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Results 78001-78030 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I earnestly entreat your Excellency will be pleased to permit Col: Kuscuiusco to be The Engineer to serve with The Troops marching under my Command; if I had not an Affectionate regard for This amiable Foreigner, I should upon no Account have made this my request—The out Works at West point are in a manner finish’d & the Body of the place in such forwardness, as to put it in The power of The...
I have been favoured with your Letter of this date. I am always willing to grant requests where I think the good of the service will admit of it, and I am particularly so, when the requests are urged by Others besides the party, in whose behalf they are made. However, in the present instance of your application, I cannot do it with any degree of propriety, as I conceive. Colo. Kosciusko has...
It gives me Pain to be under the Necessity of addressing your Excellency on so disagreeable a Subject, as an attempt made by Brigr General Stark, not only to injure me in your Opinion, but even to strike at the Foundation of my character as a Servant of the Public. That the charges in General Star⟨k’s⟩ Letter to your Excellency (Copy of which was transmitted me by Charles Pettit Esqr:) are...
I am favd with yours of the 10th with the weekly Returns of the Garrison. By a special agreement with the Artificers, they draw larger Rations than the Soldiers, you are therefore to allow them, what Colo. Baldwin’s draw here, which I think is 1 ½ ℔. Bread or Flour 1 ½ ℔. Meat and half a pint of Rum ⅌ day. Altho’ your Qr Mr would be very useful here at present, yet Colo. Hay has pointed out...
I was honored with your Excellenceys favor of the 5th Instant yesterday 12 of Clock. also That of the 9th Last night at Eleven. It gives me & the officers here Infinite Satisfaction that your Excellencey has approved our Conduct—I am at a Loss to guess the Designs of the Enemy in this Quarter General Gray with his Fleet are Standing off & on before Bedford Harbor The Day before yesterday a...
78006General Orders, 12 September 1778 (Washington Papers)
The troop, retreat &c. to be beat in the following manner—The Drums Call to begin at the Artillery Park a quarter of an hour before beating off and to run thro’ the Right and Left Wing and second line and be returned into the Park again. The next signal to be three Taps from the Park runing thro’ and to be return’d in the same manner—Then the whole beat off at the hour appointed for the...
In virtue of a Resolve of Congress of the 3rd Inst:, We have digested a Plan for setling the accounts of back rations: as also a hint to the Officers, on the subject of settling their Accots agreeable to your late order; and directions for the Regimental paymaster’s of the line : all of which, are intended to promote the public good; and facilitate the settling and adjusting the Accounts of...
Three french merchants who have been prisoners in New york four months, but had the liberty of the town—informs me, that Gnl Clinton went over to long Island on wedensday last, it is suposed to see those troops he carry’d up the sound, which are now encamp’t, he is expected back in a few days, thay continue to embark thayr cannon, and ordinance stores, a body of troops are likewise embarkt,...
I am this moment Hond with your Commands by Letter from Lieut. Col. Hamilton, & shall halt as you direct near Bedford. I am Sir Your most Obedt Humble Servant ALS , DLC:GW . Alexander Hamilton’s letter to Gates of this date reads: “His Excellency commands me to inform you, that he has received advice, that the enemy, who had made a debarkation at Bedford [Mass.], after burning the little town,...
I have received the honor of yours of the 6th instant; and have given orders for the Artificers at Springfield to be cloath’d, agreeable to your direction. This moment the Continental sloop of war, commanded by Capn John Rathburn arrived in this Port from a cruise, and gives the inclosed intelligence —Whether this fleet was from Europe, and what is calld the Glasgow fleet —or whether they were...
The Inclosed I have Just received, the Gentlemen are here on furlough from Major General Sullivan, I mentioned to them that as the Regt was with General Sullivan, it would have been proper for them to have Applied to him, They acquaint me that they mention’d it to the General before they left providence and that He advised them to apply to your Excellency through me I fear the greater part of...
I do myself the honor of returning to Congress the report of their Committee on the subject of an Inspectorship, transmitted in your Letter of the 20th Ulto, which was not received till the 31st—with such observations as have occurred to me, in considering the matter, and which I have made with a freedom, that I trust will be agreable to Congress. I wish it had been in my power to have...
Inclosed, I have the honor to transmit Congress a copy of the report of a Board of Officers, who were appointed by me to consider what would be the most eligible plan for invading Canada; in case our future prospects and circumstances should justify the entreprise. The pains which General Gates has, for some time past, taken to inform himself on the subject, and the knowlege, which General...
A few days ago I wrote, in haste, a Letter to you by Major Morris, and took the liberty of returning the gold you were so obliging as to send me by Jones —For your kind intention of forwarding that sum, and goodness in bringing Congress acquainted with my want of specie you will please to accept my sincere and hearty thanks—These are also due to you for your polite attention in forwarding, for...
This will be accompanied by a Letter of the 9th, since which I have had the honor of presenting to Congress Your Excellency’s favor of the 7th which the house were pleased to commit to the Board of War. My present duty is to transmit to Your Excellency the undermentioned Acts of Congress which will be found within the present inclosure. 1. An Act of the 11 th Septr for removing if necessary...
I have some thing to lay before your Excellency which is far from being agreeable and I do ashure you that I have done every thing in my power to prevent it, unless I had put your orders to me into publick Orders here. I have herewith sen you the proceedings of a General Court Martial where two Capts. is tryed for disobedience of Orders. I think the Evidence is quite full especialy agains Capn...
I am led to believe that the enemy are at the Very eve of a Movement. the Several Persons Sent in for intelligence, who was to Have been Back (Some Yesterday and others the Day before) are not Yet returnd, I am told that they are all good people. this togather with What Colo. Gist tells me about a person that He Sent in with Markiting being stoped at the out lines Contrary to the Usual costom...
Yours of the 10th came to hand late last night. The intentions of the Enemy are yet very mysterious. From the expression of your letter, I take it for granted that General Gray had embarked again after destroying Bedford; and by his hovering about the Coast, and Lord Howe’s coming round again to New port, I cannot but think, that they mean something more than a diversion or deception. The...
Letter not found :from Brig. Gen. William Woodford, 12 Sept. 1778. A letter of 12 Sept. from Woodford to GW was offered for sale by the Anderson Auction Company, Library of the Late Adrian H. Joline of New York City. Part 5: American Autographs … to Be Sold April 28 and 29, 1915 , entry 621. The catalog quotes one sentence of the letter, which requested a leave of absence for Lt. Col. John...
78020General Orders, 13 September 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief directs that such of the sick in Camp who are able to walk may be immediately sent off towards Peeks-Kill under careful Officers who will march them moderately and attend carefully to their Accommodation; They are to take their Arms and Accoutrements with them; Their Packs to be sent to Terrytown and transported by Water to Fish Kill—Boats will meet this part of the sick...
The works, which are in hand at West Point and some inconsiderable ones, which it is necessary to add to them, will, with the help of the chain, perfectly fulfil the object which is proposed, that of hindering the enemy’s remounting the North River. Fort Putnam, which is, as it were, the key of all the others may be rendered almost impregnable. There is indeed a height, which commands it, but...
As it is more than probable that the road Leading to Danberry is out of order, I would wish you to send a party under a proper Officer to repair it, as far as that place, that should you receive orders to move on, you may have as little hindrance as possible. I am Sir Yr Mo. Obet Sert LS , in Richard Kidder Meade’s writing, NHi : Gates Papers; Df , DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Brig....
I have just received advice from the Board of War, that they have given directions to Mr Fletcher, to send forward to Springfield and Hartford all the ready made cloathing in his possession, there to be sorted and repacked previous to their coming to Camp, except a few particular articles, which are ordered immediately on; and to deliver Messrs Otis and Andrews all the Cloths, woolens linnens...
I have been honored with yours of the 21st Augt inclosing a letter for Capt. Henry, whose ill state of health obliged him to quit the service about three weeks past. I therefore return you the letter. I wrote to you the 23d May last, and inclosed you a Return of the number of the drafts, under the old and new law, who had actually joined the Army. I did this that the Assembly might see what...
I have this moment Intelligence from Colo. Gist That, by a Deserter he is informd that there are about Five thousand of the enemy Coming out, two thousand On the Albany road & three thousand on Mile square Road. the deserter says that he belong’d to one of the Parties. in consequince of this I have put every thing In the Greatest readiness to receive them. mean time I Have orderd Majr Lee &...
I duly received your favor of the 11th Inst. Repeated accounts from different quarters, announce some great and general movement on the part of the enemy—And tho’ the facts with which I have been hitherto furnished are not sufficiently pointed to determine clearly whether the result may be an attack on this army, an enterprise against the french Squadron—or finally a simple evacuation of N....
I have nothing new in this Quarter Since my Last The Pilots who waited on Count D Estaing call for Six Dollars pr Day I Should be glad to know whether the Sum ought to be allowd or whether I am to pay them or Send them to the Count. Many officers of Jacksons Detachment want to Resign as there is a great Surplusage of them I think it would be no Injury to the Service. I think also that if the...
78028General Orders, 14 September 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Consumption of Ammunition in this Army considering there has been no Action nor any extraordinary weather to injure Cartridges in good tents, has for the two last Months been beyond description; but this is not to be wondered at when the Camp is continually disturbed both within it’s own limits and Vicinity by a disorderly firing—So many orders have been given to correct this Abuse, and...
On sunday night I had the honor to receive your favors of the 5th & 7th Instant, with the papers to which they refer. It gave me great pleasure to find, that we were on so respectable a footing in the General articles of Cloathing, and I would fain hope, if we can once get the Troops tolerably supplied, that we shall in future, by proper & timely exertions always keep them well and suitably...
The General Assembly in may last directed a French Regiment to be raised in this State for the Service of the United States & directed Commissions to issue to the Officers necessary to Command such Regiment among whom was Monsr Sureau Duviviear appointed Major, the impracticability of raising which Regiment appeared to the General Assembly in their late Session in August last, when they...