James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Ira Barton, 5 September 1822

To Ira Barton

Sepr. 5. 1822

J.M. with his respects to Mr. Barton returns the thanks for his Oration,1 which are due as well to its merits, as to the Politeness of Mr. B.2 in forwarding a Copy.

Draft (DLC).

1Ira Barton, An Oration, Delivered at Oxford, on the Forty-Sixth Anniversary of American Independence (Cambridge, Mass., 1822; Shoemaker 7968).

2Ira Barton (1796–1867) graduated from Brown University in 1819 and practiced law in Oxford, Massachusetts, 1822–34. In 1834 he moved to Worcester, where he served as judge of probate for Worcester County, 1836–44. He was a member of the state legislature several times (William A. Benedict and Hiram A. Tracy, History of the Town of Sutton, Massachusetts, from 1704 to 1876 … [Worcester, Mass., 1878], 600–601).

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