From Benjamin Franklin to John Adams, 15 March 1784
To John Adams
ALS: Massachusetts Historical Society
Passy, March 15. 1784.
We have lately received a Letter from the Secretary of Congress,1 of which I enclose a Copy, accounting for the Delay of the Ratification; & we have sent a Copy of it to Mr. Laurens,2 who being on the Spot can easily negociate an Agreement to extend the Term if necessary; but I imagine it can hardly occasion any Difficulty, since the Ratification will certainly be made, seven States being unanimously for it, and the Delay was only occasion’d by Accidents unforeseen & unavoidable.
I send herewith a Packet & two Letters left with me for you, which I hope will come safe to hand. I have the honour to be Sir Your Excelly’s most obedient & most humble Servant
B Franklin
His Excellency John Adams Esqr
1. [Mifflin] to the American commissioners, Jan. 5: XLI, 407–8.
2. BF enclosed it in his letter of March 12[-13], above.