Thomas Jefferson Papers

Edmund Bacon to Thomas Jefferson, 11 September 1822 (1st letter)

From Edmund Bacon

11th Sepr 1822

Deare sir.

In my arrangements of my moove I have considerd to make you a propersition respecting the money due to John Bacon. I have a waggon and several horses to buy and altho I should be Obliged to pay a much higher price than if I had cash to perchase with yet for your accomodation I expect I can procure those articles by giveing orders on you payable in as short a time as can be possoble for you to appoint. the sooner you can pay the cheaper I can purchase. I had it in contemplation before I recieved your note yesterday to ask you to let Joe Iron a waggon for me which would be worth $40 which he & his striker could do in 10 days and that you could also furnish the Iron on terms of 12 months credit. this would enable you to pay 80 or 100$ of the above bond. I dont wish to be trouble some to you in the least. I only propose such things as I consider to your interest and confess it is more sootable to get so much of my arrangements done at home as I can than to go else whare. I am to see a man to day about a waggon & team and would tharefore be very thankfull if you could say the earliest hour you could enable me to draw on you on acct John Bacons bond on you. I am really disposed to do nothing against your wish & interest. but if I leave any of my affairs unsettleed here it may cost me more trouble than my situation will admit. all my relations even my old mother is going with me.

sincerly yours &C

E Bacon

RC (MHi); dateline at foot of text; addressed: “Mr Jefferson”; with canceled notation by Bacon on address leaf: “Mr Randolph.”

No note from TJ to Bacon around this time is recorded in SJL and none has been found.

Index Entries

  • Bacon, Edmund; and horses and mules search
  • Bacon, Edmund; and wagons search
  • Bacon, Edmund; family of search
  • Bacon, Edmund; letters from search
  • Bacon, Edmund; letters to accounted for search
  • Bacon, Edmund; plans to move west search
  • Bacon, Edmund; TJ’s promissory note to search
  • Bacon, John; promissory note assigned to search
  • Bacon, Mary Anne Williamson; moves to Ky. search
  • Fossett, Joseph (Joe) (TJ’s slave; b.1780); as blacksmith search
  • horses; and E. Bacon search
  • iron; for wagons search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; promissory notes to E. Bacon search
  • slaves; as blacksmiths search
  • wagons; mentioned search