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Results 77951-78000 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
77951 Barnwell, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Barnwell, 15 March … 1802-03-15 It was with a considerable degree of pleasure that I learned lately, you were benevolently...
77952 Wadsworth, Jeremiah Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jeremiah Wadsworth, 4 … 1793-09-04 The Merchants of this place have desired me to assure you they have entire confidence in...
77953 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 11 July 1790 1790-07-11 I wrote to you on the 7th. of this month in answer to your’s of the 27th. of May. That letter was...
77954 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 22 April 1792 1792-04-22 Although my late indisposition has been followed by an intermitting head-ach which has rendered...
77955 Brown, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Brown, 10 August 1788 1788-08-10 Your favor of the 28th May came to hand a few days ago for which accept my warmest...
77956 Harrison, Richard Jefferson, Thomas Richard Harrison to Thomas Jefferson, 10 March 1809 1809-03-10 R. Harrison presents his respectful compliments to M r Jefferson , and has the honor to inform...
77957 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 22 May 1796 1796-05-22 Congress are hurrying through the remnant of business before them, and will probably adjourn...
77958 Randall, Paul Richard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Paul Richard Randall, 11 June … 1801-06-11 Your happy accession to the Presidency of the United States, is a subject of congratulation to...
77959 Lee, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Lee, 23 July 1792 1792-07-23 The General Assembly in their last Session, passed a resolution and address congratulating the...
77960 Lefévre, M. Jefferson, Thomas [To Thomas Jefferson from Lefévre, 13 January 1789] 1789-01-13 [[ Paris? ], 13 Jan. 1789 . Recorded in SJL as received 16 Jan. 1789. Not found. This may have...
77961 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: James Madison: Report on Complaints against … 1805-01-31 The Secretary of State, to whom the President of the United States has been pleased to refer the...
77962 Randolph, Thomas Eston Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Eston Randolph to Thomas Jefferson, 23 September … 1821-09-23 Soon after seeing you yesterday at the Mill , I recollected there was an error in the acceptance...
77963 American Antiquarian Society Jefferson, Thomas American Antiquarian Society to Thomas Jefferson … 1822-04-07 HEREWITH you will receive a Report on the state of T he A merican A ntiquarian S ociety , made at...
77964 Parent (Parant), M. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Parent, 20 June 1787 1787-06-20 J’ay Recue votre lettre du 14 du Courant par laquelle vous me marque de vous achette deux...
77965 Wickham, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Wickham, 8 December 1796 1796-12-08 I write to you at the Request of Mr. Eppes to inform You of a Settlement which he and Mr....
77966 Thweatt, Richard Noble Jefferson, Thomas Richard N. Thweatt to Thomas Jefferson, 31 July 1818 1818-07-31 Yours of the 6 th inst. I have just received. The wine you speak of, Co l Burton procured and...
77967 Read, Edmund Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edmund Read, 10 April 1781 1781-04-10 Since my arival on this River the Enemy has not attempted to Land on the Virginia Shoar. They did...
77968 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 17 February 1802 1802-02-17 Mr. Wm. S Butler , the son of Genl Butler, is desirous of entering the Navy as Midpn.—There are...
77969 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 30 June … 1793-06-30 You will find by the enclosed letter from the Commissioners that Mr. Hallet reports unfavorably...
77970 Cabell, Joseph Carrington Jefferson, Thomas Joseph C. Cabell to Thomas Jefferson, 15 February 1819 1819-02-15 On saturday the Visitors of the University were appointed. They are Thomas Jefferson , James...
77971 Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Paine, 10 October 1793 1793-10-10 As far as my Judgement extends I think you cannot do better than send Commissioners to Europe;...
77972 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 1 May 1809 1809-05-01 I am just favored with yours of the 27th. Young Gelston is here preparing to take his passage for...
77973 Shoemaker, Jonathan Jefferson, Thomas Jonathan Shoemaker to Thomas Jefferson, 5 June 1809 1809-06-05 I sometime back wrote thee I Should be at Shadwell in all May but Owing to a Variety of Untoward...
77974 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 7 October … 1792-10-07 The enclosed were found in the Road by a Neighbour of mine and sent to me. A letter to Mr. Danl....
77975 Georgia Legislature Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Georgia Legislature, 20 … 1808-12-20 On motion of Mr. Bryan the following address to Thomas Jefferson, president of the United States,...
77976 Page, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Page, 25 April 1803 1803-04-25 Your letter , my dear and much respected Friend, was handed to me at Richmond, after 9 O’Clock at...
77977 Smith, Samuel (of Maryland) Jefferson, Thomas Samuel Smith (of Maryland) to Thomas Jefferson, 26 … 1820-08-26 I have had the honor to receive your very friendly letter , and I pray you to accept my sincere...
77978 Bowdoin, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Bowdoin, 10 October 1785 1785-10-10 I have lately understood that Congress have under consideration a report of their Minister for...
77979 Hunt, Wilson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Wilson Hunt, 8 January 1824 1824-01-08 Thomas Jefferson Esqr. To…Brig Caledonia…D r To freight from Marseilles of 9 Cases Wine & }...
77980 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 2 September … 1808-09-02 Your’s of 26th ulto. was received yesterday. together with that of Mr Madison advising that a...
77981 Burk, John Daly Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Daly Burk, 2 February … 1803-02-02 I am employed in writing an history of Virginia . My contract is made; the subscription fills...
77982 Darcel, Nicolas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nicolas Darcel, 28 March 1786 1786-03-28 I have been duly honored with your note under the 6th. Inst. relative to the affair of Fish oil....
77983 Innes, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Innes, 24 April 1781 1781-04-24 I have this moment arrived at this place— and shall loose no time . I beg to recieve your orders...
77984 Williams, Jonathan Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jonathan Williams, 18 June … 1805-06-18 among the Duties I felt myself bound to perform on resuming my Station at the Head of the Corps...
77985 Thompson, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Thompson, 16 May 1808 1808-05-16 Understanding that Major Swan has resigned the Office of Pay Master General to the Army, to take...
77986 Genet, Edmond Charles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edmond Charles Genet, 4 August … 1793-08-04 Je m’empresse de vous dénoncer des hommes qui abusent de l’azile qu’ils ont trouvé dans les Etats...
77987 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 2 February 1817 1817-02-02 In our good old English language of Gratitude, I owe you and give you a thousand thanks, for...
77988 Peyton, Craven Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Craven Peyton, 30 May 1802 1802-05-30 Kee & my self have not yet bargained but make no doubt but we shall soon, if you can with...
77989 Gibson, Patrick Jefferson, Thomas Patrick Gibson to Thomas Jefferson, 26 June 1817 1817-06-26 I have received your favor of the 23 d inclosing two notes for renewal, which I am sorry to say...
77990 Livingston, Robert R. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert R. Livingston, 6 March … 1801-03-06 I recd your favor of the 16th. ult. just as I was leaving New York for this place which has...
77991 Esenbeck, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Esenbeck, 13 January … 1809-01-13 The Petition of William O          most humbly sheweth: that your Orator asks nothing what is...
77992 Giannini, Antonio Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Anthony Giannini, 23 February … 1792-02-23 I have sent you those letters, beging the favour of you, if you will be so Kind as to farward...
77993 Searcy, Edmund Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edmund Searcy, 2 July 1804 1804-07-02 When I wrote you on the subject of exploring a part of Louisianie, the Red and Arkensas Rivers,...
77994 Griffiths, Elijah Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Elijah Griffiths, 8 June 1803 1803-06-08 Professional pursuits have absorbed so much of my attention, since the last Presidential...
77995 Granger, Gideon Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Gideon Granger, 28 August 1803 1803-08-28 I can now speak with confidence on the subject of a Collector at New Haven. I am fully convinced...
77996 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 4 November … 1805-11-04 The two boxes of sheet iron are here. For want of water carriage, Mr. Graham some time since (I...
77997 Nicholas, Wilson Cary Jefferson, Thomas Wilson Cary Nicholas to Thomas Jefferson, 25 January … 1819-01-25 You have heard I know, that your College is made the University of Virginia . I call it yours, as...
77998 Randolph, Thomas Mann, Jr. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr., 31 … 1793-08-31 Mr. Randolph arrived yesterday with the packet for Mr. Madison which I delivered immediately to a...
77999 Huntington, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 9 November … 1779-11-09 Your Excellency will receive herewith enclos’d an act of Congress of the 8th instant together...
78000 Gelston, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Gelston, 4 April 1805 1805-04-04 By the Ship Independence, from Leghorn, I have received a letter from Mr. Appleton, enclosing...