George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, January 1769

Cash Accounts

[January 1769]

Jany 12— To Cash won at Cards £0.14.0
To Ditto recd of Mr B[ryan] Fairfax for a Huntg Horn 0. 6.0
To Ditto recd of Ditto on acct of Cards 0. 2.3
Jany  7— By Charity 7/6. By Cards 7/6 0.15.0
By Chs Turner on acct of Mastr Custis1 0. 5.6
10— By 54 Gallns of Strong Beer of Mr Mercer @ 1/4 3.12.0
By 52 Do of Ale of Do 11d.2 2. 7.8
12— By Mr John Muir for his fidler the Ball on occasion of the Election3 1. 0.0
By Servants 6/9 0. 6.9
21— By Jno. Prescot Balle of his Acct 6.14.6
By Ditto mendg Jno. Custis’s Boots 0. 2.0
28— By freight of 500 Bushels of Oats from the Plantation on the Eastn Shore4 6. 5.0

AD, General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 287.

1In GW’s Guardian Accounts, May 1769, GW indicates that this money was “for mendg a pr of Knee Bucks. & Spurs.” Charles Turner (died c.1780) in 1768 received a license to open an ordinary in Alexandria and later in the year posted bond for Andrew Wales to operate an ordinary. See also Cash Accounts for February 1770, n.5.

3For the ball GW gave the night of his election, see Cash Accounts, December 1768, n.2.

4GW is referring to Arlington, the Custis plantation on Virginia’s Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay.

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