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Results 7751-7780 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I understood from my Friend, and late Fellow Traveller, that “A Recluse Man” had been heard of, but never seen, by the principal Object of it. This Mistake alone, prompted the Author to inclose it, at first, in a blank Cover. The Idea of commenting on it, arose after it had been sealed. It was a disinterested, volunteer Effort; written at a Moment, when the Author had not the most distant Idea...
Your’s of the 2nd. Instant I received last Night for which I am obliged to you. If any Information I can give will contribute to your Satisfaction or my Country’s Good I am happy in furnishing what falls in my Observation. I agree fully with you that you was in the dark as to some Facts relative to the Transactions on Long Island and am fully Satisfied you Still remain so, or you could not...
As the nephew of your late friend General William Whipple, who signed with you the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and who afterwards defended it, with his sword, and as the Nephew of the late Governor John Langdon, who assisted, in framing our all wise Constitution, I beg your acceptance of the Volume herewith transmitted, being the Life & Charactor of your late friend, and Patriot John...
I received yesterday your favor of the 7 th. {this was 4. days later than} mr̃ Short’s of the {same date.} it {had evidently been opened. so we must} therefore consider {both govm̃ts as possessed of it’s contents.} I write you a line at this moment merely to inform you that {mr̃ Barclay is willing} to {go to treat with} the {Barbary states if we desire it} & that {this will} not {take him from...
I am Honourd with your Much Esteem’d Letter of the 24th, Nov. Since Which Should have had the Pleasure of Addressing you My Respects often but Was by the loss of a Vessel Unexpectedly Called to one of the Out Ports on this Coast Where I have been Kept more than two Months without being Able in that time to write to My House More than once on Account of the Very bad Convayance for Letters thro’...
I have never found so much difficulty in prevailing upon myself to do any indifferent action, as in this of convincing myself that it is not too great a presumption to address a few lines to you, with the little present of game which will wait your acceptance about the same instant: In truth I could willingly have sent the gift, without at all disclosing the giver, could I, at the same time,...
I received your Favour of the 19th Novr on my Way to this Place; and the Business which your Friend Mr. Smith requested You to negotiate, shall be carefully attended to and performed. I thank You, for the Intelligence conveyed, and would endeavour to recollect in Return, what has transpired at Congress, had not our Friend Mr. Lovell, who as a faithful and accurate Intelligencer as well as on...
I have the honour to enclose the petition of John Sylvester, with a Report signed by the Secretaries of the Departments—The Attorney General being absent in Virginia, could not be consulted without a considerable delay.— I have the honour to be / with the greatest deference / Sir, / your mo. obedt. servt. In pursuance of the direction of the President of the United States, communicated to the...
The several Matters mention’d in your last, have been attended to, so far as Circumstances would permit. The Rocks in the mowing Land, have been like to a powerful Enemy hard to conquer, it has required much of your Resolution to remove them from their strong Holds. To forward Business they were drilld in the Winter, as soon as the Ground became open, they were blown. one Blast made way for a...
on recieving yours of the 4 Jan y last, I immediately communicated it to the Chief of the episcopalian clergy in this City, viz t . the Rev d . M r Provoost, the Rector of Trinity Church. He is greatly pleased with the Manner in which you attended to their application, as well as with the Reception it met with from the archbishop. The next Convention of the Clergy will doubtless present their...
I received, by the last mail, your esteemed favour of the 22d. inst. The united testimony of your most amiable Family, in repulsion of the calumny which was said to have originated with Mr. Whitney, has not disappointed me. Should it become again a topick at your social board, I pray that my affectionate respects may go along with it to the company. The gentleman who gave me the information I...
I have received His Majesty’s Commands to inform You, that, in order to prevent the Abuses to which the Indulgence given by the Foreign Ministers is frequently liable, by granting that Protection which their Compassion often inclines them to afford to Persons who solicit it for the sole Purpose of screening themselves from the Laws of their Country, His Majesty has instructed His Secretary of...
It is with the most respectfull deference that I take the Liberty of offering to your Consideration Philip Barton Key Esqr. as a person in my Opinion well qualified to fill the Office of District Circuit Judge under the new Judiciary System—In addition to other Oppurtunities of becoming well acquainted with him—I have served two Sessions with him in our State Legislature and entertain an high...
By the Brig Norfolk, Capt Williams, I have letters from Capt Truxtun, of the 6th. March—The Insurgents had not proceeded on a Cruise, but was nearly ready I have also recd. a letter from Capt Decatur, of the 5th. March—He had just captured a small French schooner, of one 9 pound Gun—& 26 Men. The papers of which the enclosed are copies, were sent by Truxtun, who continues to speak of the great...
After due Consideration we agreed upon sending your two trunks of Books, by land, which I have had executed, having first had them plumbed, by which means all Visitation is prevented. I have consigned them à la Veuve Desmeth à Anvers who will send them on to Fizeaux Grand & ce. pursuant to your desires, you have here inclosed the Note of my charges thereto, for which I place 34 10 to your...
The Autumn of 1779 was the most pleasant and agreable for its Fertility and the Mildness of the Air that has been remembered, scarce any Rain had fallen from the Month of August to November, the frequent Rains that fell in the Summer had sufficiently moistned the Earth, but little Rain afterwards was necessary as the Air was temperate between the Extremes of Summer Heat and Cold. The Winter...
The enclosed Letter has just now been put into my Hand— as the Direction would seem to be for Both Branches of the Legislature—and the subject is unknown to me—I have thot it might be best that it should be opened by you—I beg Sir! that it may be thus opened—& if it should appear to be particularly appropriate to the House of Representatives—you will be so good as to return it to me—But if...
Mardi dernier nous fumes dîner à Rotterdam chez Mr. Van Berckel, qui nous avoit invités avec Mr. Votre fils.— Le départ de ce Ministre est fixé vers le 15 du mois prochain, avec le Vaisseau tout neuf doublé en cuivre l’Overyssel de 68 p. de canon, com̃andé par le brave & patriotique Capitaine Riemersma. Si vous êtes sûr, Monsieur, de retourner en Amérique cette année, il est facheux que le...
I mentioned in a former letter, that Monticello’s Philosopher, desired in one of his Letters, that I might undertake, to write the life of J. C. and that I would endeavor to chalk out its outlines—which I would Submit to your considerations. Having hurted my leg through carelessnes—working in my garden, and rendered by further neglect—So painful, that I have been doomed to my cottage, during a...
The peculiarity of my Situation at the Extremity of the Empire I persuade my Self will Apolagize for my Addressing the Chief magistrate of my Cuntry Eight Absence from the actual Jurisdiction of the united States has nither lessend my Attachment for there wellfare nor my Reverence for there laws. It is with peculer pleasure therefore that I Anticipate the Actual Exercise of Goverment under...
Honoré de la vôtre du 5e. Je suis parfaitement d’accord avec vous sur la justesse de la Politique qu’il y auroit, à s’attacher principalement à protéger le Commerce de la France et de l’Espagne, et à désoler celui de l’ennemi; et je souhaite avec vous que l’on adopte et poursuive ce systême. Il faut convenir, d’un autre côté, que les Anglois ont eu par le passé une succession étonnante...
Your affectionate Letter by the Count de Noailles reachd me but yesterday, together with your present by Col. Fleury which was very nice and Good. Should you send any thing of the kind in the same way, be so good as to let it be blew, white or red. Silk Gloves or mittins, black or white lace, Muslin or a Bandano hankerchief, and even a few yard of Ribbon might be conveyed in the same manner. I...
emigré de France province de Bretagne eveché de St. Brieuc paroisse de noyal prés La ville De Lamballe en 1791, Refugié a st. helier isle de jersey j’ay epousé marie-marthe-louise-isidore tuffin De la Roüerie ainée, et heritiere principale de mr. tuffin vicomte de la Roüerie son frere mort commandant dans la partie de Rennes, vitré et fougeres Les partisants de louis 18, et aussy par...
I had the pleasure of writing you last, on the 9th of November, since which I had not enjoyed that of hearing directly from you, untill this day last week when your two favours of 11 and 14 Feby: came to hand—together with Mr. Quincy’s Louisiana speech—several other letters, and a number of Books and pamphlets, and newspapers, from which almost all my attention has hitherto been diverted, by...
The Wolfs–friend, if not the head, one of the most considerable Chiefs of the Chickasaw Nation is now in the City, at the instance and request of Brigadier General Wilkinson, who has intimated to me the expediency of securing his future good will and friendship to the United States by promising him an annual stipend. It may be proper to observe on this occasion: 1st That there are in the...
I received on Saturday your favour of the 13 th: Inst t: Our Supreme Court closed their session in this town last monday, and I am thereby left with more leisure, and less care upon my hands than I had been for some time past used to. The anxieties of business carry with them an antidote, but the anxieties of no business have nothing to weaken or alleviate them. My Grandmother is still living,...
The post of this day has brôt me your favour of the 22 d. ult o: in which you acknowledge the receipt of mine of the 14/25 of Nov r: . I have since written to you upon the 8 th & 30 th. of Dec r: & 2/13 inst: as also to the Commissioners upon the third in answer to their joint letter— In the first place let me thank the D r. & you for the ready manner in which you have consented to my...
The report concerning Mr Evans, whh you intimated to me had operated in in your mind to prevent his appointment to a Chaplaincy in the army, has led me since my return to make some enquiry in respect to its probable foundation; the result has fully confirmed me in my opinion of his innocence . During his ministry at Concord nothing of the kind was alledged against him by his enemies—& he had...
Since my last of the 6th. Instant there have been several Arrivals in France from America. I have Letters from Philda. of the 20th. June, tho’ none from Congress. The Advices are, that General Green has taken all the Enemy’s Out Posts in So. Carolina and Georgia, and that their Possession in those Provinces is reduc’d to Charlestown and Savannah. In North Carolina they also have Wilmington....
I returned about three weeks ago from a very useless voiage, useless, I mean, as to the object which first suggested it, that of trying the effect of the mineral waters of Aix en Provence on my hand. I tried these because recommended among six or eight others as equally beneficial, & because they would place me at the beginning of a tour to the seaports of Marseilles, Bourdeaux, Nantes &...