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Results 78101-78150 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
78101General Orders, 14 August 1775 (Washington Papers)
Major Thomas Mifflin, is appointed Quarter Master General, to the Army of the United Colonies: He...
I beg leave to inclose you a d’ft received to day from Mr Hugh Lennox Agent of the United States...
78103[Diary entry: 24 October 1769] (Washington Papers)
24. Cold, the Wind being exceeding fresh from the No. West & cold & cl.
Mr Warville has just arrived here, and I seize an opportunity suddenly brought to my knowledge to...
M rs Defoor sends M r Jefferson four Turkeys Seven Goslings six Ducks the Guinea fowls we cannot...
A stranger who holds your character in affectionate and reverential regard, requests you to...
[ 8 Feb. 1785 . Entry in SJL for 1 June 1785 reads: “Received J. Banister’s 2 letters of Feb. 8....
In my letter of May 4. I informed you of the reciept of yours of Apr. 16. just as I was setting...
ALS : American Philosophical Society There is nothing you could have sent me that would have been...
78110[4 February–21 March 1780] (Adams Papers)
1780 Feb. 4. Fryday We arrived at Coué. We passed by Angouleme and encircled almost the whole...
I congratulate you on the elections but hesitate on the causes you assign: I know not what is...
I am this moment employed in transmitting a Letter from Congress to his Majesty the Emperor of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclosed is a Letter from the Revd. Doctr Mather which he...
I am informd you have not purchast Mr Fairfaxs and Thralkels Lands the which I was in hopes you...
78115[Diary entry: 25 January 1787] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 25th. Mercury at 35 in the Morning—42 at Noon and 39 at Night. Lowering morning, with...
It is with some degree of diffidence that I obtrude myself on your Consideration. I have for some...
Having since the commencement of the present year accepted & paid your bills to the amount of...
Since the date of my last Letter, February 12, nothing very material has taken place in this...
We take the liberty to address you in behalf of Maurice Gary who has lately been tried by a Court...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My Avocat has informed me that it is Nessesary that your Son...
On the 21st instant, I received a letter from the Secretary of War of the 15th, for detaching,...
An accident to the Saw of my Sawmill requires a new one immediately, the season being now...
78124[Diary entry: 18 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
18. Went a ducking between breakfast & dinner. In the Afternoon Mr. Thruston Mr. Alexander, & Mr....
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania 3d. Dr. 17th Novr 1779 Saty. 4th. Decr. 79 Dr. Sir Altho...
I cannot find among the Delegates from Louis a and the neighbouring counties a person with to...
Your Letter of the 17th. Inst. Inclosing one for Miss A. C. Randolph, I receivd, on the 23d in...
I am duly honored by the receipt of letters of the 21st and 26th. Ulto. to which regular...
Abstract: Ingenhousz letterbook, Gemeente-Archief, Breda, Netherlands I begg him send me soon his...
The enclosed is from Mr. Thomas respecting his purchase of canoes, and finding the prices much...
Thy Letter of the 22 d of Last Month but very lately met me at this Place & I am Sorry to Say it...
The letter herewith from the comptroller of the Treasury to me and the papers accompanying it...
We have received advice from New York, published by authority, of the surrender of Charles Town....
I am indebted to you for your favour of the 29th. ult. If you will compare your Letters of the...
I had yesterday the pleasure to receive your favor of the 18th Instant with the inclosure and...
After the resignation of Major Spottswood I appointed Mr John N Rose Hotel Keeper. But as Mr Rose...
I have this moment received Information that a Large Body of the Enemy appeared Opposite to Hunts...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 12 Dec. 1760. On 3 April 1761 GW wrote to Robert Cary &...
Board of Trade, 6 Nov. 1779 . The governor has this day directed them to acknowledge the receipt...
I hope you will pardon this intrusion in the midst of those momentuous affairs which must now...
I ask leave to lay before you the enclosed recommendation; I presume that Some of the persons by...
The foregoing was transmitted to me from a respectable Correspondent in Liverpool, deeply engaged...
Capt. Cushing having informed me that he shall sail tomorrow, I have requested him to take the...
For the private letters with which I have been favored I refer to the general list in my public...
I have received your letter of the twenty ninth of October. My estimate of the timber necessary...
I find by a late news paper that the Philosophical Society wishes to learn among many other...
The draft of a proclamation and that of an instruction to the Commissioners being both prepared,...
I had the pleasure at Seven this morning to embrace my Dear Grand Children who with the Maids...
London, 22 Nov. 1788. Early in the summer he received a letter from his uncle enclosing one for...
78150Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
Jonathan Wilkins owned a pasture and apple orchard on Mill Brook in Middleton, near the Great...