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Results 77941-77970 of 184,431 sorted by author
M r William Jordan Harris , a young gentleman of a neighboring county, being desirous of entering...
Th: Jefferson with his respects to the President has the honor to send him the letters & orders...
Mr. Mazzei desires me to inclose his letter to you and to add my testimony to his of the...
In pursuance of powers which mr Short had confided to me, and urged by the circumstances of the...
The inclosed order will explain to you the general plan adopted for regimenting, officering, and...
The Secretary of State incloses to the President the letter to the King of France with the...
I am happy to be informed of the historical work on our country which you are about to undertake,...
You are hereby authorised to proceed to the state of Virginia, and there to recieve Philip...
I was just sending off the inclosed letter to the post office when I learned that mr Stuart was...
I must ask the favor of you to send me an hundred Dollars by the return of post, in small bills....
I have the honour of inclosing to your Excellency a report of the proceedings on the inauguration...
I have written you a long letter by mr Barlow , & in that inclosed you one from mr Barnes...
I am to acknoledge the receipt of your letter, and to scribble a line in answer, being just in...
I did not recieve your letter of May 24. till my return hither 4. or 5. days ago. I am not able...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to inclose to the President a letter from our bankers, at Amsterdam...
In your favor of the 8th. instant you mention that you had written to me in February last . This...
In 1779 his Majesty ordered a small squadron to be equipped at his expence, to perform an...
Your letters of Aug. 19. and Oct. 12. have come duly to hand. My last to you was of the 11th. of...
I now send you the nails desired, as is stated below. I must beg you, my dear Sir, to push the...
I take the Liberty of troubling your Excellency on Behalf of six Citizens of the United States...
Your letter of Mar. 5. is but lately recieved. I have inclosed it to the President of the US....
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Cramer and his thanks for the volume of Brown’s...
Your favor of Aug. 31. did not come to hand but by yesterday’s mail, delayed I presume by the...
The Secretary at War has prepared an estimate of expenditures for the army of the US. during the...
The fever spreads faster. Deaths are now about 30. a day. It is in every square of the city. All...
Your last favor is recieved just as I am setting out for a possession 90. miles Southwardly, from...
Your Letter from Louisville of February 22’d —80 came safely to Hand. In Answer to your...
At a meeting of the Visitors of the University, at the University on Monday 4 th of October 1824....
Thomas Jefferson personally appeared before me James Wilson one of the Judges of the Supreme...
Th:J. returns his thanks to mr De Wolf for his excellent oration on the 4 th of July sent him...