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Results 7701-7750 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have not written you for several days, you will easily suppose my time much occupied by having...
after I had closed my Letter Yesterday, I received Yours of the 28th. the Garden seeds are in a...
This will be delivered to you, by our friend, Mrs. Smith, who will pass you, on her way to...
A long interval has gone by since the date of my last to you, but I have received nothing from...
Mr Smith called upon me a few moments this forenoon & brought me your letter of May 9 th: . I...
We are still without Letters from You. the Secretary of State received one dated in December; but...
It was my intention immediately after our late Election to have acquainted you with the...
I received yesterday your letter and package by Capt. White, and have received the account of the...
you judged right My Dear Madam, I do most sincerely rejoice in your prosperity and returning...
I received Yesterday your kind and Friendly Letter for which accept my thanks. the interest you...
It was highly gratifying to M r. Vaughan and myself to find by General Dearborn that we still...
Receiv’d of M rs Adams one hundred dollars in Payment for a Portrait painted by me RC ( Adams...
The several Matters mention’d in your last, have been attended to, so far as Circumstances would...
The rain comeing on the morning I left Bristol, I reachd Vantilburys about noon & remaind there...
I reachd this city in good Health last Evening I have not felt dissagreable at any place upon my...
The latest letters I have had the pleasure of receiving from you are of January 5. and Feb y: 8....
By Major Toussard, we had the pleasure to hear of your being at Scotch plains in health, and of...
detained here by a cold North East rain, I write to inform You I am thus far on My journey to...
I humble myself in dust and ashes to confess that I must at one and the same time acknowledge the...
On my return last evening from a short journey into the interior of this State, I received your...
I this day received a letter from my Mother enclosing one from you to her dated in April in which...
I returned to the City the night before last on the 18 th: day after my departure. My Father sat...
Before I left Philadelphia, I wrote you, expecting the letter would overtake you at Brookfield....
Mr Gore came out this afternoon to see me; and informd me that Mr Dexter proposed to sit out...
The last letter I wrote you was from Frederick Town. I should have written to you more...
I have not taken my pen to write you a line before since my return, tho I have daily intended it....
M r: Paleske arrived here a few days after I wrote you last, and delivered me your letter and the...
I rec d your favour of the 2 d by M r Dexter and this morning from M r Gerry an account of your...
This morning I had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 12 th: inst t: and am happy to learn...
Your letter by M r: Paleske of 28 Feb y: though short gave me great pleasure as it was so long...
Perhaps you will be surprized when you find a Letter directed to you in this Character from...
I enclose you a receipt from Watson for your last p r of Pentaloons, and M r: Lynch’s receipt for...
I received two days ago your N: 16. dated the 11 th: of May. which you gave to M r: Treat, with...
On the 23 d of June I wrote You a Letter, and one to your Father, addressing it to him in...
I have not received a letter from you since I left you. As I hear nothing of the epidemic in...
I cannot send you a duplicate without adding a line to it; for there is a pleasure in knowing...
I received Your kind Letter by mr Peabody and thank You most Sincerely for it; I did not know...
I had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 12 th: , this morning, enclosing a letter from my...
7739Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
“To morrow morning we set out upon our tour into Silesia, where you shall accompany us if you...
As I have bespoke your company, upon our journey into Silesia, I begin this letter at our first...
Yesterday morning early we took our departure from Freystadt, & came to this place; a distance of...
At the close of my last letter I left you, in a cool refreshing shade, in the view of the...
The reason, which induces travellers, who purpose a visit to the Riesenkoppe, to pass the night...
Since our return to this place we have indulged ourselves with a few days of rest. The morning...
From the cloister at Grussau (the day before yesterday) we returned to dine with M r Ruck at...
The shortness of my paper, & of my time yesterday abridged my discription of the natural ruins at...
As I have been rather unwell lately from the fatigue of my journey I have neglected my journal so...
I continue to number my letters, although the series containing our Silesian tour is closed, so...
I suppose you flatter yourself, that having more than three months ago got safely out of Silesia,...
Your kind favor of the 14 th: has been some days in hand— I thank you for your tender solicitude...