John Jay Papers

From John Jay to John Adams, 4 May 1786 (first letter)

To John Adams (First Letter)

New York 4 May 1786

Dear Sir

on recieving yours of the 4 Jany last,1 I immediately communicated it to the Chief of the episcopalian clergy in this City, vizt. the Revd. Mr Provoost, the Rector of Trinity Church. He is greatly pleased with the Manner in which you attended to their application, as well as with the Reception it met with from the archbishop. The next Convention of the Clergy will doubtless present their acknowledgments to you for your obliging attention.

Altho I do not consider Bishops as very important to our Salvation, yet I wish the Convention may succeed, for otherwise Mr Seabury will necessarily acquire a Degree of Consequence among the Episcopalians, which should not be possessed by any Man so little friendly to the Independence and civil Rights of our Country as he has been—With great Esteem & Regard I am Dr Sir Your Friend & Servt

John Jay

Honb John Adams Esqr

ALS, MHi (EJ: 4721).

1See JA to JJ, 4 Jan. 1786, LS, NNC (EJ: 5425), and MHi: Adams; and the editorial note “John Jay and the Founding of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America,” above.

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