Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Robert and Peter Bruce, 5 April 1791

To Robert and Peter Bruce

Philadelphia Apr. 5. 1791.


I now inclose you a bank post-note for sixty six dollars and a half, which makes up the rent of the whole year for the house I rented of you in New York, according to the statement below, for which I will ask the favor of a reciept in full. I am Gentlemen Your most obedt. humble servt.,

Th: Jefferson

Messrs. Robert and Peter Bruce to Th: Jefferson Dr.
 £  s  d
1790. Aug. 4. To cash. (New York currency) 27  7  3
Dec. 2. To do. 28  0   0
To assumpsit of new tenant 27  10  0
1791. Apr. 5. To 66½ doll. now inclosed 26  12  £  s  d
109 9 3
By rent of house from May 1. 1790. to May 1. 1791. 109 0 0

PrC (MHi).

TJ delivered the post note to Remsen and made the following entry in his Account Book on this date: “Note: it was put into an open letter from me to them.” The new tenants to whom TJ had sublet the house were Nova Scotia merchants, who at first had demurred but finally accepted TJ’s offer at half of the rental price. This would have amounted to £31–18–5½ but, owing to a miscalculation, TJ received only £27–10–0 (TJ to Remsen, 1 Oct. 1790). Even so, he characteristically overlooked the discrepancy and in the settlement paid a few shillings more than required.

Index Entries