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Results 7861-7870 of 184,431 sorted by author
The Morceau inclosed, is translated from a Pamphlet lately published in London, in which this Piece is inserted. It is curious in itself, but considering the time and Place when and where it was first published, it is a document of History, for it was a political Machine, which had great Effects. As Such I should be obliged to you, if you would insert it at length in the Politique Hollandais,...
Rough draft of the passport for British Ships. We, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and John Jay, three of the ministers plenipotentiary of the United States of America for making peace with Great Britain, to all captains or commanders of ships of war, privateers, or armed vessels belonging to the said states or to either of them, or to any of the citizens of the same, and to all others whom...
I have received the letter, you did me the honor to write me on the 13th of this month, & I pray you to accept my thanks for the very acceptable present of your oration, before the citizens of Burlington on the 22d of February, in commemoration of Gen Washington. I have read the oration with pleasure & the prayer with satisfaction. I rejoice that Eumenes undertook the office of orator on that...
Every line from you exhilarates my spirits and gives me a glow of pleasure—but your kind congratulations are a solid comfort to my heart. The good-natured and good-humoured acquiescence of the friends of all the candidates gives me a comfortable hope that your prediction may be fulfilled, that the ensuing administration will not be so difficult as in a former letter I had apprehended. Here we...
Paris, 11 April 1780. RC in John Thaxter’s hand ( PCC , No. 84, I, f. 447–450). printed : Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 3:610– 611. In this letter, received by Congress on 19 Feb. 1781, Adams listed twenty-five English counties and nine cities and towns that had, between...
I thank you for your favor of April 8th, and especially for the pamphlet inclosed with it. I have read it with great pleasure, as a masterly refutation of its antagonist, in the style and manner of a gentleman, and seasoned with no more than was useful and agreeable of attic salt. Happy am I to find such just sentiments countenanced, encouraged, and prevailing in the North-western Territory....
If I knew of any more endearing Title I should certainly give it. But this appears to me to express the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. It is at this Time a very still season for News. We are all Impatience to hear from America, having nothing certain since the 3d. July. My Son is well, and servant, and both behave well. The first is in high Reputation here.—Please to draw...
7868Oct. 24. Friday. (Adams Papers)
We are lodged at Dover, at the Royal Hotel Inn, kept by Charles Mariee. On the Backside of his house is one of the Dover Cliffs; it is an high Mountain, and at this Place is perpendicular, and there is an Appearance of Danger that the Rocks at Top, might split off by their own Weight, and dash to Pieces some of the small brick Houses at its Foot.—White Stone. I walked round with my Son to the...
I thank thee, for thy kind congratulations on my Health. There is no Man who wishes the return of my Son So much as myself. But whenever he returns it will puzzle him, as much as it did his Father, to know what to do with himself. It may also Somewhat perplex his Country: but She will give herself very little trouble about him. The American Accademy, has done honour to thee and to itself, by...
On Monday I rec d your favour of the 20 th Nothing will damp the Rage for Speculation but a Peace which may break a few hundreds or thousands of speculators. The Georgia Business is Impudence of uncommon hardness. The Rage of Party is there unrestrained by Policy or Delicacy. Our sons Account of shakespears Relicks Fenno has printed without Names. He must early learn to bear Mortifications. He...