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Results 77881-77930 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your’s of the 21st. is recieved. I think you ought not to venture to come without a horse or mule...
In my letter of yesterday I forgot to put the inclosed one from mr Mill, which I now send merely...
Your favor of Oct. 9. was recieved in due time, & the articles mentioned in it are safely...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Dandrid ge and incloses him a certificate of the...
I recieve and return the congratulations of your letter of July 6. with pleasure, and join the...
Your favor of Apr. 27. was very long on the road , and found me occupied in a business to which I...
I wrote you my No. 6. on the 3d inst. Since that I have received your No. 4. of June 29. The...
In mine of the day before yesterday I informed you that to comply with a request of Govr. Cabell...
Richmond, 19 Nov. 1780. The first paragraph of this letter is identical with the first paragraph...
I promised you that on the completion of the bill of scantling I gave you, and the reciept of...
Your favor of May 8. which had arrived at Aix after I had passed that place, followed me here...
1000. X d nails RC ( WHi ); written on a small scrap; dateline beneath signature; at foot of...
I owe you, dear Madam, a thousand thanks for the letters communicated in your favor of Dec. 15....
1815. Feb. 21 . a very large stalled beef killed Feb. 7. lasts till now, to wit, a fortnight. MS...
Mr. Jefferson has the honour of presenting his compliments to Monsieur Dupont le fils, and begs...
Your favor of the 18th. is duly recieved. be assured that I value no act of friendship so highly...
Your letter of the 4th. inst. has been recieved, & in it a Memorial of the Merchants & Marine...
[ Annapolis, 5 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mrs. Tr.—Mad[ison].—Annap.—Mr. Tr [presumably...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to Doctr. Wistar and incloses him a letter from...
Apprehending that a mr Furst is making a heavy claim on the treasury under a pretended engagemt...
[ Annapolis, 27 Apr. 1784. Entry in SJL reads: “Genl. Sullivan. Acknol. receipt his letters—glad...
I have this day drawn an order on you in favor of Mr. Brown for £15–18–9. I have also desired Mr....
Your’s of the 15th. is safely recieved. I percieve by that that I had by mistake sent you...
I have recieved several letters from you which have not been acknoleged. by the post I dare not,...
Extracts from the letters and accounts of Th: Jefferson relative to a sum of £394–10 which passed...
As the conditions of our commerce with the French and British Dominions, are important, and a...
On On recurring to my papers I found f a me m orandum of the bond which I suppose mr Garland had...
I recieved yesterday your’s of the 10th. of May: and am not sorry for the departure of Kramer;...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mr. Kean and congratulates him sincerely on his and...
We agree to employ Mr. Dunlap according to his proposals inclosed in your Letter of the 15th...
Your’s of the 13th. is this moment recieved, informing me of the vacancy in the office of...
I have found it more convenient to have money sent to you from Richmond this month than from this...
Age & ill health have obliged me to commit all my affairs to the care of my grandson Th: J. R....
According to your desire I will now state to you the reasons which have induced me to decline...
[ Ed. Note : A missing letter to Niles of 20 Apr. 1821 is recorded in SJL with the bracketed...
My friend Mr. Butler, a Senator of the US. from South Carolina having a desire to get some White...
I have received your letter of Dec. 10. as I had done in due time that of Mr. Welsh , tho’ I did...
I have written to mr Smith proposing to order a couple of gunboats from New York into the...
1809. Nov. 14. lands on Ivy creek to wit Tullas ’s 374. a s & Stith ’s 100. a s Campbell James...
The Secretary of the Treasury has handed on to me a letter from you complaining of the...
Yours of the 3d inst. came to hand to-day. I wish I could be better satisfied on the point of...
Your paper of the 23d. came to my hands the day before yesterday. observing in it what is said on...
the Marshal’s office of Potomac is become vacant by the resignation of mr Dent. it appears to be...
I have just now recieved your favor of the 16th. and tho late at night I scribble a line that it...
Th: Jefferson begs leave to trouble Mr. Pinckney with the following commissions. Faden, map maker...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Munroe: he does not recollect whether any act of...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your favor of the 13th. with the sermon inclosed, for which I...
Having recieved information in March that Jame Hubbard had been living in Lexington upwards of a...
The box containing 150. pieces of Roman coins in bronze which you were so kind as to address to...
The inclosed letter being of importance I take the liberty of asking you to give it a conveyance....