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Results 7731-7780 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
7731 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 21 December … 1796-12-21 In obedience to the Resolutions of the Senate, passed on the 10th. of February and 16th. of March...
7732 Adams, John Warren, James From John Adams to James Warren, 12 May 1776 1776-05-12 Yours of Ap. 30. was handed me yesterday. My Writing So seldom to you, proceeds from Necessity...
7733 Adams, John Belen, A. From John Adams to A. Belen, 17 February 1800 1800-02-17 I pray you to present my thanks to the French lodge, held in this city for their obliging...
7734 Adams, John [April 8th. Wednesday 1778.] 1778-04-08 April 8th. Wednesday 1778. We rode through Orleans, and arrived at Paris about nine O Clock. For...
7735 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 30 May 1785 1785-05-30 I have redeemed a Moment, from a Multitude of Avocations, at this critical Time, to acknowledge...
7736 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Smith, 18 April 1764 1764-04-18 Three of our Company, have now the Small Pox upon them, Wheat, Badger, and Elderkin. We have seen...
7737 Adams, John 3 Monday. 1756-05-03 I was mistaken one Day in my reckoning. A pleasant Day. Spent the Evening and supped at Mr....
7738 Adams, John Dohrman, Arnold Henri From John Adams to Arnold Henri Dohrman, 16 May 1780 1780-05-16 I have recieved the Letter which You did me the Honor of writing to me, the 11th. of April, in...
7739 Adams, John Stoddert, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Stoddert, 29 August 1798 1798-08-29 Inclosed are Recommendations of John Cruft to be a Lieutenant in the Navy. He was mate of the...
7740 Adams, John Jackson, Jonathan From John Adams to Jonathan Jackson, 1 October 1785 1785-10-01 I am very much obliged to you for your Kind Letter, and to M r Higginson for his and intend to...
7741 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 8 December 1796 1796-12-08 Inclosed are Some Signal Accomplishments of Prophecies. Be cool and discreet in your...
7742 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 28 October 1775 1775-10-28 The Fall of Dr. Ch urc h, has given me many disagreable Reflections, as it places human Nature...
7743 Adams, John Adams, Hannah From John Adams to Hannah Adams, 27 August 1800 1800-08-27 I am sorry that your fathers engagements, as well as mine, prevaented me the pleasure of more of...
7744 Adams, John 1776. January 24. Wednesday. 1776-01-24 Began my Journey to Phildelphia, dined at C olonel Mifflins at Cambridge with G. Washington, and...
7745 Adams, John [1780. January 3. Monday.] 1780-01-03 1780. January 3. Monday. We rode to Astorga. We passed through the Town and Country of the...
7746 Adams, John Adams’ Minutes of the Testimony: Court of Vice … 1768-03-01 James Athern Esqr. Joshua Gardiner. Folger has entered and cleared Vessell I am concerned in to...
7747 Adams, John President of Congress From John Adams to the President of Congress, 3 May … 1781-05-03 On the first of May I went to the Hague, and wrote to his Excellency Peter Van Bleiswick Esqr....
7748 Adams, John Calkoen, Hendrik 23. To Hendrik Calkoen, 27 October 1780 1780-10-27 Question 25. Do they who have lost their Possessions and Fortunes by the War, endure it patiently...
7749 Adams, John Rush, Richard From John Adams to Richard Rush, 11 December 1814 1814-12-11 I have much pleasure in introducing to you Francis C. Gray Esqr a Son of our late Lt. Governor....
7750 Adams, John Monday August 14. 1769-08-14 Dined with 350 Sons of Liberty at Robinsons, the Sign of Liberty Tree in Dorchester. We had two...
7751 Adams, John 1773 July 16. 1773-07-16 Drank Tea at Dr. Coopers with Mr. Adams, Mr. S. Elliot, Mr. T. Chase, and with Mr. Miffling...
7752 Adams, John Engelbrecht, Jacob From John Adams to Jacob Engelbrecht, 9 June 1824 1824-06-09 I have deeply regretted my total incapacity to comply with your flattering request in your two...
7753 Adams, John Ingersoll, Jared, Jr. From John Adams to Jared Ingersoll, Jr., 9 December … 1819-12-09 I have received and read with pleasure, and with gratitude the Circular letter, and the Memorial...
7754 Adams, John Franklin, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Franklin and Thomas … 1785-06-03 I have now the honour to inform you that having shewn my Commission to the Right Honourable the...
7755 Adams, John Maury, James From John Adams to James Maury, 28 November 1815 1815-11-28 It is a long time, that I have owed you many thanks, for your civil attention in sending me...
7756 Adams, John Lee, Charles From John Adams to Charles Lee, 29 August 1797 1797-08-29 I received last evening your favor of the 19th & thank you for communicating to Mr John Read the...
7757 Adams, John Rush, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 24 June 1812 1812-06-24 The Decadency of Government is obvious, through the World and it is to be feared the cause of it...
7758 Adams, John Tuesday July 29th. 1766. 1766-07-29 At Boston—bought Gilberts Law of Evidence. Heard some Cases of Bastardy in the Sessions. William...
7759 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 28 January 1799 1799-01-28 In my solitude in Markett street, I find nothing so sociable as your Letters— those of 18 & 20...
7760 Adams, John Smith, John Adams From John Adams to John Adams Smith, 10 October 1808 1808-10-10 It gives me great pleasure to observe in your letter of the first of this month your increasing...
7761 Adams, John Braintree Decr. 18th. 1765. Wednesday. 1765-12-18 How great is my Loss, in neglecting to keep a regular Journal, through the last Spring, Summer,...
7762 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 18 December 1796 1796-12-18 I went Yesterday at 12 O Clock to the Presbyterian Meeting House in Market Street to hear D r...
7763 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 4 November 1775 1775-11-04 Have but Yesterday received yours of Octr. 21. Your Letters of the following Dates I have...
7764 Adams, John Jenings, Edmund From John Adams to Edmund Jenings, 20 January 1781 1781-01-20 I have just received your Favour of the 18th., and thank you for the good News. I dont believe...
7765 Adams, John Sewall, Jonathan From John Adams to Jonathan Sewall, October 1759 1759-10-01 Braintree, October 1759. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John...
7766 Adams, John XI. To Wilhem & Jan Willink and Nicolaas & Jacob van … 1785-10-06 On the other Leaf of this Sheet you have Copy of a Resolution of Congress of fourtenth of Feb y....
7767 Adams, John Sumner, William From John Adams to William Sumner, 2 June 1822 1822-06-02 Your favour of the 28 has been received with great pleasure. I pray you to present my most...
7768 Adams, John Salisbury, Nc., Grand Jury of From John Adams to Nc., Grand Jury of Salisbury, 10 … 1798-11-10 I thank you for an Address equally respectfull and affectionate, & for your generous approbation...
7769 Adams, John Putnam, Daniel From John Adams to Daniel Putnam, 5 June 1818 1818-06-05 I received Yesterday your kind Letter of the 23d of May with a Copy of your Letter to President...
7770 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 3 November 1809 1809-11-03 The black cloud that hung over the whole of the seven provinces; the solemn gloom that pervaded...
7771 Adams, John Otis, Col. James From John Adams to James Otis Sr., 23 November 1775 1775-11-23 I had the Honour of your Letter of Novr. the Eleventh, by Express, and am very Sorry to learn...
7772 Adams, John Jackson, Jonathan From John Adams to Jonathan Jackson, 8 November 1782 1782-11-08 In one of your Letters you Suppose that I have an open avowed Contempt of all Rank, give me leave...
7773 Adams, John Dumas, Charles William Frederic From John Adams to C. W. F. Dumas, 7 May 1781 1781-05-07 I have this moment received yours of 6th. I have no Objection against your Plan. I informed the...
7774 Adams, John Sumner, William From John Adams to William Sumner, 19 May 1823 1823-05-19 I thank you for the privilege of hearing read your manuscript dissertat concern the mil I...
7775 Adams, John Taylor, John From John Adams to John Taylor, 17 December 1814 1814-12-17 In your fifth page You Say “Mr. Adams calls our Attention to hundreds of wise and virtuous...
7776 Adams, John States General of the Netherlands John Adams to States General of the Netherlands, 2 July … 1784-07-02 Le Sousigné Ministre Plenipotentiaire des Etats Unis de L’Amerique, a l’honneur de prier Vos...
7777 Adams, John Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, 25 … 1819-06-25 With no less gratitude than astonishment I have received your Alcibiades,—and your Sons shall...
7778 Adams, John Warren, Mercy Otis From John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren, 30 August 1803 1803-08-30 I received, with much pleasure, late, the last evening your kind Letter of the 28th. of the...
7779 Adams, John Norton, Andrews From John Adams to Andrews Norton, 13 December 1819 1819-12-13 I have now read the Christian Disciple and the Review of Mr Stuarts Letters—I congratulate Mr...
7780 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 16 July 1776 1776-07-16 In a Letter from your Uncle Smith, and in another from Mr. Mason which I received by this days...