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Results 77851-77900 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
77851 Maury, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Maury, 2 December 1787 1787-12-02 Liverpool, 2 Dec. 1787 . Thanks TJ for his letter of 13 Nov.; is pleased that so much progress...
77852 Adams, John Quincy 3d. 1787-12-03 Mr. Moore breakfasted with us. Mr. Parsons is quite unwell, and has been so for two or three days...
77853 Troup, Robert Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Robert Troup, 3 December … 1787-12-03 [ New York ] December 3, 1787 . Requests Hamilton to make arrangements for the purchase of a...
77854 Washington, George [Diary entry: 3 December 1787] 1787-12-03 Monday 3d. Thermometer at 46 in the Morning—62 at Noon and 60 at Night. Very little wind. Mild &...
77855 Washington, George Biddle, Clement From George Washington to Clement Biddle, 3 December … 1787-12-03 Your letters of the 23d of Septr & 15th of Novr came duly to hand. You may inform Mr Haines that...
77856 Washington, George Embree & Shotwell From George Washington to Embree & Shotwell, 3 December … 1787-12-03 Colo. Henry Lee (who called upon me as he returned home from New York) informed me that you dealt...
77857 Washington, George Langdon, John From George Washington to John Langdon, 3 December 1787 1787-12-03 I have received your letter of the 6th Ulto and am much obliged to you for the information...
77858 Washington, George Smith, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Smith, 3 December 1787 1787-12-03 I have recd your letter of the 26th of Octr and am much surprised to find that my letters to the...
77859 Washington, George Washington, Bushrod From George Washington to Bushrod Washington, 3 … 1787-12-03 A Mr H. Banks, of your Assembly is disposed to be kind to me or has some view of being so to...
77860 Washington, George Weedon, George From George Washington to George Weedon, 3 December … 1787-12-03 I have received your letter of the 25th Ulto enclosing the proceedings of the Cincinnati of this...
77861 Carr, Martha Jefferson Jefferson, Thomas [To Thomas Jefferson from Martha Jefferson Carr, 3 … 1787-12-03 [ 3 Dec. 1787. Recorded in SJL Index. Not found.]
77862 Smith, William Stephens Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Stephens Smith, 3 … 1787-12-03 I have been honoured by the receipt of your Letter of the 13th. ulto. and notice the alarm of...
77863 Carr, Martha Jefferson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Martha Jefferson Carr, 3 … 1787-12-03 I have long wisht for an Opportunity of writing to you but since Mr. Madisons departure from this...
77864 Adams, John Quincy 4th. 1787-12-04 White returned this morning to Haverhill. At the office all day. Mr. Parsons still very...
77865 Hollis, Thomas Brand Adams, Abigail Thomas Brand Hollis to Abigail Adams, 4 December 1787 1787-12-04 you put too much value on trifles which are only small marks of real regard & affection to you &...
77866 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 16, [4 December 1787] 1787-12-04 To the People of the State of New-York. THE tendency of the principle of legislation for States,...
77867 Washington, George [Diary entry: 4 December 1787] 1787-12-04 Tuesday 4th. Thermometer at 47 in the Morning—47 at Noon And 46 at Night. Wind Southerly all...
77868 Muse, Battaile Washington, George To George Washington from Battaile Muse, 4 December … 1787-12-04 I was in Fauquier County Last week among the Tenaments, and have Tenants Engaged For all the Lots...
77869 Stuart, David Washington, George To George Washington from David Stuart, 4 December 1787 … 1787-12-04 Letter not found: from David Stuart, 4 Dec. 1787. GW wrote Stuart on 11 Dec. “to acknowledge the...
77870 Jefferson, Thomas Brizard, Gabriel, Abbé From Thomas Jefferson to Brizard, 4 December 1787 1787-12-04 Monsieur Jefferson a l’honneur de remercier Monsieur de Brizard de l’excellente ouvrage sur feu...
77871 Clérisseau, Charles Louis Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Clérisseau, 4 December 1787 1787-12-04 J’ai l’honneur de vous faire part de la note que vous m’aves demandé. Je me serois fait un...
77872 Du Bois, M. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Du Bois, 4 December 1787 1787-12-04 Paris, 4 Dec. 1787 . Inquires concerning the present whereabouts of John Paul Jones and when he...
77873 Jefferson, Thomas Du Bois, M. From Thomas Jefferson to Du Bois, 4 December 1787 1787-12-04 Je crois, Monsieur, que Monsieur Paul Jones doit etre actuellement à Copenhague, ou sur son...
77874 Dumas, Charles William Frederick Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from C. W. F. Dumas, 4 December … 1787-12-04 Votre Excellence verra par la note jointe à l’incluse, que j’ai cru bien faire d’omettre ces...
77875 Adams, John Quincy 5th. 1787-12-05 I pass’d the evening with Little and Townsend at Miss Cazneau’s. We play’d Commerce, and whist:...
77876 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 17, [5 December 1787] 1787-12-05 To the People of the State of New-York. AN objection of a nature different from that which has...
77877 Washington, George [Diary entry: 5 December 1787] 1787-12-05 Wednesday 5th. Thermometer at 47 in the Morning—47 at Noon and 46 at Night. The Wind getting to...
77878 Governor of Virginia Jay, John To John Jay from the Governor of Virginia (Edmund … 1787-12-05 In your letter, inclosing the Morocco signals, you desire them to be delivered to American...
77879 Adams, Abigail Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Abigail Adams, 5 December 1787 1787-12-05 Mrs. Adams presents her respectfull compliments to Mr. Jefferson and asks the favour of him to...
77880 Shippen, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Shippen, 5 December … 1787-12-05 Philadelphia, 5 Dec. 1787 . Introduces his son and asks TJ’s “protection and friendship,” knowing...
77881 Commissioners of the Treasury Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from the Commissioners of the … 1787-12-05 We have the honor of enclosing to you a Letter from Thomas Barclay Esqr. late Commissioner for...
77882 Adams, John Quincy 6th. 1787-12-06 Spent the evening with Thompson and Little, at Putnam’s lodgings. We conversed upon a diversity...
77883 Adams, John Cerisier, Antoine Marie From John Adams to Antoine Marie Cerisier, 6 December … 1787-12-06 After much anxiety on your account and many ineffectual Inquiries after your health & welfare, I...
77884 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 6 December 1787 1787-12-06 The Project of a new Constitution, has Objections against it, to which I find it difficult to...
77885 Hamilton, Alexander Church, Angelica From Alexander Hamilton to Angelica Church, [6 December … 1787-12-06 I this morning wrote a short and hasty line to your other self and did not then expect I should...
77886 Hamilton, Alexander Church, John B. From Alexander Hamilton to John B. Church, 6 December … 1787-12-06 [ New York, December 6, 1787. On December 6, 1787, Hamilton wrote to Angelica Church “I this...
77887 Hamilton, Alexander Report of a Committee of the Trustees Columbia College … 1787-12-06 New York, December 6, 1787. As members of a committee of the trustees of Columbia College...
77888 Washington, George [Diary entry: 6 December 1787] 1787-12-06 Thursday 6th. Thermometer at 40 in the morning— at Noon and at Night. Cloudy & raw in the...
77889 Ridley, Matthew Jay, John To John Jay from Matthew Ridley, 6 December 1787 1787-12-06 A few Lines I wrote you, crossed your esteem’d favor of the 5 th : Aug t : Want of health, which...
77890 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 6 December 1787 1787-12-06 I have had hopes of being able to give you something from the proceedings of the Assembly of an...
77891 Hawkins, Benjamin Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin Hawkins, ca. 6 December … 1787-12-06 Letter not found. ca. 6 December 1787, Tarborough. Mentioned in Hawkins to JM, 14 Feb. 1788 ....
77892 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 6 December 1787 1787-12-06 The Project of a new Constitution, has Objections against it, to which I find it difficult to...
77893 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas [To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 6 December 1787] 1787-12-06 [ London, 6 Dec. 1787. Recorded in SJL as received 17 Dec. 1787, “recommending of Cerisier.” Not...
77894 H. Fizeaux & Cie. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from H. Fizeaux & Cie., 6 … 1787-12-06 Nous avons observé par la reponse dont vous nous avez honoré le 23. juillet que vous avez eu la...
77895 Jefferson, Thomas Montmorin de Saint-Hérem, Armand Marc, Comte de From Thomas Jefferson to Montmorin, with Enclosure, 6 … 1787-12-06 I take the liberty of asking your Excellency’s perusal of the inclosed case of an American...
77896 Smith, William Stephens Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Stephens Smith, 6 … 1787-12-06 I wrote you by Mr. Littlepage on the 4th. inst. That Letter contains an account of Cash recieved...
77897 Adams, John Quincy 7th. 1787-12-07 Mr. Parsons, has recovered in a great measure from his illness: so that he was the chief part of...
77898 Lillie, John Jr. Adams, John To John Adams from John Lillie Jr., 7 December 1787 1787-12-07 Nothing but the importance of the following subject which immediately concerns myself could have...
77899 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 18, [7 December 1787] 1787-12-07 To the People of the State of New-York. AMONG the confederacies of antiquity, the most...
77900 Washington, George [Diary entry: 7 December 1787] 1787-12-07 Friday 7th. Thermometer at in the Morning—42 at Noon and 40 at Night. Raining good part of the...