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Results 771-820 of 184,431 sorted by author
I am again safe arrived in this city after an absence of five weeks. By the last vessels I wrote...
I have been determined for Several weeks to write to You, but one avocation after an other, has...
The extreem heat of yesterday & the no less prospet of it this day, is beyond any thing I ever...
I received Your kind favours of March 3. 5 7 & 9 th by the Thursday post. we have as great a...
Sickness for three weeks past, has prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your Letter of...
I received your Letter of July 4 th. I was indeed so allarmd at the beginning of it, as scarcly...
I presume my dear Lucy would be dissapointed if her cousin does not deliver her a line from her...
Brisler arrived last Evening and brought yours of May the 1 st I have not time to notice all I...
After an absence of near four Months I returned, to this City the last week. I am disposed to...
mr Black got here on thursday night. I was rejoiced to see him. it seemd next to being at home. I...
I received your kind favour of the 5 th 7 th 8 th & 10th. what you mention with respect to the...
By Capt. Freeman who Sails on Sunday for England I embrace the opportunity of writing you a few...
I would not omit so good an opportunity as presents by Mr. Short, of continuing the...
I hope to receive some Letters from you this week, the date of the last was the 7 of March and...
The Mail is this day arrived, but not a Line have I got from you, nor have I heard a word from...
Yours of Jan’ ry 20 th reachd me the last post. there appears a universal pause. We do not get...
I received Your Letter of the 23 d this morning I should be glad You would inform me from time to...
Last evening col Forrest sent a servant with a Letter addrest to me, but upon opening it, I found...
I received from you two kind Letters which I have not yet acknowledged; I am surprized to find...
There is not any thing in this Life, now my Dear Friend is seperated from me, that can...
The kind reception I met with at your House, and the Hospitality with which you entertained me,...
I know not what could have become of a Letter written to You upon the 18 of December, that upon...
Tis a long time since I had the pleasure of a Letter from you. If you wrote to me by Capt. Davis...
I received yours of the 9 th and thank you for the excellent matter which it contained. Mr Shaw...
I received the Centinal last Evening and found by it that the two Houses were formed and that a...
I am ashamed to say how long it is Since I last wrote to You. I have received Your Letters to No...
In a Letter which came to me to Night you chide yourself for neglecting writing so frequently as...
Mr. Storers departure is delayed from day to day so that I fear he will have a dissagreeable time...
This, I hope, is the last letter which you will receive from me at Quincy. The funeral rites...
Taking up your paper yesterday morning, I was shockd at the Misrepresentation a Writer in your...
I sit down to write you this post, and from my present feelings tis the last I shall be able to...
I cannot begin my Letter by thanking you for yours. You write so seldom, that you, do not give me...
Thus far am I on my journey. I hope to reach East Chester on thursday Evening, and one day I must...
I wrote you by Capt. Cazneau a wedensday, but as the post will go to day I will not omit telling...
William Shaw brought me your Letter the day before Yesterday. I had learnt before, by the public...
I yesterday received your Letter of March 11 th it would give the President great satisfaction to...
your Letters by Captain Callihan did not come to hand untill the 7 th ult. and I embrace the...
Your Letter of June 13 th came duly to hand; if it had contained no other Sentiments and opinions...
I last Evening received Your favours of April 21, 23, 24 & 26 th . I think an other week will...
Mr Smith called upon me a few moments this forenoon & brought me your letter of May 9 th: . I...
I have taken up my pen again to relieve the anxiety of a Heart too susceptable for its own...
you judged right My Dear Madam, I do most sincerely rejoice in your prosperity and returning...
Your favour of june 17 was put into my Hands last Evening, and tho not realy intended for me, I...
yesterday mr Howard arrived here and brought me Letters from your Brother Thomas, and one from...
my Last Letter was written to you in Bed I write this from my chair, my fever is leaving me and I...
I received on Saturday the 7 th your Letter of June 4 th , inclosing those from, our Children,...
It was with great pleasure that I received by Captain Perkings from Rotterdam your Letter of the...
I inclose to you my sons Letters, which you will be so kind as to return safe to me again; as...
It is now a little more than two months since you left me. I have many hopes that you had a...
I received Letters dated about the middle of November from Mr. Adams, in which he was very urgent...