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Results 7801-7850 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
7801 Bennet, Richard Henry Alexander Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from [Richard Henry Alexander?] … 1769-01-01 AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Bennet presents his Comp[limen]ts to Doctor Franklin and...
7802 Foxcroft, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from [John] Foxcroft, [1769?] … 1769-01-01 AL : American Philosophical Society [1769? A note in the third person, dated only Friday, asking...
7803 Masters, W. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from W. Masters, [1769?] 1769-01-01 LS : American Philosophical Society Though I have not the honour of an intimate acquaintance with...
7804 Franklin, Benjamin Marginalia in Good Humour, an Anonymous Pamphlet … 1769-01-01 MS notations in the margins of a copy in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania of Good Humour:...
7805 Franklin, Benjamin Marginalia in The True Constitutional Means, an … 1769-01-01 MS notations in the margins of a copy in the New York Public Library of The True Constitutional...
7806 Franklin, Benjamin Marginalia in a Pamphlet by Israel Mauduit, [1769?] 1769-01-01 MS notations in the margins of a copy in the New York Public Library of [Israel Mauduit,] A Short...
7807 Franklin, Benjamin Observations upon [Thomas Pownall], State of the … 1769-01-01 MS (copy): American Philosophical Society In December, 1769, or possibly in the following month,...
7808 Franklin, Benjamin Marginalia in a Pamphlet by Allan Ramsay, [1769?] 1769-01-01 MS notations in the margins of a copy in the Library of Congress of [Allan Ramsay,] Thoughts on...
7809 Horrocks, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Horrocks, 1769 1769-01-01 I will take particular Care of the Paper you have sent me, & I am of Opinion I may safely promise...
7810 Washington, George Memorandum List of Quitrents, 1769 1769-01-01 A List of Lands belonging to George Washington in the Northern Neck on wch Quitrents became due...
7811 Semple, John John Semple’s Proposal for Potomac Navigation, 1769 1769-01-01 The Opening & making Convenient Passage for Vessells of Ten to Fifteen Tons Burthen through such...
7812 Jefferson, Thomas Memorandum Books, 1769 1769-01-01 Jan. 1. Recd. of J. May Summs. in Witt v. Biby and also in Bowyer v. Buchanan, but Qu. wherefore...
7813 Franklin, Benjamin Whitefield, George From Benjamin Franklin to George Whitefield, [before 2 … 1769-01-01 Reprinted from Joseph Belcher, George Whitefield: a Biography, with Special Reference to His...
7814 Washington, George [January 1769] 1769-01-01 Jany. 1st. At home alone. Mr. Magowan returnd from Alexandria in the Evening. 2. Went to Colo....
7815 Washington, George An Acct. of the—Weather in Jan. [1769] 1769-01-01 Jany. 1st. Ground but little froze, & soon thawed, day clear & pleasant—Wind Southwardly. 2....
7816 Washington, George Cash Accounts, January 1769 1769-01-01 Cash Jany 12— To Cash won at Cards £0.14.0 To Ditto recd of Mr B[ryan] Fairfax for a Huntg Horn...
7817 Jay, John Livingston, Robert R. From John Jay to Robert R. Livingston, January 1769 1769-01-01 The letter you mention to have wrote the week before last, has never come to Hand and I cant...
7818 Franklin, Benjamin Kames, Henry Home, Lord From Benjamin Franklin to Lord Kames, 1–16 January 1769 1769-01-01 ALS : Scottish Record Office It is always a great Pleasure to me to hear from you, and would be a...
7819 Washington, George [Diary entry: 1 January 1769] 1769-01-01 Jany. 1st. At home alone. Mr. Magowan returnd from Alexandria in the Evening.
7820 Washington, George [Diary entry: 1 January 1769] 1769-01-01 Jany. 1st. Ground but little froze, & soon thawed, day clear & pleasant—Wind Southwardly.
7821 Franklin, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Franklin, [c. 2 … 1769-01-02 ALS (incomplete): American Philosophical Society Many of your Friends, as well as myself, would...
7822 Washington, George [Diary entry: 2 January 1769] 1769-01-02 2. Went to Colo. Fairfax’s with the Family and stayd all Night.
7823 Washington, George [Diary entry: 2 January 1769] 1769-01-02 2. Perfectly calm, clear, and warm—the Morning was a little frosty—but gd. soon thawd.
7824 Washington, George [Diary entry: 3 January 1769] 1769-01-03 3. Came home again. Colo. Carlyle & Mr. Ramsay returnd with us. The visit may have been more than...
7825 Washington, George [Diary entry: 3 January 1769] 1769-01-03 3. A large white frost—the gd. a little froze, but soon thawd. Morng. calm & clear—afternoon...
7826 Washington, George Remarks & Observations—in Jan. [1769] 1769-01-04 Jany. 4. Finishd measuring Corn in the Neck—total quantity 694 Barrels. About this time Muddy...
7827 Harvard College Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Harvard College, 4 January … 1769-01-04 Reprinted from William C. Lane, “Harvard College and Franklin,” Colonial Society of Massachusetts...
7828 Washington, George [Diary entry: 4 January 1769] 1769-01-04 4. Went a fox huntg. with the above Gentlemen, & were met by the two Colo. Fairfax’s but found...
7829 Washington, George [Diary entry: 4 January 1769] 1769-01-04 4. Lowering Morning without frost, but clear afternoon. Wind Southwardly.
7830 Washington, George [Diary entry: 4 January 1769] 1769-01-04 Jany. 4. Finishd measuring Corn in the Neck—total quantity 694 Barrels. About this time Muddy...
7831 Franklin, Benjamin Pennsylvania and Nonimportation, [5 January 1769] 1769-01-05 Reprinted from Verner W. Crane, ed., Benjamin Franklin’s Letters to the Press, 1758–1775 (Chapel...
7832 Franklin, Benjamin Hillegas, Michael From Benjamin Franklin to Michael Hillegas, 5 January … 1769-01-05 Reprinted from The Historical Magazine , III (1859), 212. I received yours of Nov. 3, and was...
7833 Franklin, Benjamin Thomson, Charles From Benjamin Franklin to Charles Thomson and Thomas … 1769-01-05 ALS : Amherst College Library I received yours with two Bills of Exchange enclos’d, for £150...
7834 Washington, George [Diary entry: 5 January 1769] 1769-01-05 5. Calm Morning with heavy Clouds & gr. appearance of Rain. Abt. 10 Oclock the Wind comg. to No....
7835 Washington, George [Diary entry: 5 January 1769] 1769-01-05 5. Calm Morning with heavy Clouds & gt. appearances of Rain. Abt. 10 Oclock the wind comg. out...
7836 Washington, George [Diary entry: 5 January 1769] 1769-01-05 5. Began clearing Ground in the Neck. Mill People getting Rails to fence Corn field by Mr. Manleys.
7837 Washington, George [Diary entry: 6 January 1769] 1769-01-06 6. The two Colo. Fairfax’s & Mrs. Fairfax & Dr. Rumney dind here & spent the Evening. the two...
7838 Washington, George [Diary entry: 6 January 1769] 1769-01-06 6. Ground hard froze—but soon thawd the Morning being clear & moderate—the Wind Still—afternoon a...
7839 Washington, George [Diary entry: 7 January 1769] 1769-01-07 7. After Dinner the Compy. from Belvoir returnd home. Doctr. Rumney stayd.
7840 Washington, George [Diary entry: 7 January 1769] 1769-01-07 7. Wind at Southwest & moderate. Raing. slowly most part of the day.
7841 Crawford, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Crawford, 7 January … 1769-01-07 By V. Crawford Receved your Letter dated Novr 13th and inclosed twenty pounds Pensilvania mony. I...
7842 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 January 1769] 1769-01-08 8. At home all day with Doctr. Rumney.
7843 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 January 1769] 1769-01-08 8. Rainy morning with little or no Wind. Abt. 10 Oclock the wind came out at No. Wt. but neither...
7844 Franklin, Benjamin Galloway, Joseph From Benjamin Franklin to Joseph Galloway, 9–28 January … 1769-01-09 ALS : Clements Library I have now before me your several Favours of Oct. 15, 17, and 20, and of...
7845 Franklin, Benjamin Bartram, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Bartram, 9 January 1769 1769-01-09 Reprinted from William Darlington, ed., Memorials of John Bartram and Humphry Marshall...
7846 Washington, George [Diary entry: 9 January 1769] 1769-01-09 9. At home all day. Opening the Avenue to the House—& for bringing the Road along.
7847 Washington, George [Diary entry: 9 January 1769] 1769-01-09 9. Hard frost. Clear & cold wind comg. keen from the No. Wt. More moderate towards the Afternoon...
7848 Washington, George [Diary entry: 9 January 1769] 1769-01-09 9. Began to open the Avenue in front of the House in order to bring the Road along it.
7849 Washington, George [Diary entry: 10 January 1769] 1769-01-10 10. Went a Fox huntg. with L[und] W[ashington]—Jackey Custis, & Mr. Manley. Found nothing.
7850 Washington, George [Diary entry: 10 January 1769] 1769-01-10 10. White Frost & Ground hard froze. A little thawd in the Afternoon. Cloudy & Still all day. In...