Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Mayer & Brantz, 9 January 1808

Baltimore 9th January 1808


Before Mr. Reibelt went to the western country, he observed a breed of Goats, remarkable for the Sweetness of its milk which our L. Brantz had brought from Bengal, and intimated to us that a pair of the Kids wou’d prove acceptable to you.

We have hitherto been frequently disapointed, but have now at last been Successfull in raising a pair, which might be transported with little risk, as they are nearly three months old.

We should be very much gratified Shou’d they prove acceptable to you, in which case we would beg your directions as to the mode of conveying them

We have the honor to be respectfully Sir Your obedient humble Servants

Mayer & Brantz

MHi: Coolidge Collection.

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