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Results 7731-7780 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I calld again this day at the office where a Bill given...
Your letter of the 7 th was recieved in due time. mr Perry is entitled to what we agreed to, not...
[ New York, June 15, 1795. On June 18, 1795, Wolcott wrote to Hamilton : “I have recd. your...
I have been honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 24th inclosing the Copy of a Letter From...
7735[Diary entry: 2 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
2. At the Convention. Dined at the Treasurer’s. At my Lodgings in the Evening.
You will probably recollect that previous to your departure from this place, anticipating the...
When the Movements of the Enemy made it much more than probable that an immediate Attack upon...
I enclose you a Quebec paper containing, an order of General Craig From the stile, and manner, of...
The order from your Excellency dated in Council this day, respecting the impressed horses, shall...
I have received your favours of the 12th and 16th. You express a desire in the former to make a...
Ports Amount received. Clerk hire charged Rent, Fuel, Stationery &c Nett amount of Emoluments....
Yours of the 24th January I had the Honour of receiving after the Assembly was adjourned to this...
Inclosed you will receive a Copy of the Act Impowering your Grandfather to sell certain Intaild...
In answer to your enquiries in behalf of Mr Custis and which you requested I would commit to...
For carrying into execution the provisions in that behalf made by the Act, entitled, “An Act...
I yesterday inclosed you the first halves of bank bills to the amount of fifteen hundred dollars....
I believe I am in arrears with you, for two or three Letters, which is owing in some measure to...
As your letter (& accot) to Mr Custis, was receivd by him posterior to the one written to me, &...
It has been my intention ever since I have been in this City which is fourteen days to have...
I was unwilling to ask a further Sum of money on account of the Mint until the Treasurer had...
Not knowing the names & residence of Presidents of Agricultural Societies in Virginia—I persuade...
Will thy good-nature excuse the freedom of a friendly enquiry after thy health? assured that a...
Agreeable to the orders of Thomas Jefferson Esq r late President of the United States of America...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A very particular & worthy friend of mine Mr Luard having...
The letter has been duly received which you addressed to the President of the United States,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le 10 de ce Mois J’ay eu l’honneur de vous prevenir que deux...
At the particular Request of Capt. Hunter, of this Place, I have set down to write Your...
The Secretary of State begs the favor of the Secretary of the Treasury to order a warrant to be...
Under the law which allows students, above 20 years of age, to "reside out of the precincts, in...
Brothers, Your Father the President of the United States having fully considered all that you...
Having an opportunity by Colo. Boon I take the liberty of calling to your mind your kindness in...
If the bearer Baren de Closen an aide de camp to Count Rochambeau, Should call at Mount Vernon, I...
Though I have not had the pleasure of an answer, owing to the multiplicity of your engagements,...
In reply to the communication we made to Mess. N. & J & R. Van Staphorst on the Subject of your...
7765General Orders, 18 June 1778 (Washington Papers)
Poor’s, Varnum’s & Huntington’s Brigades are to march immediately under the Command of Majr...
I have considered in the best manner my small knowledge in Architecture, & the peculiar situation...
Cette lettre, que je prends la liberté de vous adresser; est Ecrite Sous les auspices de Cette...
I avail myself of the opportunity afforded by Mr. Biddle to communicate to you a copy of a...
The Preliminaries, to be inserted, in the definitive Treaty of Peace, when the other belligerent...
I have the honour of your Letter of the 29th of July. I am much surprised to hear that the...
Two French Ladies, who have always Admired your Virtues, find themselves, by an Unlucky accident,...
The President having referred to me your petition on the capture of your vessel by the French...
L : University of Pennsylvania Library Many of the applicants for emigration during the period...
with the letter, and the associated papers from Mr Porter, and three from Gent. in Alexandria...
Your favour of the 27 th Dec r has this day come to hand, acknowledging the receipt of my two...
I wish you Joy, sir, of your new Abode. I hope you found, the Houses, Wharves &c. &c., in the...
I inclose you a paper containing a Memorial of the legislature of Misipi. to Congress respecting...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honour of writing to you the 17th. inst. but...
We are just closing our business this Evening, so that we may seperate in the Morning. Nothing...
I recieved yesterday your favor of Feb. 20. covering covering an acknolegement of the Cashier of...