Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to James Hamilton, 25 June 1812

To James Hamilton

Monticello June 25. 12.


In my letter of May 4. I informed you of the reciept of yours of Apr. 16. just as I was setting out on a journey, immediately on my return from which I would look to the having paiment made of the subscriptions to mr Maclure assigned to you. I am proceeding in that business, and, without awaiting it’s entire accomplishment, think it best to communicate it’s present state as below. the subscriptions of the three first named (all the subscriptions, you know, were of fifty dollars each) I deposited in the bank of Richmond, through messrs Gibson & Jefferson my correspondents there, subject to your order. Governor Barber, residing there, has either placed his there already or will do it, or pay it on demand. Messrs Hudson, Divers, Meriwether and Minor live in my county, & are gentlemen of entire punctuality. I am confident they will without delay deposit theirs in the bank, if they have not done it already. mr Watson lives in a neighboring county. I know nothing of him but from information that he is a punctual man. measures are taken as to his subscription. as to Colo Monroe, the Secretary of state, and mr Nelson our representative in Congress, I think it would be best for you, as both are in Washington to have application made to them through some one of your representatives in Congress, as it would be less circuitous than thro’ myself & the bank of Richmond. I shall leave them therefore to yourself, and shall not fail to inform you of our further progress here as soon as I can have communication with those here who have not paid. in the mean time accept the assurance of my attention to the business, & of my respect.

Th: Jefferson

list of  the subscribers.
Th: Jefferson } paid  Watson. lives in Louisa
George Gilmer James Monroe } in Washington
John B. Magruder Hugh Nelson
James Barbour. Govr in Richmd  
Christopher Hudson
George Divers
Wm D. Meriwether.
Peter Minor

PoC (DLC); at head of text: “Mr James Hamilton. Williamsboro’ N.C.”; endorsed by TJ.

On 20 May 1812 george gilmer paid TJ his subscription during the latter’s journey from Poplar Forest to Monticello (MB description begins James A. Bear Jr. and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767–1826, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1278).

Index Entries

  • Bank of Virginia (Richmond); and W. McClure’s debt search
  • Barbour, James; and W. McClure’s debts search
  • Divers, George; and W. McClure’s debts search
  • Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); and subscriptions for W. McClure search
  • Gilmer, George (d.1836); and W. McClure’s debts search
  • Hamilton, James; and W. McClure’s debts search
  • Hamilton, James; letters to search
  • Hudson, Christopher; and W. McClure’s debts search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; subscribes to pay W. McClure’s debts search
  • Magruder, John Bowie; and W. McClure’s debts search
  • McClure (McLure), William; debts of search
  • Meriwether, William Douglas; and W. McClure’s debts search
  • Minor, Peter; and W. McClure’s debts search
  • Monroe, James; and W. McClure’s debts search
  • Nelson, Hugh; and W. McClure’s debts search
  • subscriptions, non-publication; to pay W. McClure’s debts search
  • Watson, David; and W. McClure’s debts search