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Results 77901-77950 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
77901 Washington, George Lewis, John From George Washington to John Lewis, 7 December 1787 … 1787-12-07 Letter not found: to John Lewis, 7 Dec. 1787. Lewis wrote GW on 15 Dec. that he did not receive...
77902 Washington, George Madison, James From George Washington to James Madison, 7 December … 1787-12-07 Since my last to you, I have been favored with your letters of the 28th of Octr & 18th of...
77903 Madison, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Madison, 7 December … 1787-12-07 My last inclosed a continuation of the Fœderalist to number 14 inclusive. I now add the numbers...
77904 Madison, James Washington, George From James Madison to George Washington, 7 December … 1787-12-07 My last inclosed a continuation of the Fœderalist to number 14. inclusive. I now add the numbers...
77905 Lee, Henry Madison, James To James Madison from Henry Lee, 7 December 1787 1787-12-07 Having a few moments only to devote, you must be satisfied with a very laconic letr. Such is my...
77906 Washington, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Washington, 7 December … 1787-12-07 Since my last to you, I have been favored with your letters of the 28th. of Octr: & 18th. of...
77907 Madison, James The Federalist Number 18, [7 December] 1787 1787-12-07 Among the confederacies of antiquity, the most considerable was that of the Grecian republics...
77908 Barrett, Nathaniel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nathaniel Barrett, 7 December … 1787-12-07 The Cargo of Oil referd to in Messrs. Le Couteulx Letter has been deliverd By those Gentlemen to...
77909 Beaufain, Berenger de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Berenger de Beaufain, 7 … 1787-12-07 Erlangen, 7 Dec. 1787 . Is a descendant of a French family exiled to Germany because of religion....
77910 Cosway, Maria Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Maria Cosway, [7 December … 1787-12-07 I cannot breakfast with you to morrow; to bid you adieu once is sufficiently painful, for I leave...
77911 Jefferson, Thomas Lambert From Thomas Jefferson to Lambert, 7 December 1787 1787-12-07 Depuis que j’eus l’honneur de parler à Votre Excellence au sujet des huiles de baleines, j’ai...
77912 Trumbull, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Trumbull, 7 December 1787 1787-12-07 I have your letter of Novr. 13th. by which I am happy to learn that your Harpsichord is safe. It...
77913 Adams, John Quincy 8th. 1787-12-08 Amory went to Ipswich this afternoon. He cannot yet get entirely over his old habits. He intends...
77914 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 19, [8 December 1787] 1787-12-08 To the People of the State of New-York. THE examples of ancient confederacies, cited in my last...
77915 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 December 1787] 1787-12-08 Saturday 8th. Thermometer at 31 in the Morning—44 at Noon and 42 at Night. Clear Morning and a...
77916 Madison, James The Federalist Number 19, [8 December] 1787 1787-12-08 The examples of antient confederacies, cited in my last paper, have not exhausted the source of...
77917 Madison, James Limozin, André From James Madison to André Limozin, 8 December 1787 1787-12-08 Letter not found. 8 December 1787. Acknowledged in Limozin to JM, 26 Jan. 1788 . Forwarded by...
77918 Madison, James Mazzei, Philip From James Madison to Philip Mazzei, 8 December 1787 1787-12-08 Letter not found. 8 December 1787. Acknowledged in Mazzei to JM, 4 Feb. 1788 . Encourages...
77919 Carra, Jean Louis Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Carra, 8 December 1787 1787-12-08 Paris, 8 Dec. 1787 . Has been charged with a memorial concerning Cazeau, a Canadian, in relation...
77920 Adams, John Quincy 9th. 1787-12-09 Attended Dr. Tucker’s meeting in the forenoon. He gave us an excellent sermon upon the story of...
77921 Adams, Abigail Jefferson, Thomas Abigail Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 5 December 1787 1787-12-09 Mrs Adams presents her respectfull compliments to Mr Jefferson and asks the favour of him to...
77922 Adams, John Quincy Tufts, Cotton John Quincy Adams to Cotton Tufts, 9 December 1787 1787-12-09 If it should be convenient to you, I would be obliged to you for a supply of money. I endeavour...
77923 Washington, George [Diary entry: 9 December 1787] 1787-12-09 Sunday 9th. Thermometer at 32 in the Morning—38 at Noon And 36 at Night. The Wind having shifted...
77924 Washington, George Johnson, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Johnson and Thomas Sim … 1787-12-09 Presuming that Colo. Fitzgerald according to his promise has communicated to you the vote of the...
77925 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 9 December 1787 1787-12-09 Your favour of the 17th. of Sepr. with sundry other letters and Packets, came duly by the last...
77926 Jefferson, Thomas Dumas, Charles William Frederick From Thomas Jefferson to C. W. F. Dumas, 9 December … 1787-12-09 Your letter of Nov. 27. shewing that mine of Nov. 14. had not then got to hand, had given me...
77927 Lowell, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Lowell, 9 December 1787 1787-12-09 Boston, 9 Dec. 1787 . Introduces Thomas Russell Greaves, son of Thomas Russell, a well-to-do...
77928 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 9 December 1787 1787-12-09 Your favour of the 17th. of Sepr. with sundry other letters and packets, came duly by the last...
77929 Adams, John Quincy 10th. 1787-12-10 This forenoon Townsend, sat off for Boston. Mr. Parsons intended to have gone likewise, as the...
77930 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 10 December 1787 1787-12-10 I last night received, the Ratification of my last Loan and the inclosed Resolution of Congress...
77931 Washington, George [Diary entry: 10 December 1787] 1787-12-10 Monday 10th. Thermometer at 31 in the Morning—36 at Noon and 34 at Night. Morning & day clear....
77932 Weissenfels, Frederick Washington, George To George Washington from Frederick Weissenfels, 10 … 1787-12-10 Letter not found: from Frederick Weissenfels, 10 Dec. 1787. GW wrote Weissenfels on 10 Jan. 1788...
77933 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 10 December 1787 1787-12-10 I last night received, the Ratification of my last Loan and the inclosed Resolution of Congress...
77934 Carr, Peter Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Peter Carr, 10 December 1787 1787-12-10 When I last had the pleasure of writeing to you, I was at Wm. & Mary attending the different...
77935 Cosway, Maria Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Maria Cosway, 10 December … 1787-12-10 You promised to come to breakfast with Me the Morning of My departure, and to Accompany me part...
77936 Jarvis, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Jarvis, 10 December 1787 1787-12-10 London, 10 Dec. 1787. On 10 Nov. he received from Jay, the Commissioners of the Treasury, and...
77937 Adams, John Quincy 11th. 1787-12-11 Reading Blackstone all day; and I pass’d the evening, at the office till eight: after which I...
77938 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 20, [11 December 1787] 1787-12-11 To the People of the State of New-York. THE United Netherlands are a confederacy of republics, or...
77939 Washington, George [Diary entry: 11 December 1787] 1787-12-11 Tuesday 11th. Thermometer at 27 in the Morning—37 at Noon And 35 at Night. Wind at West varying...
77940 Johnson, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Johnson, 11 December … 1787-12-11 Your Favor of the 9th directed to Mr Lee and myself and it’s Inclosure came to Hand today very...
77941 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Knox, 11 December 1787 1787-12-11 I thank you for your kind favor of the 15th October which was duly received. Notwithstanding the...
77942 Washington, George Peterson & Taylor From George Washington to Peterson & Taylor, 11 … 1787-12-11 Letter not found: to Peterson & Taylor, 11 Dec. 1787. Peterson & Taylor wrote GW on this date :...
77943 Peterson & Taylor Washington, George To George Washington from Peterson & Taylor, 11 … 1787-12-11 yours ⅌ the boy came safe to hand and observe its contents, we can in answer, deliver at the Genl...
77944 Washington, George Stuart, David From George Washington to David Stuart, 11 December … 1787-12-11 Not recollecting till this moment, the Winter regulation of the Post; & being desirous of getting...
77945 Madison, James Gates, Horatio From James Madison to Horatio Gates, 11 December 1787 1787-12-11 Your favour of the 26 Ult: was duly handed to me by Majr. Drumgole. However important the object...
77946 Turberville, George Lee Madison, James To James Madison from George Lee Turberville, 11 … 1787-12-11 Will you excuse an abrupt tresspass upon your leizure which has its rise from a desire to promote...
77947 Virginia Delegates Randolph, Edmund Virginia Delegates to Edmund Randolph, 11 December 1787 1787-12-11 We have been honoured with your Excellencies favor of the 24th. Ult. together with its...
77948 Madison, James The Federalist Number 20, [11 December] 1787 1787-12-11 The United Netherlands are a confederacy of republics, or rather of aristocracies, of a very...
77949 Forrest, Uriah Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Uriah Forrest, 11 December … 1787-12-11 For some time passed it was my intention to pay my respects to your Excellency in Paris, that...
77950 Adams, John Quincy 12th. 1787-12-12 This day I finished reading the fourth and last volume of Blackstone’s Commentaries. This is one...