George Washington Papers

Memorandum List of Quitrents, 1769

Memorandum List of Quitrents


A List of Lands belonging to George Washington in the Northern Neck on wch Quitrents became due Michaelmas 1769.1

In Fairfax County Mt Vernon 2126 Acres
Bot of Darrell 500
Clifton 1806
Brent 238
Wm Ashford 135
Geo: Ashford 135
S. Pearson 178
Wm Whiting  200
Frederick Cty Taken up 760
Ditto 453
Ditto 1832
Bot of McCraken 550
Johnston  552
King George Cty  1250
Hampshire Do  240
Loudoun Do  275
Loudoun & Fauquier—bot of Carter  2682
12263 @ 2/6 £15.6.7

August 21st 1770 Then Receivd from George Washington the above Sum of Fifteen pounds Six Shillings and Seven pence in full for the Quitrents of the above Quantity of Twelve thousand two hundd & Sixty three acres of Land to Michaelmas one thousand Seven hundd and Sixty nine.

John Hough

1This is the first of GW’s yearly list of quitrents to be printed in its entirety in the Papers since that of 1764. Those not printed are in CD-ROM:GW. The only difference of any consequence between this list and the 1764 list is the addition of the 2,682 acres in Loudoun and Fauquier counties, land that GW bought in November 1767 when George Carter’s estate was finally being settled. See Cash Accounts, November 1767, n.26.

2For GW’s acquisition of this 183-acre tract, see GW to Samuel Washington, 6 Dec. 1771, n.8.

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