78291From Thomas Jefferson to James Steptoe, 17 May 1795 (Jefferson Papers)
This will be handed you by Mr. Strickland, a very respectable English gentleman who is travelling...
78292From Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 17 May 1795 (Jefferson Papers)
The bearer hereof is Mr. Strickland, an English gentleman who is passing through our country to...
78293From Thomas Jefferson to Isaac Zane, 17 May 1795 (Jefferson Papers)
This will be handed you by a Mr. Strickland, an English gentleman who is passing through our...
78294John Quincy Adams to Abigail Adams, 16 May 1795 (Adams Papers)
We seem to be once more restored to some connection with our own Country; for six months after we...
78295To Alexander Hamilton from Joseph Anthony, 16 May 1795 (Hamilton Papers)
Since writing you by the last post, I have had a further Conference with Mr. Coxe, who Says he...
78296[Diary entry: 16 May 1795] (Washington Papers)
16. Wind Northerly in the Morng.
78297To George Washington from Timothy Pickering, 16 May 1795 (Washington Papers)
The inclosed letter from Governor St Clair was received yesterday by post. The proposed visit of...
78298[Diary entry: 15 May 1795] (Washington Papers)
15. Thunder, lightning & rain—cool.
78299To George Washington from the Commissioners for the District of Columbia, 15 May 1795 (Washington Papers)
We had the honor of your favor of the 5th Inst. some Days since covering several Letters from Mrs...
78300From Timothy Pickering to Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr., 15 May 1795 (Washington Papers)
Mr Dandridge will be pleased to lay before the President a letter & plans relating to the...