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Results 7861-7910 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The perusal of your letter to Judge Tudor, published in a late number, of that valuable work,...
The Fate of Switzerland is an instructive lesson to america; the newspaper Reports of the ruin of...
Inclosed you have a printed Resolve which passed our Convention to the infinite joy of our...
The information that you Requested me to Furnish you with, relative to the best road from this to...
The House of Representatives agree to the amendments of the Senate on the bill, sent from the...
You will probably have seen in the publick prints, that an Association has been formed, to...
I have bought a Bill Drawn by the Hon ble M r Dana, on your Excellency for Three Hundred fifty...
Your desire that I would write every Opportunity is punctually observed by me, And I comply with...
Vous faisant des remercîmens très-sincères des la communication, que vous avez eu la bonté de...
After having cultivated the branches of our good will, and paved the way for a good understanding...
Decbr. 3 A Snow Storm—No visitors—In the evening a small party in consequence of the extreme...
I acknowledge as a benefit of the last importance, and of durable effect, the high approbation...
I wrote to You last March also in June, the former by Capt. McNeil who had the Misfortune to be...
By the death of Judge Willson there is a vacancy on the bench of the supreme court. Whether I may...
Your obliging letter of November 30. 1807. I had the pleasure of receiving, soon after its date,...
I have the honour of transmitting for your consideration, two Letters from James Simons Collector...
Your favor of Sepr. 20 from Amsterdam came safe to hand. The contents of it were of so important...
1700 Barrells Pork 50 Do: Beef 700 Basketts Wheat 7 Hhds. Rum 6 Do: Bread 11 Tierces Claret 3...
According to the intimation contained in one of the letters I have had the pleasure to write to...
As I was unwilling to be totally idle, I have employed some of the hours of leisure, which the...
The Death of my worthy Friend Gustavos Scott Esqr. has, I am informed, occasioned a vacancy in...
J’ai été charmé de recevoir enfin la nouvelle de votre heureuse arrivée.— Je com̃ence par vous...
I have duly received, by the hands of Mr Shaw, the letter which you did me the honor to write on...
Le plus grand bien qui soit en amitié est s’entr’escrire, ou se dire de bouche soit bien, soit...
We receive Notice of th’ Express, that a friend of his in Brussel, known by the Gouvernor...
I am obliged to you for your favor of the 25 th. Oct r. last & for the intelligence it contained...
I sent you, from Dedham, a copy of my Oration. Since my return home I have made diligent but...
We have before us your Excellency’s esteem’d favour of 23 past, we’ll enquire after the Seven...
Dans le tems où le Parti Républicain alloit triompher où son succès alloit être affermi sur la...
I had the honor of writing to you nearly 2 years ago & was favoured with your reply on the...
By this days mail I have no doubt you will be informed that Doctr Nicholas Way died yesterday,...
I have sent my Sleigh with Bear skins, & Furs, and as the day is fine and the sleighing never...
As the Revenue Act has past the House & it is probable may now be before the Senate, I will take...
I put on board a vessel which saild yesterday, the Books mentiond in the margin. I thought the...
Il y a longtems que j’aurai entamé le sujet important de l’admission des Etats-Unis de l’Amérique...
I had the honor to receive, in my absence in Maryland, your letter of the 10th. Ulto.—And being...
Col. Danl. Putnam knowing how anxiously I feel for the honor of his Father’s memory, (& my...
Not being favoured with an answer on our letter of 5 inst, we comprehend the receipt by your...
I have to acknowledge your Favors of the 14th and 15th Novr. and now Sir I think myself...
Mr. Parker furnishes me an opportunity of acknoleging the receipt of your favors of Nov. 10. Dec....
We have before us your Excellency’s esteem’d favour of 2 inst, we shall when M r Dumas furnishes...
Your Family were pretty well yesterday; also Mr. Cranches and mine; N Q has a bad cold. I have...
The enclosed should have been forwarded sooner; but by some accident was overlooked. No...
Mr Robinson Respectfully presents his Compliments to the Vice President with Information that he...
I take the liberty of sending to you herewith the copy of an Oration which I was unexpectedly...
I intended to have written to you some posts ago, But I found that a few of your things had been...
With all the respect which is due to your public station, and with the regard I entertain for...
I received some days since your kind favour containing the account of your occupations and...
I have the honour to request, that I may be permitted to resign the office of Secretary of the...
Your Man and Horse arrived the 22 day of this Month. The Horse and Man look pretty low in flesh....