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Results 7801-7830 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
It is so long since I did myself the pleasure of writing to you, that I scarcely know how to apologize for the omission; and unfortunately for me, my remissness has appeared to you greater and more culpable than it really was, as the letters which I have repeatedly written to you, have failed to reach you, from what cause I am altogether ignorant.— Being so distant even from every sea-port...
Well My dear son S Carolin has behaved as Your Father always Said She would. the concequence to us personally, is that We retire from public Life: for myself and family I have few regreets; at My age and with my bodily infirmities I shall be happier at Quincy. neither my habits, or My Education or inclinations, have led Me to an expensive stile of living; So on that score I have little to...
The letter from Gen l: Pinckney to Gen l: Marshall apprising him of the probable result of the South Carolina election, seems to be considered here as deciding the great political contest, which has excited so much interest, throughout the Continent, for some months past. The issue is like to be different from that which the federalists have, of late allowed themselves to anticipate, and their...
I wrote to you not long since, and inclosed a Bill of a hundred dollors which I hope you received. I inclose in this a Bill of ten Dollors—out of which You will please to pay two pounds 12 shillings to Zube Harman which will be due to her in Jan’ ry for a quarters wages— I could wish my dear sir that every Bill due might be discharged as You have the Means; We shall then know What our income...
Not one word have I heard from my Dear Sister, since I left Boston, nor have I had any intelligence from Washington excepting what we have gathered by the News Papers, & those we have read with a peculiar degree of anxiety. My mind as well as the publicks, has been long held in painful suspense, nor do we yet know but that he , who has been the stability of Our Times, may again preside, &...
With the most timid respect do I address M rs: Adams on a subject so interesting to me that I tremble while I write from a doubt of the propriety of the step, however solicitude for an affectionate Husband and our young family outweighs my scuples and prompts me to the measure. I must therefore rely upon the noble generosity of a character I have known and revered from my infancy, to pardon...
I have rec d this Evening yours of the 14 th. — My little bark has been oversett in a Stor Squal of Thunder and Lightening and hail attended with a Strong Smell of Sulphur. Nothing remains for me, but to indulge that Vanity which I have found out lately is considered as the predominant feature in my Character, by Singing the Song of Horace The Soothing considerations Suggested by you, my dear...
Our Supreme Court being in session, has occupied my time so much as to prevent answering your favors of the 10 th: & 13 th: inst ts: I have seen M rs: Kirkham since I got your letter, and given her the fresh order; she will prepare the articles & I shall send them as soon as I can. I have applied to two Coachmakers to ascertain what you desired; neither of them have any ready made coachees on...
on fryday the 19th I returnd from mount Vernon, where at the pressing invitation of Mrs Washington I had been to pass a couple of day’s. the Shades of that solitude corresponded more with my present feelings than the company which I am obliged to See in the city of Washington— the sight of an old Friend, and the cordial reception I met With from every branch of the family, Served to sooth my...
I have given an introductory letter for yourself and one for my father, to a young man by the name of Charles D Coxe; he will probably be at the federal City towards the last of this week. From himself I understand he intends making application for the Consulship at the Isle of France, and his reason for applying during the present administration he avers to be, because he is a federalist & a...
We have public worship every Sunday in the Representitive’s Chamber in the Capitol; I have just returnd from hearing Bishop Clagget deliver a discourse from those words in the Gosple of st Luke, [“]Glory to God in the highest Peace on Earth, and Good Will to Men.” this is a doctrine full of Mercy and benevolence, of which the present generation appear little disposed to cultivate and cherish.—...
I have yours of the 2 d. — before this, you have Seen the Treaty with France. The full assurance of your Newspapers, has been wholly disappointed. M r Jefferson and M r Burr have equal Numbers 73.— Which will be Chief? I Shall be in Quincy as early in the Spring as the Roads and Weather will permit. The only Question remaining with me is what I shall do with myself? Something I must do or...
I have received your affectionate & confidential favors of the 17 th: & 23 d: inst ts: and have conferred with M r: Ingersoll on the subject of their contents, so far as they concerned himself. He observed, that his communication with me, on the subject of his resignation of the office he now holds under government, was intended merely to afford an opportunity for filling the vacancy, which...
I have just clos’d a long Letter to sister Peabody from whom I reciev’d one last week— Tis the first I have written to her Since I was Sick She is well herself but mr Peabody has been More unwell than Since they were married ha Sore in his ear attended with great pain in his Neck he is better, & got out again— I hope you my dear Sister are well of your cold, but your troubles must be great...
Your kind letter of the 25 th: inst t: came by this day’s Mail. I have found a Coachee ready made, at Fielding’s for sale, which, with the alterations that can with ease & despatch be made, will, I think, answer your purpose exactly. The body of the Coachee is somewhat shorter & more in the form of a Coach, than that you have, but it is well put together & the wheels & carriage appear to be...
I last Evening received Yours of 30 December and would have You close the bargain with him Feilding for the carriage provided the carriage has not been much used. he must put the cypher A upon it and pray attend to the steps. they must be Strong & come low down. I cannot mount high— my day is over for that, and My infirmitys require particuliar attention to that part of the carriage. a coach...
Your several favors are before me. The letter for ——— I sent by the first mail, after receiving it. I delayed sending your brothers letter, expecting that you would comply with your promise, and send me the whole series—then I should have returned them altogether. For the pamphlet of Gentz, please to receive my best thanks. I have been highly delighted and instructed by the perusal, and doubt...
I have received your letters of the 2 d: & 3 d: inst ts: and thank you for them— I shall agree with Fielding for the Coachee and attend to the conveniences you mention. I can suggest no method for your coming to this place, unless by taking a carriage from Washington, which might be sent back by Stage-horses. Barney, of Georgetown, would most probably contract with you for one— I am so...
I have searched, in conformity to the request expressed in your favor of the 2 d: inst t: all the writers upon the law of Nature and Nations, which I have in my Office, for authorities to support & justify & explain, the Sixth article of the Convention with France. The extracts from Vattel in your letter are somewhat more explicit on the particular point in question, than his masters,...
It was with great Pleasure that I recognized the well known Hand writing, which it is so many years since I have seen. It was impossible not to avail myself of the Contents of the Note I found in the President’s Letter, in some prefatory Remarks which you will read in the Gazette, I have taken the Liberty to send you. Chagrined as I am with a late Event which has furnished so noble a Triumph...
I thank you for yours of the 9 th and its contents, and for the pains to have taken to search Authorities upon the Collision of Treaties. The Point I think is explained and proved very fully, and So it is understood in England. The Sixth Article however is by no means nugatory. It is of great importance to France. Our Treaty with Britain expires in two years after the termination of the...
I received Your Letter of 9th. with respect to the Carriage I believe I did not stipulate for a false linning, but I would chuse to have one— I Shall take a carriage from here to Philadelphia and have Some prospect of being accompanied by mr Cranch who has buisness on, provided he can leave the new office, to which he is appointed, Commissoner of the city in the room of mr Scot who is dead I...
I received from you two kind Letters which I have not yet acknowledged; I am surprized to find that the frost & cold have not yet put a stop to the fever. I hope it will not be permitted to make a renewed visit, at the approach of the summer with a severity never before experienced in our healthy and delightfull Village— I cannot Say that I have enjoy’d So Much health this winter as the last....
I received Your kind and friendly Letter of December 15 and thank You for your sympathetic condolence upon an event severely afflicting to a parent—in this case armed with many a barbed arrow. to infinite Wisdom I bow in humble Submission. may the Chastning hand of providence be duly noticed by me, so that those Children who Survive, may be doubly blessed to their parents The year past is a...
Since the date of my last, I have received your whole series to Number 17 inclusive, with the single exception of N o 15, which yet loiters on the way; but the order in which they have come to hand has been variable as the wind. It may possibly create some surprize, that, without consulting you, I should have taken the liberty to bestow upon our Countrymen, through the channel of a correct and...
In your Letter of the 9 th you Say, that you will not Say you disagree with Manlius, in his opinion “that the downfall of the federal Cause is to be attributed to the Mission to France.”— In this opinion I fully believe that both of you are mistaken: and I am confident I could convince you of this, if I had an opportunity of recalling to your recollection the Passages of the times before and...
I received yours of the 9 th and thank you for the excellent matter which it contained. Mr Shaw has not sent you any papers from hence, because the papers have not been worth transmitting, a torpor appears to have seized every person and the query what can be done? what will be done? what ought to be done? seems to be the questions, amongst the three parties, into which not only the...
I have your favor of the 15 th: inst t: and am pleased to find in it an interpretation of the 6 th: Article of the Convention with France, which had escaped my reflection— Viewing it as a provision only to operate after the expiration of our treaty with G Britain, it may be both natural & proper, but as the time when it was to operate was not specified, many others, like myself, have supposed...
When I said, that I did not disagree with Manlius, in attributing the downfall of the federal cause, to the Mission to France, my meaning was, not, that the loss of the late election, was to be viewed, as the consequence of that Mission, for I believe with you Sir, that independent of that measure, the federal Candidate would have been almost universally deserted. But I meant to assert as my...
Yours of the 20 th. is before me.— The Senate I hear is perfectly Satisfied at length, by a Message and some papers I sent them this Week at their request, that there is no Collision between The Convention with France and our Treaty with England: but other points labour. I choose not to say at present what I think. There has been, about two or three hundred Persons in the Union, who from the...