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Results 78301-78330 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Mr King Boudinot and Wollcot will better explane the reason of there unsincerity respecting the...
I have the honor to inclose you a letter from Mr Secondat the only Son of the celebrated...
Your letter of the 3d instt, with the Reports of the preeceding week, was received yesterday; and...
I have communicated to Judge Phillips the contents of the several letters with which you honor’d...
I am directed by the President of the United States to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of...
I am favour’d with your Letter of april the 27th. and have kept it up a few days, to search for...
Your favor of the 11 th: Feb y reached me on the 29 th: ult o: ; being the first direct...
The confidence I put in the persuation of the most high Caracters of this Country, which have all...
Your favor of 4th Instant is duly received & I agree to take the Land on the Terms mentioned, I...
Wishing for a private conversation of a few minutes, with your Excellency, I am afraid of calling...
The acquaintance which I had the pleasure of having with you formerly, would scarcely, after such...
By farther information I am absolutely convinced that I have been infamousely dupped by all those...
The Secretary of State has the honor of laying before the President, two letters received...
Your favor by post came duly to hand: and I accept the offer of 30/. tho it is but what I had...
Albany, May 6, 1795. “The day of yesterday favoured me with your Counsel, on the Matter in...
Since I had the honor of conversing with your Excellency, I have reason to believe that Genl...
Your generous good heart, and the friendship that existed between you, and my ever lamented...
It is painful to me to receive the complaints of Mr Hallet, through you. It is more so, as I see...
An express is going this morning with money to General Morgan’s army. I left with the President...
The Secretary of State has the honor of inclosing to the President the substance of a...
Mr. Nathaniel Anderson , formerly of Richmond, but now of our county, informs me that he has a...
Mr: Wilcox has not yet been here but sent me from Hamburg your favour of February 11. which was...
I have been just aquented that the notes of invitation for the general meeting been send by Mr...
In every transaction of life I believe it will be found that candor and plain dealing...
I arrived in this city on Saturday at noon—about which time I recd your letter of the 29th Ulto....
The Secretary of State has the honor of submitting to the President of the United States a new...
I wrote you on this day week from New York, stating the causes which had induced a postponement...
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 3 May 1795. On 10 May, GW wrote Pearce: “Your letter of...
I have given the correspondence between you and Mr Van Berckel respecting the suspension of the...
It has long been my intention to commence the Correspondence, which I had the pleasure to propose...