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Results 7651-7660 of 184,431 sorted by author
7651London Thursday March 30. (Adams Papers)
Presented Mr. Hamilton to the Queen at the Drawing Room. Dined at Mr. Paradices. Count Warranzow Woronzow and his Gentleman and Chaplain, M. Sodorini the Venetian Minister, Mr. Jefferson, Dr. Bancroft, Coll. Smith and my Family. Went at Nine O Clock to the French Ambassadors Ball, where were two or three hundred People, chiefly Ladies. Here I met the Marquis of Landsdown and the Earl of...
I had, yesterday, the Honour of your Letter of the 20th. of May, and I read it, with all that Pleasure, which We feel on the Revival of an old Friendship when We meet a Friend, whom, for a long Time We have not Seen. You do me great Honour, sir, in expressing a Pleasure at my Appointment to the Bench; but be assured that no Circumstance relating to that Appointment has given me So much...
The papers from the Accountant of the War office, which accompany this, are referred by the President of the U:S to the Secretary of the Treasury for his opinion & report, concerning the proper course to be taken in these cases. The President refers a petition of Richard Graham for a pardon, to the Secretary of the Treasury for his opinion & report. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
In several of the London Newspapers of July 26th. appeared the following paragraph. “An order has been sent from Lord Hillsborough’s Office for bringing Curson and Governieur, whom We sometime ago mentioned to have been confined by Command of Sir George Rodney and General Vaughan for having carried on a traiterous Correspondence with the Enemy at St. Eustatia, to Town to be confined in Newgate...
I have your favour of 1st Feb with your 5 volumes. The dedication needs no apology. In your account of my Ancestors there are two errors. My Great Grand mothers names was Abigail Baxter, not mary. I gave you this misinformation from confused traditionary memory. but I have since found her grave stone, in our Church yard beside that of her husband. the name was Abigail. The second error was is...
7656May 12. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Dined, at Mr. Dupré’s, at the Montagne. The Gardens and the Prospect are very fine. It lies adjoining to the Seat of the President of the Parliament of Paris. We met his Lady, who desired the Gentlemen to shew Us the Place, but not the Whole, for she wished to enjoy our Company, there, at her own Invitation, and she chose to reserve a Part of the Curiosities of the Place as an Inducement to Us...
76571783 June [8]. (Adams Papers)
Went to Versailles on the Day of Pentecôte.
I have received your favour, and thank you for it—I should have written to you before but St Anthony has sent his subtarranan fires into my eyes— so that I have not been able to write or read—a word.—The little sparring at my table was alltogether my fault, and I ask your pardon; I did not give the opinion as my own but as the general opinion of this part of the Country—The facts as generally...
7659[August 1774] (Adams Papers)
The committee for the Congress took their departure from Boston, from Mr. Cushing’s house, and rode to Coolidge’s, where they dined in company with a large number of gentlemen, who went out and prepared an entertainment for them at that place. A most kindly and affectionate meeting we had, and about four in the afternoon we took our leave of them, amidst the kind wishes and fervent prayers of...
In 1774, I became acquainted with MacKean, Rodney, and Henry. Those three appeared to me to see more clearly to the End of the Biussiness than any others of the whole body. At least, they were more candid and explicit with me than any others. Mr. Henry was in Congress only in 1774, and a small part of 1775. He was called home by his State, to take care a military Command. mackean Rodney...