George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Brigadier General Charles Scott, 12 September 1778

From Brigadier General Charles Scott

[Philipseborough, N.Y.] 12th Sept. 1778


I am led to believe that the enemy are at the Very eve of a Movement. the Several Persons Sent in for intelligence, who was to Have been Back (Some Yesterday and others the Day before) are not Yet returnd, I am told that they are all good people. this togather with What Colo. Gist tells me about a person that He Sent in with Markiting being stoped at the out lines Contrary to the Usual costom Leavs it no longer a doubt about the others Being detaind. the Colo. also informs me that There are Colected in Spiking Deavil Creek, Upwards of a hundred Boats, within a fiew Days. Colos. Butler Grayham & Capt. Leavenworth will all be out again to day in order To meet those persons already sent in and in Case of Faliour provide others for the Same Purpose, I am so indisposd that I cant attend to this business in person, but rest assurd that every thing possable shall be don To gain the earliest intelligence which shall Be immediatly Transmited to You. I am Your Excellencys Obt Servt

Chs Scott

ALS, DLC:GW. Also on this date, Scott wrote a brief note to GW transmitting “a letter this minut Recd from Capt. Leavenworth” (DLC:GW). In that enclosure, dated “half Past 8 Oclock 12th se:,” Capt. Eli Leavenworth informed Scott: “My Man has not return’d has sent me word he Cant get by the Shiping before 12th Oclock this evening, but that he shall (an)swer my Expectation. I am inform’d by a person who left him, there has been an action to the Esward, at a place they think Call’d Singsing, report it turn’d in favour British troops a number of troops are Call’d for from New York to go there and are Imbarck’d some of them will Come through Hell Gate this Day. I am further inform’d fifteen hundred Hessians are Coming to ReInforce at King Bridge beg your Hon: woud not sent any Body on this Post for I shall have the whole on it very soon if not discovered” (DLC:GW). In the dateline Scott’s location is taken from the address on Leavenworth’s letter.

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