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Results 77971-78000 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
77971 Washington, George McDougall, Alexander George Washington to Major General Alexander McDougall … 1778-11-19 [ Fredericksburg, New York ] November 19, 1778 . Orders McDougall to halt with the two...
77972 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 July 1771] 1771-07-18 18. Cooler than Yesterday Wind from the Eastward & fresh.
77973 McAllister, Archibald Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Archibald McAllister, 7 … 1805-01-07 to the Constitution I Reccommed the Son of Israell Israell late Sheriff of Philadelphia to be A...
77974 Washington, George [Diary entry: 12 March 1769] 1769-03-12 12. At Captn. Ashbys all day. In the afternoon Captn. Marshal came & spent the Evening. Thomas...
77975 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Hopkinson, Joseph From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to Joseph … 1823-01-05 The safe arrival of the Bust has given me much pleasure, and its safe installation in the Academy...
77976 Peyton, Craven Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Craven Peyton, 3 October 1801 1801-10-03 from the Inclosd papars you will see how very fortunate you have been on balloting for the...
77977 White, Alexander Madison, James To James Madison from Alexander White, [ca. 12 May] … 1794-05-12 I have the pleasure to contradict the report from Kentucky mentioned in my last of General...
77978 Jefferson, Thomas Barbour, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Barbour, 30 March 1825 1825-03-30 I have duly recieved your favor of the 24 th inst. covering an invitation to some one of the...
77979 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Comte and Comtesse de … 1782-02-18 Printed announcement: American Philosophical Society Monsieur le Comte & Madame la Comtesse DE...
77980 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 24 June 1799 1799-06-24 On Saturday the 22d I had the honor to inform you that dispatches had been received the...
77981 Willink, Wilhem Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Wilhem and Jan Willink … 1791-11-24 [ Amsterdam, November 24, 1791. On February 14, 1792, Hamilton wrote to Willink, Van Staphorst,...
77982 Morris, Robert Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Robert Morris, 2 July 1797 1797-07-02 I cannot account for your not having Answered the letter of which the preceeding is a Copy, in...
77983 Adams, John Quincy [January 1785] 1785-01-01 Horace, Opera , London, 1744, p. 149 (inscribed “J.Q. Adams, Paris, March 15, 1785,” in MQA ),...
77984 Lear, Tobias Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tobias Lear, 24 February … 1792-02-24 The President of the United States having approved of the Contract made by the Superintendant of...
77985 Randolph, Edmund Washington, George To George Washington from Edmund Randolph, 23 October … 1794-10-23 This moment the merchants have addressed a letter to me, requesting the appointment of an agent...
77986 Washington, George [Diary entry: 30 September 1785] 1785-09-30 Friday 30th. Thermometer at 60 in the Morng. 68 at Noon and 70 at Night. Day clear, wind pretty...
77987 Simpson, Gilbert, Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Gilbert Simpson, Jr., 7 May … 1781-05-07 This is to inform you that thrue Gods mercy I and all my family are in good helth and the negros...
77988 Haley, Nathan Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nathan Haley, 8 September 1808 1808-09-08 I have the honor of informing you that indisposition prevents me from returning in the Hope. I...
77989 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Bernard From Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 3 January 1826 1826-01-03 I recieved yesterday your favor of the 30 th your advances for me have been unreasonably great...
77990 Washington, George Livingston, William From George Washington to William Livingston, 11 May … 1777-05-11 I am this day honoured with yours of the 2d instant, as I was a few days ago with that of the...
77991 Venton, Ann Lytton Hamilton, Alexander Ann Lytton Venton’s Quittance with Alexander Hamilton … 1772-05-23 1060. Ann Ventons quittance of 23de maij 1772 rdr. for et oxehovet rum. D , Christiansteds...
77992 Washington, George Stewart, Charles From George Washington to Colonel Charles Stewart, 4 … 1779-06-04 The enemy seem more and more to be in earnest in their operations against the Highlands. This...
77993 Washington, George Craik, James From George Washington to James Craik, 19 December 1790 1790-12-19 By a letter which I received on thursday last from my nephew George S. Washington, in answer to...
77994 Jefferson, Thomas Senate and the House of Representatives, the From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate and the House of … 1804-03-07 I communicate to Congress an Extract of a letter from Governor Claiborne to the Secretary of...
77995 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 October 1787] 1787-10-08 Monday. 8th. Thermometer at 56 in the Morning—56 at Noon & 56 at Night. Cloudy all day with the...
77996 Freneau, Philip Madison, James To James Madison from Philip Freneau, 12 January 1815 1815-01-12 Since my last return from the Canary Islands in 1807 to Charleston and from thence to New York;...
77997 Madison, James Poynlett, William From James Madison to William Poynlett, 24 December … 1806-12-24 I have received your communication respecting the capture of the Ship Titus by the British Sloop...
77998 Adams, John [Wednesday. July 24. 1776.] 1776-07-24 Wednesday. July 24. 1776. A Letter from Lieutenant Colonel William Allen was laid before Congress...
77999 Putnam, Israel Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Israel Putnam … 1777-08-22 We have recievd yours from Bucks County 18th Inst. And Apprehend from The Introduction of the...
78000 Adams, John Quincy Madison, James To James Madison from John Quincy Adams, 24 December … 1815-12-24 The Pamphlet which I do myself the honour of transmitting to you with this Letter was some time...