7861Bidé de Chavagnes to John Adams: A Translation, 10 December 1781 (Adams Papers)
The interest I take in you and your health, as well as that of your dear family, is too sincere and constant to keep me from writing to you and to ask you for any news. Also, I would like to reiterate my sentiments of at tachment that you, yours, and your compatriots have inspired in me. I wrote you at Paris a while ago, but you apparently did not receive my letter, which expressed just how...
7862To John Adams from Seth Harding, 4 September 1798 (Adams Papers)
I take this oppertunity to Enclose to youre Exelencey a Number of Certificates for your purrusal Sir when I did my self the Honor to wate on your Excelencey at Philadelphia and presented my Self as a Candidate—to Command—one of the Continentel Ships—you was pleased to Receive me with that agreable polateness—I Expected—But when I caled On you the Last time—I was grately mortefied—and Deapley...
7863To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 3 November 1804 (Adams Papers)
I wrote you a few lines from New-York, enclosing a copy of Commodore Morris’s Defence, for Mr: Shaw—The day after which I left that City and came on multum jactatus mare et terris—to Philadelphia in the Land Stage, and thence to Baltimore by the way of Newcastle and Frenchtown; chiefly by water—a mode of conveyance to me much more agreeable than that of a Stage Coach over the chaotic roads on...
7864To John Adams from Edmund Jenings, 7 August 1780 (Adams Papers)
Having receivd a Letter from Nantes, datd the 29th Ultimo, I followed your Excellency to Antwerp to impart the Contents thereof, but on my Arrival there on Friday, I found you had quitted the Town early in the morning. I was much baulked that I was deprived of a few hours conversation; but shoud have followed your Excellency to Rotterdam, had I not been Apprehensive that the same dispatch with...
7865To John Adams from Pseudonym: "A Uniform Federalist", 10 May 1799 (Adams Papers)
While I solicit an excuse for this address, I think it necessary to inform you, that I am one of those, who (altho concern’d with you, in endeavouring to establish a free, firm and energetick Government ever since the year 1774, yet since there are Patriots without number, who now are ready on every hand to serve the public) I have in some measure drawn behind the scene, in the back ground,...
7866To John Adams from Francis Dana, 10 May 1782 (Adams Papers)
I cannot suffer this post to go off without conveying to you my most hearty congratulations for the great event, of the States General acknowledging our Independence, and upon the famous anniversary of the conception day of our Empire. Your patriotism, your zeal, and your inflexible perseverance, will now have their reward when you see the great end of your Mission so happily executed. Never...
7867To John Adams from William Cunningham, 30 July 1798 (Adams Papers)
Recllecting in my youthfull days to have freequently smoak’d what was than Call’d a thanksgiving pipe with you, and beleving at this time that you have some remenbrance of me. I am Enclined to address you. The people in this Town & Vicinity from various Causes, have been warmly attachd to the french. The publication of the memorial of our Envoy Extraordinary to geather with the requisition for...
7868Edmé Jacques Genet to John Adams: A Translation, 29 April 1780 (Adams Papers)
I have the honor to send Mr. Adams a reliable account of the fleet which left Brest at the same time that Walsingham was informed that the French squadron would appear at the entrance of the Channel and, in total panic, returned to Plymouth, despite having a favorable wind to continue his voyage. It should be amusing to see these details in the British newspapers, particularly if presented as...
7869From Johnson Hellen to John Adams, 20 February 1823 (Adams Papers)
Not having read the novel I am unable to Judge of the merits of the review. He seems to think this novelist an honor to the country; and asserts it as a singular fact, that all the characters are the copies of originals and executed with such accuracy, that the inhabitants of the village, which is the scene of the story, recognised upon perusal their associates in fiction. How did you get to...
7870To John Adams from Samuel H. McFetrich, 28 June 1799 (Adams Papers)
Permit sir, as a Son, of one who fought, and bled, for the federal revolution , to address You , as one that is a sincere friend , of yours ; and of the federal party. Sir , I find that since you have had the honer, to be the chief magistrate of the people; that you have acted in wisdom, and with impartiality; and you are worthy of filling that chair , as president. My wish, is to you , long...