Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Abraham Husted, Jr., 23 August 1804

From Abraham Husted, Jr.

Richmond 23th August 1804


I wish to inform you that there is a plan in my oppinion will answer America a good purpus & save them the trouble of building a fleet manning &c. by preparing a moshine to go under water & blow thim up that dare cum near our coast I gave a french gentleman a hint of the out lines of the plan from wich he told me he wood insure me a free passage to france and back to amirica a gain should I wish to cum & give me one hundred thousand crowns to reveal the plan to the presadent of france & provided I would consint to stay in france & the plan should answer they would give me one million Sterling worth of propirty, but I have my Cuntrys good to much at hart to reveal sutch a thing to any other Nation or to any induvidual by which means they might obtain it—now I wish to know when and where we can bee to gether a Sufficient time for you to recieve the information & examin the plan to your Satisfaction. Should it answer it must be a Saving to the States of an unknown Sum—if it should be your wish to examin into my plan please to rite me a line to inform me when and where it would be most agreable to you & I will endeaver to wait upon you for that purpose at the time & place appointed. I am with Respects your Sinceer friend to Serve

Abraham Husted Junr.

RC (DLC); addressed: “To the Presadent of the U. Stats Thomas Jefferson <City of Washington or> at his Seat” with “near Milton” added in another hand; franked; postmarked 28 Aug.; endorsed by TJ as received 1 Sep. and so recorded in SJL.

In 1804, Abraham Husted, Jr., offered his services in Richmond as a dentist and as a source of information on how to remove the Hessian fly. In addition to his letter to TJ on underwater mines, Husted petitioned Congress in 1807 to provide support for his experiments (Richmond Virginia Argus, 4 Jan.; Hudson, N.Y., Balance, and Columbian Repository, 7 Aug.; Husted to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, 24 Feb. 1807, in DNA: RG 233, PMRDT, 9th Cong., 2d sess.).

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