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Results 78101-78150 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Los achaques de que adolece Nuestro Augusto Padre no permitiendole soportar por mas tiempo el...
The accompanying letter from Mr. Bedinger, naval agent at Norfolk, is forwarded to you at his...
With diffidence and awe, I beg leave to present to your worthy consideration, and your opinion...
[ Richmond, 3 Mch. 1781 . Minute in War Office Journal (Vi) under this date: “A letter to the...
Is it not best to do whatever is wanting at once. I have not yet answered Latimer’s letter & will...
I have received this day from the Estate of Madam Rochefoucauld at Cahuzac in this department a...
Let me allude, to one circumstance more, in one of your Letters to me, before I touch upon the...
Phalsbourg, in Lorraine, 30 Oct. 1787 . Knowing the importance of TJ’s occupations, but also...
I have been informed by Mr. Duane that there is about to be published a new Edition of Notes on...
I returned on the 6th. instant a good deal indisposed. Although my disease (a diarrhoea) is in...
We the undersigned, being appointed a Committee on behalf of the republican Citizens of Orange...
It has been our intention for some time past to have commenced our joint correspondence with...
The Corks you write for shall be forwarded by first conveyance to Charlottesville, care Jacobs &...
I have deferred answering your favors of 29 Jany & 1 feb: in hopes of being able to give you...
I had the pleasure to recieve your kind letter of the 10 th Ins t yesterday— M r George Hebb is...
I had the pleasure to receive some days past your favor of the 11th. & that of the 13. to day....
Ghent, 12 July 1794 . A citizen of Boston, he left Massachusetts in February 1790 for the Isle of...
I had the honour some time since to acquaint you of my intentions of embarking for Cape Francois...
Mr. Randall who sailed in the last french Packet was charged with Dispatches for you, and our...
J’ai recu Monsieur avec autant de surprise que de reconnoissance, le present utile et agreable...
I thought proper to inform you of my progress Made hear sence I see you, the walls are all Leavel...
J’ai trouvé ici des préventions très défavorables contre votre Nation, et l’habitude d’attribuer...
On the complaints stated by David Campbell in his letter to you of the 1t. of Octobr. I take the...
Having examined the proposed project for fortifying the harbour of N. York which you received...
I hope I shall be excused in addressing you when the cause of it so nearly regards my interest. I...
Wm Lattimore has the honor to inclose to the President the recommendation of a character for a...
Questa lettera Le pervenrà per mezzo del Sigre.’Antonio Filippi Genovese, attualmente in Boston...
Thomas Jefferson President U.S. To David Gelston Dr 1803 Augt. 29th for cash pd. duties on one...
M r Appleton United States Consul at Leghorn , has consigned to the late Collector of this Port ,...
I came to the Forest the morning you left it for Albemarle , to see you about the land, I wished...
[ Without place or date, ca. 31 Jan. 1781. ] Can no longer carry on the business under his...
As your notes will fall due at the Bank on the 6 th & 13 th of next month, & as M r Venable...
Messrs. Ackermann, Suardy & Co. of London having forwarded to me, some proofs of their Invention...
We have been favord with Your Excellencys enclosing a State of the affair between Mr. Nathan and...
Your Communication of the 20 th Sept r has been received & laid before the Directors . It is...
The warm interest which you have always manifested, in the advancement of literature, has induced...
Understanding that Colonel William McKennan of Washington County, in this State, has applied to...
You wrote me some time ago that you could discharge any pressing debts for me. My haveing a...
The Author of The Persian Heroine, having received from Mr. Jefferson Mr. Wythe’s book of...
When I wrote last week to Col. Nelson I promised to write to both of you by this Post, a...
The public situation which I have lately occupied, devolves on me the duty of soliciting your...
You will find in the inclos’d letter, my account current for the Capitals & c & c balance due me,...
Je reçois avec reconnaissance votre lettre du 11. Voila le Livre . Je voudrais qu’il fut plus...
A Coachee sets off from this City on Tuesday for Staunton; I think it would be a convenient and...
What can be done? This is a flagrant violation, but one of the Cases which, unless there should...
We the subscribers, supporters of the present wise administration, do renewedly recommend to You...
Wishing to become a Student of your preparatory school , and being unacquainted with its...
I have been prevented, to this day, by indisposition, from informing you that, agreeably to your...
Avignon, 19 Sep. 1785 . Acknowledges receipt two days before of TJ’s letter of 16 Aug. ; advises...
I have for sometime past thought of writing to thee and now take the liberty to take up a little...