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Results 7701-7710 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have not written you for several days, you will easily suppose my time much occupied by having Mrs Johnson, & now our Boston friends here and making preparation to go away. Mrs Johnson will go tomorrow or Tuesday. Mrs Smith on Friday. Thursday will be my last public dinner. Mr & Mrs Stevens can tell you what a crow’d we had on friday evening. The rooms and entry were full, and so hot as to...
after I had closed my Letter Yesterday, I received Yours of the 28th. the Garden seeds are in a small Wooden Box in the garret Chamber over the best Chamber, made for the purpose of Securing them from the mice. the Box is locked and Mrs Porter has the Key, tho she may have forgotten it, it is a long Box unpainted I should like much to have a passage to the Kitchin from the entry; my intention...
This will be delivered to you, by our friend, Mrs. Smith, who will pass you, on her way to New-York; she is determined to call, and ask you how you are. Since I wrote you last, some changes have taken place. The Secretary of war has resigned, and General Marshal, is nominated in his place. I fear, however, that he will not be prevailed upon to accept the appointment; such times are approaching...
A long interval has gone by since the date of my last to you, but I have received nothing from you in the course of it. Not a vessel has arrived here from Hamburg for several months and none of your letters later than the beginning of December have reached this Country. We know that in consequence of the severity of the past winter, the navigation of the Elbe was obstructed for many weeks,...
Mr Smith called upon me a few moments this forenoon & brought me your letter of May 9 th: . I received the former in due order. General Marshall is nominated Secretary of State, Mr Dexter Secretary of War in lieu of General Marshall promoted, further I say not, sensations of various kinds will undoubtedly be felt and many reflections no doubt be cast, yet so it is. You know the resolution has...
We are still without Letters from You. the Secretary of State received one dated in December; but no private Letter has reached any of your Family of a later Date than early in Nov’ br , now six Months. I have noticed by the last English papers that many Mails were due from Hamburgh. I fear that Letters from You have been intercepted, or stoped. I have written to You a Number of times since I...
It was my intention immediately after our late Election to have acquainted you with the expectations that might be relied upon from its result, and also to have informed you of the conduct of the principal Agents who projected and supported it; a serious indisposition however frustrated this intention— From the public prints you will have discovered that the Election here is now decided, and...
I received yesterday your letter and package by Capt. White, and have received the account of the last resolution of the house to disband the army. I think the jacobins have now reason to exult, at out-manœuvering the federalists, as it appears they do upon every occasion. The federalists deserve every thing that will happen to them for their apathy. The next thing I expect to hear is that...
you judged right My Dear Madam, I do most sincerely rejoice in your prosperity and returning happiness, which to my frequent Sorrow, I saw often overshadowd by an anxious and distressed mind during your late visit; it was a silent unobtruding grief which renderd it the more affecting; nor were the gratefull feelings of Your Heart less intresting, upon an occasion which gave more pleasure to...
I received Yesterday your kind and Friendly Letter for which accept my thanks. the interest you have taken from the best of motives in what you conceive to be the happiness and prosperity of the Country is deserving well of it. when plans were so deeply lade so deliberately carried into Execution, names so well known & so dear to very many of the inhabitants of your state & city, Men whom they...