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Results 7751-7760 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I thank you for your favour of July 26. I always rejoice to hear of your Arguing Causes. This Arguing is the Way to business. Argue; Argue; Argue; forever when you can, and never be concerned about the issue, any further than you ought to interest yourself for truth and Justice. If you Speak in public, tho you loose your cause, it will Serve your reputation, if you Speak well, as much as if...
I received in due course your favor of the 25 th: ult o: together with the volume of Debates, Catalogue & ca: for all which I return you thanks— I have been but a negligent correspondent this Summer, compared with the last, for the plain reason that I have had more pressing claims upon my attention— You shall eventually lose nothing, however, by continuing your regular communications. The...
I have not written to You since I received Yours of the 19th, and that of the 20th by Your Friends. I was from Home when they came up and deliverd your Letters, but your Father saw them, and invited them to dine with us on twesday last, which they did. I found them agreable young Men, and your Friends think they trace a likeness of Your person in mr Neal they profess to be much pleased with...
Your favor of the 11 th: inst t: which has this moment come to hand, found me with pen in hand; on the very threshold of writing to you, for the purpose of offering you my very sincere & hearty congratulations upon the success of your Competitor M r: Caldwell, who has obtained the appointment of Clerk to the Supreme Court of the U. S.— This exordium may appear singular to you, the more so,...
I received in course your favor of the 4 th: inst t: a pretty assiduous attendance at Court, during the whole of the last week prevented my making a sooner acknowledgment. Two causes of considerable moment were argued very elaborately, an outline of which may be found in the Gazette of the U.S. of the 16 th: — The question of war or no war, as it respects the relative situations of the United...
I have been determined for Several weeks to write to You, but one avocation after an other, has calld of my attention and prevented me. I was seizd with a voilent fever soon after my return, and confined to my bed during the absence of the President. he found me upon his return confined to my Chamber, and unable to leave it for some time.— Since my recovery I have enjoyd better Health, and...
I take the liberty of addressing a few lines to you, knowing from the Friendship with which you have honord myself, and Family; that it will not be thought an intrusion by you, and I take leave Madam to assure you that it ever makes me happy to hear of your health, and of the welfare of yourself, and Family, and that this Circle in George street are much intrested at this time, for M r: Adams’...
I have paid you all I owed in the article of letters, but I receive few communications from home. Please to tell my mother that I like to know, now & then, a little of the Cabinet secrets. The Report that the negociation with France is broken off, creates considerable sensation here & at New York— I think few people actually believe the story, but it serves the turn of newspaper Scriblers to...
I received last night your favor of the 18 th. I thank you for your account of the proceedings of the Supreme court.— I really believe you are right & that I was erroneous, in what we have said about the influence of politicks at the bar in Pensylvania. Indeed any where affected politicks do a man no good. I did not mean to prejudice you against your Quakers friends, who I doubt not are...
Yesterday I received the newspapers which you enclosed with my Mother’s letter of the   inst t: —& which by accident was sent on to Washington instead of Philadelphia— Moreover not having had time to read the papers yesterday, they were laid aside and I did not, until this morning, discover my Mothers letter, which was concealed in one of the papers. You will easily believe that the letter was...