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Results 771-800 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
My maternal Grand-father Samuel Dalton was a stock-holder in a land speculation company organized...
E. D. White, a member from Louisa. begs leave to present his respects to Mr. Madison. He felt,...
J. M. presents the thanks due for the "Remarks upon a Plan for the total abolition of slavery in...
It is indeed with real concern that we have so frequently heard of your being harrassed with...
I have recd. your letter of 19th. ulto. requesting "a communication of any facts connected with...
I have received Sir your letter of the 27th and am sorry I can give no information on the Subject...
I take the liberty of making a few enquires of you relative to a claim it is believed our family...
I received long ago your interesting favor on the 31st of Oct with a pamphlet referred to, and I...
Yours of the 15th. was duly recd. It being thought not amiss that you shd. know you were not...
I have just recd. your letter of the 18th. At the request of Mr. Wm. F Taliaferro, I lately gave,...
In a Biography of the late Vice President Gerry, which I published three years since, is...
It is made necessary for us to shew that my mother was the only Heir of her Uncle Henry Willis,...
private I regret that my memory can give you no aid in yr. search for the fact in question. It is...
Enclosed, I now have the pleasure of handing you the statement of my little acct. which you...
I have this moment received your very obliging note of the 7th. instant. Yours of Nov. 25th. also...
Your favour of 2d. ult: was received in due time by the mail at this place. The copy of your...
I have recd. Sir, the copy of the "Eulogium upon the late Chief Justice Ewing, by Governour...
I have been anxious ever since I left you to learn the state of your health. I have heard from...
Thinking it possible, my dear Sir, you may not wish others to see what I am now about to take the...
I have just discovered that in my letter of the 5th I overlooked your inquiry as to the accuracy...
Having reason to beleive that several of my letters have miscarried during the casualties of the...
I find that there is due for taxes on some property of mine in Washington the amt. $90.50 cts—for...
I have received your letter of the 23d Decr. and am glad that the precaution of sending you a...
Your favor of the 2nd—was answered yesterday evening, & the answer went by this morning’s mail....
Your favor of the 2d—postmarked 3d—was received this morning, after the departure of the mail. I...
I enclose an account for Taxes due the Corporation of Washington for the years 1830 and 1831...
Will a holograph Will without Witnesses , convey real estate in Washington according to the law...
According to my promise I send you the enclosed Sketch. It was my purpose to have enlarged some...
I thank you my dear Sir for the kindly put under a cover to me. It derives particular interest...
Returned with the respects & thanks of The phenomenon referred to, if authentic and not explained...