James Madison Papers

Matthew H. Moore to James Madison, 17 February 1832

Stokes County North Carolina February 17th 1832

Dr Sir

My maternal Grand-father Samuel Dalton was a stock-holder in a land speculation company organized some seventy or eighty years ago probably—Some of the heirs of said Samuel Dalton decd. attended in Richmond on the 6th of Demr last; [they having been requested by advertisement in the Richmond Enquirer to do so] and report as I understand since their return that you have a transfer of said Samuel Dalton’s interest in said company—It is supposed by my mother that when her father removed from Virginia southardly he made you this transfer to collect for him as his friend when any thing should be ready for distribution to the members of said company—

Any information you may feel yourself at liberty to give relative to this transfer, and the value of said S. Daltons claim at this day will be thankfully received by one politically at least Your sincere friend & wellwisher

Matt. H. Moore

N. B. I understand that my paternal Grandfather John Moore was also a tockholder in said company if so will you be so very good as to give such information as you may have relative to his interest &C— 

RC (DLC). Enclosed in Gabriel Moore to JM, 28 Feb. 1832.

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