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Results 771-780 of 184,431 sorted by author
I am again safe arrived in this city after an absence of five weeks. By the last vessels I wrote Some of my Friends that I was going to visit Holland. That I had a desire to see that Country you will not wonder at, as one of those Theatres upon which my Partner and fellow traveller had exhibited some of his most important actions, and renderd to his country lasting Blessing. It has been the...
I have been determined for Several weeks to write to You, but one avocation after an other, has calld of my attention and prevented me. I was seizd with a voilent fever soon after my return, and confined to my bed during the absence of the President. he found me upon his return confined to my Chamber, and unable to leave it for some time.— Since my recovery I have enjoyd better Health, and...
The extreem heat of yesterday & the no less prospet of it this day, is beyond any thing I ever experienced in my Life the Glasses were at 90 in the Shade yesterday. tomorrow will be the 4 July, when if possible I must see thousands. I know not how it will be possible to get through. live here I cannot an other week unless a Change takes place in the weather you had as good be in an oven the...
I received Your kind favours of March 3. 5 7 & 9 th by the Thursday post. we have as great a famine here of News as their is of Bread in Europe. the chief Topick of conversation is the Georgia Lands. their Present Legislature have displayd state Sovereignty in its fullest extent; our wise Men were never before so Bubbled. our Wealthyest citizens are taken in to a vast amount, Mr Russel Barrel...
Sickness for three weeks past, has prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your Letter of Septr. the 11th. when I first addrest you , I little thought of entering into a correspondence with you upon political topicks. I will not however regret it, since it has led to some Elucidations and brought on some explanations, which place in a more favourable light occurrences which had wounded me....
I received your Letter of July 4 th. I was indeed so allarmd at the beginning of it, as scarcly to have power or fortitude to proceed. I thought the next line was to anounce to me the death of one, or other of our Children. happily that was not the case tho the affair which gave rise to your Letters is very destressing to me I thank God that it did not prove a fatal one. I know the candid and...
I presume my dear Lucy would be dissapointed if her cousin does not deliver her a line from her Aunt. Yet it is hardly fair to take up an exhausted pen to address a young Lady whose eager serch after knowledge entitles her to every communication in my power. I was in hopes to have visited several curiosities before your cousin left us; that I might have been able to have related them to my...
Brisler arrived last Evening and brought yours of May the 1 st I have not time to notice all I want to in it, I wish to know whether you would like that I should engage Daniel as coachman who drove you to Newyork when you get to House keeping, and what are the wages given. Tom we can never keep if we wish fer peace— would not the House out of Town be most agreeable to you and most for your...
After an absence of near four Months I returned, to this City the last week. I am disposed to renew my correspondence with you, if you can find leisure to attend it. The fraternal regard and affection which for many years subsisted between you and my sons is not lessned by time, or diminished by absence, but I trust has grown ripened, and matured by age, and like the Affection of your parents...
mr Black got here on thursday night. I was rejoiced to see him. it seemd next to being at home. I yesterday received your Letter of April 29th. I had heard before both of Sukys’ death and my dear little Mary’s. I felt hers the more sensibly, because she was more endeared to me from having been more with me than either of the other Children. my Heart is grieved for mr & Mrs smith who for this...