Extracts from two Letters viz t ....
The Committee of the Whole took up the report of a select committee recommending that the federal...
The inclosed letter to mr Madison covers two to the President & secretary of state, which were...
(a) Bertrand } mathematics, inferior to none but La Grange.    L’Huillier MS ( DLC : TJ Papers,...
Probably this will find you very happy with your Lady & family, to whom the residents at 198...
In your retreat from the Office of Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, it can be of...
The great figure our Allies the French Nation are like to make in Europe, ought to arouse the...
My Son W. R. Carter, has commenced his business, as a Coach maker, at the shop of Mr Jo....
You were formerly deliberating on the purpose to which you should apply the shares in the...
I have been duly honored with your respected favor of the 18th instant, and feel very grateful...
In Conformity to my Letter to you of the day of last at the meeting of the Legislature I laid...
Inclosed is the explanation from the offices concerning Mr. L’s claim. The Treaty made by Mr. Jay...
I inclose two letters to the President & Secretary of state open for your perusal &...
I inclose two letters to the President and Secretary of state open for your perusal and...
I have received from a Mr. D’Ivernois, a Genevan now in London (author of the history of Geneva I...
You were formerly deliberating on the purpose to which you should apply the shares in the...
Messrs. Wheelen & Miller & Co. not having sent me the papers relative to the part of Patterson’s...
Your letter of the 17th Ult. came duly to hand—but the pressure of business in which I am always...
Your letter of the 15th instt and the reports, have come to hand as usual. I was affraid the open...
I Receved your letter of the 15th Inst. Since I wrote to you Respecting Mr Washingtons Intention...
I was a fiew days ago at Ge: Town, when I was informed by Mr Carroll of his intention to send in...
Mr. Ross has just offered me Twenty shares in the James River Company at Eighteen shillings ⅌...
I did not get my thursday Letters till fryday Eve when as you may well suppose I was greatly...
The unnecessary capricious & abominable assassination of the National honor by the rejection of...
The Columbianum or National College for the encouragement of Painting, sculpture, Architecture,...
Your favor of the 7th instt came to my hands yesterday. And this letter will inform you that, as...
I have recieved with great pleasure your favor of Jan. 8 . informing me of your return to...
On the 13th Instant I presented a Complaint against Joseph Howell accountant of the United...
Your last letter, with its accompaniment, came safe to my hands on tuesday last. Enclosed you...
General Knox has handed me the inclosed communications from General Wilkinson, deeming them...
Mr Jay presents his best Compliments and returns his many thanks for the Print of Lord Amherst...
In consequence of the great attention requird, by the Trust reposd in me, & my precarious State...
On the 5 th . of this month I had the Honor of writing to you a Letter in answer to yours of the...
I have never lost sight of the present of your Spanish sheep , nor lessened in my conviction of...
James arrived yesterday with your favor of the 14th. the book, and the Cole seed. Your clover...
Your favor of the 17th. is duly received, with the turneps and rape. There is quite enough of...
Notes on Pot and Pearlash. a man will cut and burn 2 ½ cords of wood a day. a cord of wood yeilds...
Your favor of Dec. 27. came to my hands only yesterday. I had before received one from Mr. Banks...
To Tench Coxe Dr. (in accot. for the Investment of half of ten thousand Dollars in Lands) To part...
Mr. T. Coxe presents his Comps. to Mr. Hamilton and incloses to him the account of the purchase...
[ Philadelphia ] February 18 [ 1795 ]. “Begin your legal Career at New York by obliging an old...
Every moment’s reflection increases my chagrin and disgust at the failure of the propositions...
Your Letter of the 20th of January relates to one of the most engaging subjects with which the...
Your letter of the 13th instt came to me yesterday. previous to which your other letters of the...
I am sorry to find by your letter of the 29th Ult. wch I recd yesterday by Mr Turberville that my...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to submit to The President of the United...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor of transmitting to the President, of the U....