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Results 7811-7820 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Having wrote you so often and so fully I presume you would readily Excuse me if I omitted this Opportunity more especially as I am at a distance from the Capital, and have no certain News to hand you, but that Admiral de Ternay died a few days ago of a fever after a few days Illness, which perhaps may have been Occasioned by Chagrin and disappointment. It is also reported here that Cornwallis...
I have not had the Honor of any of your Favors for some time past. althô I have been frequently favoured with Letters, from divers commercial Houses in France and Holland, upon the Subject of Bussiness, owing to your kind mention of my Name to those Houses, for which I am oblidged to you— I heartily congratulate you and my Country, that You, togather with the other Commissioners, have been...
I thank you for yours of the 12th. and 18th August which came safe to hand. I am much Gratified by seeing some Account of your plans, and Operations Abroad. Your good Lady Obliged me with A Sight of A Letter of A similar kind She received from you some time since. I think on the whole they are as well as we could Expect, and perhaps in A better way than our Enemies ever had An Idea of. I shall...
At so interesting a period as the present, when our country is contending for the re-establishment of it’s most essential rights, the labors of gentlemen of political weight and literary acquirement are peculiarly desirable and important. Having purchased the respectable and extensive establishment of the Boston Patriot of it’s late proprietors, it is my earnest desire that its columns should...
We have received your most honour’d Favour in answer to our Letter of Saturday, and observe with pleasure, that after having weighed our Reasons, and considered our advice Your Excellency thinks it most prudent to agree upon the Terms we have proposed. In consequence of this authorization we have this day accepted the Engagement of the undertakers for a Million, however on condition that we...
What shall I say to you my Dear John? or how shall I refrain from reproaching you? I will not judge you because I cannot yet understand what the difficulty is which occasioned your fault for a fault it is and a grave one however you or your Class may colour it—You were fully aware of how much you would lose and perfectly understood how much your father always is affected by this sort of...
Tho I write by this Post to the Commissioners I cannot Omit paying my perticular respects to you signifying my hopes of your Safe Arrival and that all publick Matters are so favorably situated as your most Sanguin wishes could expect to meet them. Four Vessels having drop down the River on their way to the United States I have given advise by them to the secret Committee of Congress of your...
My Freedom in troubling you upon the Affair, which is the Subject of this Epistle, may need an Apology. Your Candor and Goodness will excuse it. The Design is benevolent to the Publick, as well as to a particular Friend. I partake in the general Satisfaction of this Province, in your being appointed chief Judge of our Superior Court. I doubt not the Publick will reap great advantages from the...
I have the honor, by the direction of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences to inclose under cover to your care a number of Copies of the Third Volume of their Memoirs and to request that you would have the kindness to cause them to be delivered conformably to the respective directions. A letter to Dr Rees is also inclosed for which the Academy solicit from you a similar attention. I avail...
When I expressed a wish in writing to my brother, that you should purposely dismiss some part of that attention to the present course of public affairs, which I thought contributed much to make your hours unpleasant, I was not aware that your expectations of change in the politics of a considerable portion of the States, more favourable to the real interests, and morals of the Country, were so...