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Results 771-820 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
771 Moore, Matthew H. Madison, James Matthew H. Moore to James Madison, 17 February 1832 1832-02-17 My maternal Grand-father Samuel Dalton was a stock-holder in a land speculation company organized...
772 White, Edward D. Madison, James Edward D. White to James Madison, 16 February 1832 1832-02-16 E. D. White, a member from Louisa. begs leave to present his respects to Mr. Madison. He felt,...
773 Madison, James White, Edward D. James Madison to Edward D. White, 14 February 1832 1832-02-14 J. M. presents the thanks due for the "Remarks upon a Plan for the total abolition of slavery in...
774 Maury, James Madison, James James Maury to James Madison, 14 February 1832 1832-02-14 It is indeed with real concern that we have so frequently heard of your being harrassed with...
775 Madison, James Austin, James T. James Madison to James T. Austin, 6 February 1832 1832-02-06 I have recd. your letter of 19th. ulto. requesting "a communication of any facts connected with...
776 Madison, James Cornick, James James Madison to James Cornick, 31 January 1832 1832-01-31 I have received Sir your letter of the 27th and am sorry I can give no information on the Subject...
777 Cornick, James Madison, James James Cornick to James Madison, 27 January 1832 1832-01-27 I take the liberty of making a few enquires of you relative to a claim it is believed our family...
778 Madison, James Bates, Stephen James Madison to Stephen Bates, 24 January 1832 1832-01-24 I received long ago your interesting favor on the 31st of Oct with a pamphlet referred to, and I...
779 Madison, James Cutts, Richard James Madison to Richard Cutts, 23 January 1832 1832-01-23 Yours of the 15th. was duly recd. It being thought not amiss that you shd. know you were not...
780 Madison, James Daingerfield, John James Madison to John Daingerfield, 23 January 1832 1832-01-23 I have just recd. your letter of the 18th. At the request of Mr. Wm. F Taliaferro, I lately gave,...
781 Austin, James T. Madison, James James T. Austin to James Madison, 19 January 1832 1832-01-19 In a Biography of the late Vice President Gerry, which I published three years since, is...
782 Daingerfield, John Madison, James John Daingerfield to James Madison, 18 January 1832 1832-01-18 It is made necessary for us to shew that my mother was the only Heir of her Uncle Henry Willis,...
783 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 17 January 1832 1832-01-17 private I regret that my memory can give you no aid in yr. search for the fact in question. It is...
784 Gray, William F. Madison, James William F. Gray to James Madison, 17 January 1832 1832-01-17 Enclosed, I now have the pleasure of handing you the statement of my little acct. which you...
785 Sparks, Jared Madison, James Jared Sparks to James Madison, 17 January 1832 1832-01-17 I have this moment received your very obliging note of the 7th. instant. Yours of Nov. 25th. also...
786 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 12 January 1832 1832-01-12 Your favour of 2d. ult: was received in due time by the mail at this place. The copy of your...
787 Madison, James Burroughs, Charles James Madison to Charles Burroughs, 9 January 1832 1832-01-09 I have recd. Sir, the copy of the "Eulogium upon the late Chief Justice Ewing, by Governour...
788 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 8 January 1832 1832-01-08 I have been anxious ever since I left you to learn the state of your health. I have heard from...
789 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 8 January 1832 1832-01-08 Thinking it possible, my dear Sir, you may not wish others to see what I am now about to take the...
790 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 7 January 1832 1832-01-07 I have just discovered that in my letter of the 5th I overlooked your inquiry as to the accuracy...
791 Madison, James Sparks, Jared James Madison to Jared Sparks, 7 January 1832 1832-01-07 Having reason to beleive that several of my letters have miscarried during the casualties of the...
792 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 5 January 1832 1832-01-05 I find that there is due for taxes on some property of mine in Washington the amt. $90.50 cts—for...
793 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 5 January 1832 1832-01-05 I have received your letter of the 23d Decr. and am glad that the precaution of sending you a...
794 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 5 January 1832 1832-01-05 Your favor of the 2nd—was answered yesterday evening, & the answer went by this morning’s mail....
795 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 4 January 1832 1832-01-04 Your favor of the 2d—postmarked 3d—was received this morning, after the departure of the mail. I...
796 Billing, W. W. Madison, James W. W. Billing to James Madison, 3 January 1832 1832-01-03 I enclose an account for Taxes due the Corporation of Washington for the years 1830 and 1831...
797 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 2 January 1832 1832-01-02 Will a holograph Will without Witnesses , convey real estate in Washington according to the law...
798 Madison, James Paulding, James Kirke James Madison to James K. Paulding, 1 January 1832 1832-01-01 According to my promise I send you the enclosed Sketch. It was my purpose to have enlarged some...
799 Madison, James Rush, Richard James Madison to Richard Rush, December 1831 1831-12-01 I thank you my dear Sir for the kindly put under a cover to me. It derives particular interest...
800 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, December 1831 1831-12-01 Returned with the respects & thanks of The phenomenon referred to, if authentic and not explained...
801 Madison, James James Madison: Notes on nullification and the nature of … 1831-12-01 thinks it more desirable than probable that on discussing the urgent case of S. C, abstract...
802 Madison, James Gurley, Ralph Randolph James Madison to Ralph Randolph Gurley, 29 December … 1831-12-29 I received in due time your letter of the 21st Ult. and with due sensibility to the subject of...
803 Madison, James Michie, David James Madison to David Michie, 24 December 1831 1831-12-24 I have recd. your friendly letter of the 16th & am much obliged by the kind interest you take in...
804 Madison, James Sprague, William Buell James Madison to William B. Sprague, 24 December 1831 1831-12-24 I have recd your letter of the 12th and would cheerfully make a direct application for the...
805 Everett, Edward Madison, James Edward Everett to James Madison, 23 December 1831 1831-12-23 I have this day Your favor of the 21st, accompanied with a copy of a letter of the 14th Nov. The...
806 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 21 December 1831 1831-12-21 In my letter thanking you for the Copy of your address to the American Institute of New York I...
807 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 21 December 1831 1831-12-21 I return the Newspapers. The passage referred to is a sad sample of Pulpit authenticity, justice...
808 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 18 December 1831 1831-12-18 Yours of the 14th. with the printed communication is recd. It was not my object in the remarks on...
809 Michie, David Madison, James David Michie to James Madison, 16 December 1831 1831-12-16 I have thought the enclosed paper might give you perhaps, a better acct. of the Belgium & Holland...
810 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 14 December 1831 1831-12-14 Your letter & the Speech are recd.—Your signature on the frank indicated but too plainly the...
811 Sprague, William Buell Madison, James William B. Sprague to James Madison, 12 December 1831 1831-12-12 I fear you will think, and not without good reason, that I am presuming too much upon your...
812 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 10 December 1831 1831-12-10 My Rheumatism is very obstinate. It has baffled all my remedial adjustments including the oiled...
813 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 1 December 1831 1831-12-01 I return with my thanks the printed speech of Colo. Hayne on the 4th. of July last. It is blotted...
814 Griffith, Thomas Waters Madison, James Thomas W. Griffith to James Madison, 1 December 1831 1831-12-01 The acknowledgement of the receipt of my communication on the subject of the Constitution and...
815 Madison, James Rose, Hugh James Madison to H[ugh Francis] Rose, November 1831 1831-11-01 I have recd. yr. letr. of the 4th. The former one did not miscarry, and an answer wd not have...
816 Ringgold, Tench Madison, James Tench Ringgold to James Madison, 29 November 1831 1831-11-29 Immediately after the receipt of your kind letter I wrote to Mr Ludwell Lee on the subject...
817 Madison, James Ingersoll, Charles Jared James Madison to Charles J. Ingersoll, 28 November 1831 1831-11-28 confidential I have received my dear Sir your favor of with a copy of the address of the late...
818 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 28 November 1831 1831-11-28 I beg leave to enclose for your perusal a letter which I lately received from the Editor of the...
819 Madison, James Sparks, Jared James Madison to Jared Sparks, 25 November 1831 1831-11-25 I have received your favor of the 14th. instant. The simple question is whether the Draft sent by...
820 Gurley, Ralph Randolph Madison, James Ralph Randolph Gurley to James Madison, 21 November … 1831-11-21 You have, doubtless, observed, that public attention in Virginia, and other sections of our...