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Results 7701-7730 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have to acknowledg the receipt of Several Letters from you, together with Demourier Memoirs;...
J’espere que les Lettres d’Amérique, que je vous ai acheminées il y a quelque temps, vous sont...
Nous savons ici, par Lettres de Hambourg du 25 du passé, que Mr. Votre fils, après S’y être...
Your Letter of Sep’br th 11 came safe to hand, and I was well pleasd With the account you give me...
The Secretary of State has the honor to lay before the President of the United States, letters...
The Spirritted resolves of the Dutch alters the Face of the War. Russia and Holland with the...
I believe our Legislatures when they made the House tax were not aware of the trouble attendant...
Your Letter of the 30 th arrived here on Saturday so that tomorrow’s Post is the first by which...
The Campaign of Summer diseases being opened,—and my duties calling me at all hours of the day...
I have received your line with an inclosure the 24th. ultimo, wrote to the partys, and am now...
A Vessel that left Annapolis in Virginia arrived at this port yesterday. The English under Col....
About a week before I recieved your favor of Dec. 30. the 22 d N o of the North American review...
I hope not, I dare Say more, I am confident, you deem it not an intrusion, when I write you So...
In the last Letter with which you favoured me, you expressed a hope “that you should soon find me...
Your favor of the 4th. inst. came to hand yesterday. I now inclose you the two Arrets against the...
My friend Mr Morton informs me, that you wish a few more copies of Novanglus &c, to distribute...
The proceedings of the Convention being this day published, I embrace the Oppertunity of...
Captain John Endicott performed yesterday his promise of the Pears. He observed that they were...
Depuis bien du temps jay fait des recherches inutiles sur la partie de la terre que vous...
Your favour of July 16. came duly to hand by Mr. Trumbul. With respect to the whale oil, tho’...
I have been highly gratified with the manner, in which your State in particular & the Continent...
The Honble. John Adams Esqr. to Saml. Cook Dr. 1775 Augst. 24th. To Boarding your Lady & Self 3...
It is sometime since I had the pleasure of addressing you but as I know it will not be...
Since I wrote you by the post on last Thursday, Nothing very material has taken place here. Two...
This Morning your Vigalent and invariable Friend wrote you a long letter which makes it...
I this Evening Received Your two Letters of july 10 and 11, and last Evening the Post brought me...
This day has been our May meeting and without clubs or even Drunkeness, tho we have little purity...
Yes! my Dear Sir, was my mind sufficiently strong, or capacious, to understand, or even to...
We are honored by your Excellency’s respected Favor of 1 st. Ins t: with an Enclosure from the...
J’apprens dans ce moment que Mr Vausse de souche, Colon de st Domingue part à l’instant pour...