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Results 77221-77270 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
77221[Diary entry: 1 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Oct.—Monday—1st. Rid to all the Plantations—work as usual—except that the Plows at Dogue run were...
I recd the inclosed by the last Packet, from my Son, at Paris—He requests me, to present, to you,...
I have received & perused with much pleasure the remarks on the proposed Constitution for the...
I was greatly indebted to you for your Favour by Mr. Blair. I do not know whether I should be...
I had the honour of informing you some time ago that I had written to some of my friends in...
Mr. Jefferson, being informed that Monsieur le Comte de Buffon is absent, takes the liberty of...
[ Sedan, 1 [ Oct. ] 1787 . Recorded in SJL as dated 1 Sep. and received 4 Oct. 1787. TJ obviously...
This serves to advise you that I have drawn on you this day in favor of Mr. Grand, banker of...
772292d. (Adams Papers)
I have at length recovered my usual tone, and have been able this day to attend to business with...
You had every right my dear brother to believe that I was very inattentive not to have answered...
77231[Diary entry: 2 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 2d. Thermometer at 55 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 67 at Night. Cloudy in the Morning &...
77232[Diary entry: 2 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday. 2d. Rid to all the Plantations. Sent 2 Plows from Frenchs to Muddy hole—the other 2...
By the charming Polly Capt. Ellwood I forward you a perfect model of the plough which was sent to...
By the charming Polly Capt. Ellwood I send you patterns for the hearths of Chimneys which I beg...
I returned from Elizabeth Town Yesterday and this Morning received the enclosed Act of Congress...
May it please your Excellency to accept a Line from us as a Token of Respect from me . Methinks...
Je suis très sensible, Monsieur, de l’utilité majeure des procès, des machines &c. que vous avez...
London, 2 Oct. 1787 . Thanks TJ for his letter of 8 Aug. and the “paper which was inclosed,...
M. Daubenton a l’honneur d’assurer Monsieur Jefferton de ses respects. Il a reçu La lettre et la...
I have duly received the letter you did me the honor to inclose for America, but you have omitted...
772413d. (Adams Papers)
Continued in the first volume of Blackstone. In the course of my reading this day; I came across...
I thank you my dear Lucy, for writing by mr Jenks tho only a few Lines, but that was very...
It is with concern, that I do myself the Honour to inclose to your Lordship a Letter which I...
Still I am unable to give you satisfactory Information on the old and interesting Subject of your...
I enclose you the long expected production of the Convention. I am inclind to think you will deem...
77246[Diary entry: 3 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 3d. Thermometer at 62 in the Morning 70 at Noon & 67 at Night. Foggy Morning but clear...
77247[Diary entry: 3 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 3d. Went up with Mrs. Washington to Abingdon. Dined at Mr. Herberts in Alexa. on our...
By this time my dear Sir, you will have again renewed your attention to your domestic affairs,...
Still I am unable to give you satisfactory Information on the Subject you must wish to have old &...
Messrs. Cathalan presents their respects to his excelency Ths. Jefferson Esqr. and wait on him to...
I extremly regret that your departure for the Country prevents me and my Son to have the honor of...
I had received your favor of the 23d. of September two days ago. That of the 28th. and 29th. was...
772534th. (Adams Papers)
I this day concluded the first volume of my author: and employ’d all the afternoon in copying...
By mr̃ Cutting I have an opportunity of acknoleging the receipt of your favor of Sep. 10 th....
77255[Diary entry: 4 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Thursday. 4th. Thermometer at 50 in the Morning 60 at Noon and 60 at Night. Clear all day, Wind...
77256[Diary entry: 4 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 4th. Dined at Abingdon and came home afterwards. Brot. Fanny Washington with us. Found 2...
Your favor of the 28th Ulto got to me two days ago: I am particularly oblig’d to you for this...
The Secretary of the United States for the Department of foreign Affairs, to whom was referred a...
By Mr. Cutting I have an opportunity of acknoleging the receipt of your favor of Sep. 10th....
La Bonté avec laquelle vous avés repondu à La lettre que j’ai eu L’honneur De vous écrire L’année...
I am informed that the persons having claims against the state of South Carolina on account of...
The Bearer Mr. Stewart was an officer in our troops during the war and some time under my...
So many infidelities in the post offices are complained of since the rumors of war have arisen...
I had the honor to inclose you some time ago a letter from the hon. Jas. Maddison Jr. Esqr. of...
772655th. (Adams Papers)
After writing a few lines in my common place book, I took the second volume, of Blackstone, which...
Your obliging favour by captain Folger came safe to Hand, and brought me the agreeable...
77267[Diary entry: 5 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Friday 5th. Thermometer at 50 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 67 at Night. Clear all day with the...
77268[Diary entry: 5 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Friday 5th. Rid to all the Plantns. Havg. finished sowing rye 22½ Bls. at Dogue run, sent one...
Mr. Cathalan’s respects to his Excy. Th. Jefferson Esqr. The State of the Purchase appears to me...
I have now before me your several favors of Apr. 16. 26. and 30. and of May 9. and 29. and...