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Results 7701-7730 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have not written you for several days, you will easily suppose my time much occupied by having Mrs Johnson, & now our Boston friends here and making preparation to go away. Mrs Johnson will go tomorrow or Tuesday. Mrs Smith on Friday. Thursday will be my last public dinner. Mr & Mrs Stevens can tell you what a crow’d we had on friday evening. The rooms and entry were full, and so hot as to...
after I had closed my Letter Yesterday, I received Yours of the 28th. the Garden seeds are in a small Wooden Box in the garret Chamber over the best Chamber, made for the purpose of Securing them from the mice. the Box is locked and Mrs Porter has the Key, tho she may have forgotten it, it is a long Box unpainted I should like much to have a passage to the Kitchin from the entry; my intention...
This will be delivered to you, by our friend, Mrs. Smith, who will pass you, on her way to New-York; she is determined to call, and ask you how you are. Since I wrote you last, some changes have taken place. The Secretary of war has resigned, and General Marshal, is nominated in his place. I fear, however, that he will not be prevailed upon to accept the appointment; such times are approaching...
A long interval has gone by since the date of my last to you, but I have received nothing from you in the course of it. Not a vessel has arrived here from Hamburg for several months and none of your letters later than the beginning of December have reached this Country. We know that in consequence of the severity of the past winter, the navigation of the Elbe was obstructed for many weeks,...
Mr Smith called upon me a few moments this forenoon & brought me your letter of May 9 th: . I received the former in due order. General Marshall is nominated Secretary of State, Mr Dexter Secretary of War in lieu of General Marshall promoted, further I say not, sensations of various kinds will undoubtedly be felt and many reflections no doubt be cast, yet so it is. You know the resolution has...
We are still without Letters from You. the Secretary of State received one dated in December; but no private Letter has reached any of your Family of a later Date than early in Nov’ br , now six Months. I have noticed by the last English papers that many Mails were due from Hamburgh. I fear that Letters from You have been intercepted, or stoped. I have written to You a Number of times since I...
It was my intention immediately after our late Election to have acquainted you with the expectations that might be relied upon from its result, and also to have informed you of the conduct of the principal Agents who projected and supported it; a serious indisposition however frustrated this intention— From the public prints you will have discovered that the Election here is now decided, and...
I received yesterday your letter and package by Capt. White, and have received the account of the last resolution of the house to disband the army. I think the jacobins have now reason to exult, at out-manœuvering the federalists, as it appears they do upon every occasion. The federalists deserve every thing that will happen to them for their apathy. The next thing I expect to hear is that...
you judged right My Dear Madam, I do most sincerely rejoice in your prosperity and returning happiness, which to my frequent Sorrow, I saw often overshadowd by an anxious and distressed mind during your late visit; it was a silent unobtruding grief which renderd it the more affecting; nor were the gratefull feelings of Your Heart less intresting, upon an occasion which gave more pleasure to...
I received Yesterday your kind and Friendly Letter for which accept my thanks. the interest you have taken from the best of motives in what you conceive to be the happiness and prosperity of the Country is deserving well of it. when plans were so deeply lade so deliberately carried into Execution, names so well known & so dear to very many of the inhabitants of your state & city, Men whom they...
It was highly gratifying to M r. Vaughan and myself to find by General Dearborn that we still retained a place in the memory of yourself & the President; tho’ we live retired we wish not to be forgotten by those we love & esteem. I do not wonder that you & the President should be surprized at our being able to fill up our time without Politics or dissipation, but when you recollect that we...
Receiv’d of M rs Adams one hundred dollars in Payment for a Portrait painted by me RC ( Adams Papers ). For Stuart’s portrait of AA , see Descriptive List of Illustrations, No. 6, above.
The several Matters mention’d in your last, have been attended to, so far as Circumstances would permit. The Rocks in the mowing Land, have been like to a powerful Enemy hard to conquer, it has required much of your Resolution to remove them from their strong Holds. To forward Business they were drilld in the Winter, as soon as the Ground became open, they were blown. one Blast made way for a...
The rain comeing on the morning I left Bristol, I reachd Vantilburys about noon & remaind there untill Yesterday Mor’g when I procceeded to Brunswick. Soon after I got there the col & Major Ripley arrived, and informd me that Mrs smith would expect me to dinner. we accordingly sit out and got here about 2 oclock. the col was not able to be absent as Gen’ ll Hamilton was on his way to Camp—and...
I reachd this city in good Health last Evening I have not felt dissagreable at any place upon my Journey through absence of any Gentleman attendent, except at this North River I found a Boat just going off. with several Horses and chaises on Board, my own Carriage could not go. I saw none but Irishmen by their Tongues going on Board, decent looking people however. the ferryman appeard civil...
The latest letters I have had the pleasure of receiving from you are of January 5. and Feb y: 8. But M r: Paleske has arrived at London on his way hither, and I expect to see him here in the course of a few days— He informs me that he has letters for me from you. A longer time has elapsed since I wrote you last than I can apologize for with propriety; it is possible that at some future day I...
By Major Toussard, we had the pleasure to hear of your being at Scotch plains in health, and of your being escorted a few miles from thence by some of the officers. By a letter from Malcom, […] heard of your arrival at N York, & of your intention to leave that city on Saturday Morn. I presume by the time, this can reach Brookfield, you will be there— I shall direct it, under cover to Mr....
detained here by a cold North East rain, I write to inform You I am thus far on My journey to Quincy 100 44 miles from Philadelphia which I left this Day week in the afternoon; I tarried one day in Nyork and have taken Little susan on with me— I went to the incampment upon scotch plains and lodged one night in the col’s Log House, which I found quite a comfortable habitation. Mrs smith was...
I humble myself in dust and ashes to confess that I must at one and the same time acknowledge the receipt of seven letters from you—viz—of 26 and 30. October and 29. December 1799—of 31. Jany: original and duplicate of 1. and 25. Feby: of the current year— But as if you had meant to make my responsibility less burthensome to me the numbers are not regularly noted— For N. 12 is repeated; and...
On my return last evening from a short journey into the interior of this State, I received your favor of April 7 th: accompanied with No 10 of Le Precis militaire. The two last preceding Numbers have not yet come to hand, nor any letter of a later date than December 3. From my brother I have no accounts so late as from yourself. Just before my departure from the City, I rec d: a letter from M...
I this day received a letter from my Mother enclosing one from you to her dated in April in which you express so much interest in my situation, that I am induced to endeavour if possible to eface from your mind some of the disagreeable impressions which may be made upon it, by your ideas of a Camp Life— Coll n Smith has ever been attached to a Military Life and whenever his Country has...
I returned to the City the night before last on the 18 th: day after my departure. My Father sat off on Tuesday and I found the house turned inside out. My own things were carefully packed up by M r: Briesler and yesterday I had them removed to my lodgings in the same family that I was with last year. M r: Briesler & family will be ready to sett out on Tuesday and will leave the house in good...
Before I left Philadelphia, I wrote you, expecting the letter would overtake you at Brookfield. The rain on monday prevented our leaving the city till Tuesday, as we had previously intended. The great rains, which they have had this way, have made the roads very bad— they are ploughed up, by the heavy loaded German waggons, exactly like the corn fields in New-England, and you might with equal...
Mr Gore came out this afternoon to see me; and informd me that Mr Dexter proposed to sit out tomorrow for Washington. by him I embrace the earliest opportunity of informing you of my safe arrival at Quincy on Saturday the last Day of May; in good health tho Something fatigued I got on very well, met with no accident, Horses all in good order. I found our Friends here well. the Hill looks very...
The last letter I wrote you was from Frederick Town. I should have written to you more frequently, while on the road and sooner after our arrival in this city, had it not been for the concourse of people, from the time of his reaching entering, till he left a house, which continnually surrounded the P——t, and which, in this warm weather, was infinitely more fatigueing than his journey. We...
I have not taken my pen to write you a line before since my return, tho I have daily intended it. You know I Must necessarily have many avocations upon first comeing home, beside the constant interruptions from company; I was happy to learn as I did a few days since by Your Letter of June the 1 st that You had returnd in safety to the city improved in health. God grant that it May be continued...
M r: Paleske arrived here a few days after I wrote you last, and delivered me your letter and the pamphlets together with the dispatches from the Secretary of State, and the letters to my wife; which were extremely acceptable to her, as she had been so long without hearing from her parents. I was much gratified by your anecdotes respecting the proceedings in the Senate upon the Treaty— The...
I rec d your favour of the 2 d by M r Dexter and this morning from M r Gerry an account of your health on the 4 th , which have relieved me from Some anxiety as I had rec d no Letter from you Since you were in N. York. I have seen many Cities and fine Places since you left me and particularly Mount Vernon. M rs Washington and her whole Family very kindly enquired after your health and all your...
This morning I had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 12 th: inst t: and am happy to learn your safe arrival at the hospitable mansion, where I fervently hope, you and my Father, may enjoy days & years of tranquil life. For my own sake & for the sake of all my family, it would, I believe, be a happy circumstance, if there should be no further occasion for either of my parents leaving...
Your letter by M r: Paleske of 28 Feb y: though short gave me great pleasure as it was so long since I had enjoyed that of seeing your hand-writing— I have indeed no right to expect that you should have leisure to write me at large upon any subject, and know that a free communication of your sentiments cannot be indulged, upon public topics.— With regard to private concerns it more properly...