78301Robert R. Livingston to the American Peace Commissioners, 31 May 1783 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; transcript: National Archives Congress were yesterday pleased to pass the enclosed Resolutions on the subject of the payment of British Debts— The language they speak requires no Comment— I complained in my last of your long Silence, or rather laid before you the Complaint of Congress. These I think receive...
78302To Alexander Hamilton from Christopher Richmond, 1 July 1794 (Hamilton Papers)
Baltimore, July 1, 1794. “Your Letter of the 23d Ultimo relative to advances made by this Office to the Marshall came to hand.… There has been no Advance made to Colo. Ramsay or any other person on Account of the Marshall of this District since the First of January last & all the Vouchers for payments before that time are with the Comptroller of the Treasury. Whenever Money is advanced to the...
78303From Alexander Hamilton to James McHenry, 2 October 1799 (Hamilton Papers)
Letter not found. ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
78304Enclosure III: Instructions to the Commissioners for Negotiating Treaties of Amity and Commerce, 7 May 1784 (Jefferson Papers)
Whereas instructions bearing date the 29th. day of October 1783 were sent to the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the United States of America at the Court of Versailles empowered to negotiate a peace, or to any one or more of them for concerting draughts or propositions for Treaties of Amity and Commerce with the Commercial Powers of Europe. Resolved That it will be advantageous to these United...
78305To Benjamin Franklin from William Kentisbear, 5 July 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Being now a Prisoner at this Place & on My Peroole of Honour, begs leave to address your Excellency on this present occasion, As Being a Subject to the United & Independent States of America, Sollicits your Honour to Use your interest & influence to Procure my Enlargement & Liberty As there being but two Unhappy Sufferers of Us natives of America puts Great...
78306Thomas Jefferson to James Oldham, 1 May 1817 (Jefferson Papers)
I have occasion for 100. feet of Mahogany to work up into commodes or chests of drawers, one half to be fine, the other half of second rate. your kindness heretofore in executing these little commissions for me encourages me to ask the favor of you to procure this for me. mr Gibson , on sight of this letter will be so kind as to pay the amount, and I will direct a boatman to call on you for...
78307To John Adams from Elkanah Watson, 19 July 1812 (Adams Papers)
In answer to your respected favr of the 15th Inst—permit ted me to Say—You are greatly mistaken—Altho’ the Spirit of party has cruelly exposed you, to the rancorous Venom of party Malignity—Your friends are consoled, with the full belief, that these angry wa t ers beat against you, as against a rock in the Midst of the Ocean—& that each Succeeding wave falls broken at your feet—they also Know...
78308From Thomas Jefferson to Edward Stevens, 19 July 1780 (Jefferson Papers)
I think it proper to inclose you a Paragraph from a late Act of Assembly putting the Militia with you under martial law. It is the only part of the Act which relates at all to the Militia, for which reason I do not send the whole Act, the Clearks being very busy. This Act having been made after the Militia went on duty may perhaps be thought by them to be in the nature of an ex post facto law;...
78309Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Ladd, 25 June 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
I recieved yesterday your notification in the suit of Gilliam v. Fleming that you should proceed to a settlement of the accounts on the 1 st of Aug. at your office. no person can be more anxious for a settlement than myself. for altho’ my interests being balanced on both sides, I have none at all in the result, yet having been for 30. odd years the depository of the papers, & more intimate...
78310To George Washington from Major General Israel Putnam, 2 September 1778 (Washington Papers)
as his Excelancy ginrol Washenton requsted that Each ginrol ofesor shuld transmit to him his opinyon in riteng what was beast to be don in this creticl tim whathor the army ought to move and which way I give it as my opinyon that it would not answor any good porposes to remove Estward as the Enimy have Sent such a reinforsment as is suposed to rodisland thay must have don what thay intended...
78311George Washington to the Board of General Officers, 29 September 1780 (Hamilton Papers)
Tappan [ New York ] September 29, 1780 . Informs board that it is to consider Major John André’s case and to decide his punishment. LS , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
78312C. W. F. Dumas to John Adams: A Translation, 30 March 1781 (Adams Papers)
I have received the honor of your letter of the 27th and am indebted to you for your obliging intentions which prompted you to write me. I have not been able to see anyone to find out what is going on because no one has been in and also because I have been indisposed for the past two days. I will go out this evening to try to learn something. If you go to Amsterdam, have the kindness, sir, to...
78313To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 24 July 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I received yesterday your’s of the 20th, and will attend to the dates of the several commissions. I have written to the Dept. of State in order that they should transmit to you for your signature commissions for the port of Massac, (vice Chribs the horse thief) and to fill the vacancies caused by the resignations of Foster & Goforth; also two commissions of inspector of the revenue (for...
78314To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Worthington, 15 October 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Since I last had the pleasure to write you Mr Baldwin has resigned the office of District attorney for this state—and Mr Creighton has returned home give me leave to name this last Gentleman as a person well qualified to fill the office—Mr Creighton was raised in the same county in Virginia from which I came, (Berkeley) and has lived at this place for more than six years, I have therefore had...
78315From John Adams to the President of Congress, 14 September 1783 (Adams Papers)
I beg Leave to introduce to your Civilities M r: Thaxter, who goes home with the definitive Treaty of Peace, and the original Treaty with Holland. M r: Thaxter will present you a Medal, a Present to Congress, from the Province of Friesland, he will also present another to your Excellency of which I beg your acceptance. These were sent as Presents to me and I have no more, otherwise I should...
78316To George Washington from Richard Varick, 21 February 1782 (Washington Papers)
In Compliance with Your Excellency’s Directions I have examined the Volumes of General orders & find them recorded to the 30th April 1780. inclusive. Upon arranging the Proceedings of the Councils of War for Transcription I have Reason to suppose that some are deficient; especially in 1776; I therefore submit it to Your Excellency, whether it will not be expedient to apply to Mr Thomson the...
78317To George Washington from Rufus Putnam, 3 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
It appears by representations made to us, that when the honorable the Secretary at War was in camp the last fall, and lately in this Cantonment, that he gave encouragement to those interested, that the Lieutenant Colonel Commandants of Regts in the line of Massachusetts should receive Colonels commissions & the eldest Majors be advanced to Lieutenant Colonels, so far as the vacancies admitted....
78318To George Washington from Theodorick Bland, 9 November 1786 [letter not found] (Washington Papers)
Letter not found: from Theodorick Bland, 9 Nov. 1786. On 18 Nov. GW wrote Bland of “the receipt of your obliging favors of the 4th & 9th inst.”
78319From John Adams to Uriah Forrest, 4 June 1800 (Adams Papers)
I receive with much Esteem Affection and Gratitude this obliging Address. The Approbation you have the goodness to express is both a reward and an Encouragement. I congratulate you, Gentlemen on the translation of the Government to the City so near you. As the Country between the former Seat and the present is beautifull and fertile, in a high degree, I hope that all the Reluctance which...
78320To Benjamin Franklin from the Duc de La Rochefoucauld, [24 March 1783] (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld a l’honneur d’envoyer à Monsieur franklyn le projet de lettre convenue hier: peut être y manquerat-il quelquechose pour la forme, mais Monsieur franklyn la corrigera. Il Sera bon qu’il la remette lui même demain à M. le Cte. de Vergennes, ou du moins qu’il lui en parle pour accélérer l’expedition. Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld a...
78321From Thomas Jefferson to John Dickinson, 23 July 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
I have duly recieved your favor of the 18th. Doctr. Vaughan’s character had been before known to me in a certain degree, & advantageously known as a friend to republican government. your letter in his favor strengthened my confidence in it. for your satisfaction as well as from a regard to truth I assure you that nothing could be more candid than his conduct here. it was at my request he...
78322From John Adams to Nathanael Greene, 24 May 1777 (Adams Papers)
During the civil Wars in Rome, in the Time of Sylla, and young Marius, after the Death of the Elder Marius, Sylla commanded one Army against Mithridates King of Pontus, and Fimbria another. Both were in Arms against the Same foreign Enemy: but Sylla and Fimbria were equally Enemies to each other, commanding different Armies in the Service of different Parties at Rome, which were disputing...
78323Enclosure: List of Copies of Paintings and Other Works for a Lottery, 19 June 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
having received from a celebrated Artist in Swizerland a few Copies from original paintings of the best Masters, executed in a new Manner of his own inventing, so true, that it is allmost impossible, to distinguish the one from the other—and wishing, to make them generally known to the Lovers of the Arts—It is proposed, as the best means of distribution, to dispose of them in a Lotterie,...
78324From George Washington to Thomas Waggener, 26 June 1758 (Washington Papers)
I have just Incamp’d at this place on my way to Fort Cumberland, with a weak escort to a large Convoy of Provisions &ca the intent of this therefore, is to desire that you will immediately upon receipt of it, detach one hundred Men, and three Waggons to our assistance—dont suffer the least delay—I order the Waggons upon a Supposition that you have some at Pearsalls in Pay, but if I am wrong in...
78325To Benjamin Franklin from D’Acosta frères, 3 April 1779 [i.e., 2] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous prenons la liberté de vous remettre ci-joint un mémoire dont nous vous supplions de prendre lécture: Il a pour objet les fournitures que nous devions éxpedier pour l’Etat de Virginie, d’après les demandes qui nous avoient été faites par M. Lée, & qu’il n’a plus voulu recevoir lors qu’elles ont été prêtes. Nous désirons, Monsieur, que vous nous mettiez...
78326To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Ward & Brothers, 15 October 1792 (Jefferson Papers)
Having the three last years been interested in the Baltic trade we take the liberty to ask you if it is probable any commercial treaty will soon take place between the Court of Denmark and these States. At present the alien duty paid by Americans in their own Vessells amounts to ¾th freight on Rice and very near half freight on Tobacco and on every other article the Laws of Denmark permit to...
78327To James Madison from William Kirkpatrick, 23 December 1802 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
23 December 1802, Málaga. Transmits a copy of his letter of 15 Dec. sent by the Constellation . Has since received a 17 Dec. notice from vice-consul Gorman that the John Adams touched at Almería and proceeded on, “as the Moorish Cruizers had disappeared from that Coast.” Encloses a copy of Gorman’s communications as well as a letter from Degen, Purviance, & Company transmitting a copy of a...
78328From James Madison to William Bentley, 28 October 1809 (Madison Papers)
I received in due time your friendly letter of August 12. last. My respect for your sentiments as well as justice to my own, require that I should say, in explanation of my not complying with your considerate hint, that I was restrained by an apprehensiveness, that an expression, at that period, of the gratitude and admiration which I feel in a degree exceeded by no Citizen, for the venerable...
78329To Thomas Jefferson from C. W. F. Dumas, 24 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
Des deux raisons qui m’avoient privé des Lettres de V.E. cet hiver, l’une, la maladie de votre chere famille, m’a autant affligéque l’autre, l’approbation implicite de mes insertions dans la Gazette de Leide, a dû me flatter. J’espere que tout se porte bien maintenant avec V.E. Mr. Luzac a encore quelques Lettres de moi à publier, mais le Public, qu’il doit contenter, veut les plaies et les...
78330Franklin and Silas Deane to Arthur Lee, 26 February 1778 (Franklin Papers)
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society; copy: Harvard University Library; two copies: National Archives; three copies: University of Virginia Library The greater the public Consequences that may flow from the Return of our Dispatches, the more necessary it seem’d that the Court should be immediately acquainted with it that the miscarriage might as soon as possible be repair’d. It was near...